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MOVIES - Veronica Mars - Max Greenfield joins the cast

19 Jul 2013

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Rob Thomas has just confirmed that Max Greenfield has joined the cast to reprise his role as Leo D'Amato.

During the original series, Deputy Leo – like Vinnie Van Lowe and Dick Casablancas – was only supposed to be a one-time guest star, but when the writing staff discovered someone they wanted to write for, we found reasons to bring that actor back.

We brought Max back a lot.

Now, in one of the worst kept secrets in Hollywood, I’m pleased to confirm that Max Greenfield will be reprising his role as Leo D'Amato in Veronica Mars.


  1. Yay! Brilliant, i'm so excited for this.

  2. Justyna Kubica19 July 2013 at 15:29

    Yay, brilliant addition!

  3. I thought this was confirmed weeks ago...?
    My bad...


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