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Graceland - 1.05 - O-Mouth - Preview

11 Jul 2013

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Graceland airs Thursdays at 10/9 C on USA Network

If there's one thing Graceland is good at, it knows how to stick the landing. This episode is no exception. While it starts off slow, it ends with a 1-2 punch to the gut for Charlie in a case that could end her career. Much of tonight's episode builds towards larger goals. Mike tries to get in deeper with Bello while demanding more information from Juan about why they think Briggs is dirty. Charlie and Briggs revert back to covers they created when Charlie first came to Graceland. Johnny and Paige are mostly there for comic relief, while Jakes is absent completely. Opening with post-suicide trauma Mike sleeping through his alarm, Johnny wakes him by jumping on the bed and demanding Mike join Paige and him for a little beach football fun. It's nice to see how his teammates try different strategies to help him cope. What really snaps him out though is returning to find Charlie shooting up in her room. Mike is stunned until he sees Briggs who talks about their "secret 10 am skag party." Charlie and Briggs channel their old aliases as Katie and Eric, sex crazed dope fiends. Apparently that means needle marks and a well rehearsed 0-Mouth, the look a junkie gets when first feeling the high kick in. Undercover agents shoot up hemoglobin that "looks real, cooks real, smells real," which also means real needles to sell the act. They ask if Mike wants to join but he shrugs off by saying he has to meet with the FBI shrink.

O-Mouth lays the foundation for upcoming episodes, including finding a way to tie Mike's real mission, nailing Briggs, to his current undercover work with Bello. The FBI doesn't think it is coincidental that Briggs has been pursuing this case for so long and have built a highly circumstantial case against him. However it’s the background information given about both Charlie and Briggs that gets the most attention as Johnny and Paige fill in the gossip. Let's just say that at one time they were very close and old aliases can bring back old feelings. Meanwhile a dog becomes a metaphor, Mike gets a cover story, City of Bad Men saves an operation, and no one should ever wager in Graceland. This episode moves slowly on the plot front and there is less fall-out with Mike than I expected, but character revelations come at a steady pace and those missing Charlie and Briggs last episode get plenty to sink their teeth into tonight.

Recurring characters - Abby and Whistler
Best moment - the very last one
Best funny scene - Charlie, Briggs, and Johnny in the kitchen
Best speech - Briggs' "no downside"
Best impromptu move - tie - Johnny jumping on the bed and Mike in the store
MVP - movies of all kinds
Biggest awww - tie - Paige/Johnny talk about adopting Mike and Briggs kisses Charlie's forehead to say he trusts her

Best lines:

"Because he's a humble, modest jerk. I hate him."
"I'm a junkie not a sex doll."
"Maybe he was just hoping you'd chase after him."
"Nothing kills the mood like a girl getting serious."
"Shoot straight partner."
"Tell me what I missed." "The gunfighter taking what he wants."
"The customer's always right."
"Whoa, this just got way weird."
"You're lucky I value your brains."

Watch Graceland tonight at 10/9 C on USA Network.

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  1. This one's a slow burn that's more into building the story than an action-filled plot.

  2. Thanks so much for this these always make me even more stoked for tonight's episode I hope they never go on a two week break again i have no idea what I'll do when summer ends. I'd been straining my eyes watching the promo trying to figure how the girl was that Briggs was banging, my all time favorite characters together like that seems like gold I can't wait to hear their backstory. Thanks again.

  3. Thanks for the kind words. I am glad you are enjoying Graceland so much. Tonight should be a feast for Charlie and Briggs fans.

  4. Iam really curious if they were only making out or if they had a sex ;) I just love them together ;)
    Thx for your spoilers ;)

  5. Your welcome. This show is a lot of fun to preview. However I only have one more episode screener. After that I won't have anything to preview so we'll all be on the edge of our seats to figure out what is going to happen next.

  6. That didn ´t answer my question ;) I need to wait to friday afternoon till I will be able to watch new epi...

  7. Ha! I know but I am not allowed to give away big spoilers.

  8. Ok ;) I will be patiently waiting ;)

  9. So were you happy with the Briggs and Charlie focus this episode?

  10. I was extremely happy totally satiated and genuinely enjoyed every minute. I missed D.J but Paige and Jonny were hilarious. And now i'm intrigued to the whole Charlie/Briggs thing in someways I got the okay we've visited this story arc now it's over vibe but I also got the to be continued vibe. I actually thought Mike's arc sunk in comparison to Charlie and Brigg's arc. Fantastic episode all round

  11. I agree Mike played a secondary role tonight. I think the most interesting thing about Charlie and Briggs right now will be how he handles her shooting up. It will have to put a strain on their relationship and as they tend to be the mom and dad of the house, there may be real fallout.


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