Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Person of Interest - Season 3 - Comic-Con Reel

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Person of Interest - Season 3 - Comic-Con Reel

21 Jul 2013

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  1. Justyna Kubica21 July 2013 at 11:10


    This is extraordinary! Things are about to change. Big time!

  2. Love how they are tying reality into the show!

  3. InvestedInYourFuture21 July 2013 at 12:45

    Well gotta give it to them - not always do you get the chance to market upon your scifi being reality :P

  4. The machine being set free was a game changer, curious to see how it will play out. Has the machine really chosen Root or is it in her hear? It did call her at the end of the season..

    Loved the flashback to young Harold and Root with her shrink. Wasn't expecting these new scenes when they only started shooting season 3 a short while ago!

  5. Haha! Yes, that's certainly true! :D

  6. Harkanwar Singh21 July 2013 at 14:43

    true that!
    Although if NSA had used a machine it would have the exact same problems as in POI

  7. That was one hell of an entertaining sizzle reel.

  8. OMG don't tease me like this

  9. Dang that was nice. I absolutely love how they took footage from the news coverage of the NSA scandal and tied it into the Machine. That was awesome. And Root actually being scared of something, the something being the Machine no less. Who would have thunk it? Can't wait for season 3!

  10. Love the glove snap. So please that the Female John (sorry I've forgotten her name) will be a regular next season. I love her. I hope it doesn't mean we have to lose anyone.

    This reel is freaking awesome.

  11. I'm really love this show *-*


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