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Game of Thrones - Season 4 - Filming Begins Today

8 Jul 2013

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Filming on Season 4 of Game of Thrones begins today so I thought I would do a short production news update.

This year in addition to their central hub in Belfast the Game of Thrones film crews will be heading to Dubrovnik, Croatia and Iceland once again. However this time around instead of waiting until Winter to film they will be filming over the Summer in Iceland. Also they will be adding a new Croatia location in or around the town of Split.

The CEO of Pegasus, Snorri Þórisson, commented that GOT will be returning to Iceland in late July this year. He did not give any specific locations, but said they will be filming in the south of the country. He noted that the level of production will be similar to the previous two years with about 100-200 people involved and he made one other interesting comment. He added that they put out a casting call for 20 bald extras.

Many people speculate that they will film Iron Islands scenes this time around. The rocky shores seem to be the perfect location for filming the Kingsmoot. One suspicion is they will film in Þingvellir, Iceland where real moots were held more than 1000 years ago.

According to information from an Embassy Films casting notice filming in Dubrovnik will take place between August 20 and September 20 and then move to the new location of Split from September 20 until October 10.

The Dubrovnik Herald released a few more details on the new locations naming the cellars of Diocletian’s Palace and Klis Fortress. The article also reports that there may be additional shooting for a “desert scene” at an “abandoned quarry near Žrnovnica and the surrounding waters in the area.

Cellars of Diocletian's Palace:

Klis Fortress:

Quarry near Žrnovnica:

A lot of interesting locations that could be various regions and locations in the books. My best guess for some of the book locations being filmed would be The Fingers or new areas of The Eyrie, the cellars could be tunnels under Kings Landing or perhaps under Meereen, Klis Fortress does remind me of Meereen somewhat. Although I think it would make a good Dreadfort too. Of course they could be using the new Split locations for new areas of Kings Landing if they are running out of exterior shoot locations in Dubrovnik. The desert scene is particularly interesting. Could it be a Dornish party leaving or arriving, maybe Dany outside of Meereen, or even a dual between a snake and a dog? Others have speculated some of the locations could be Dorne or even Braavos.

What are your opinions of the new locations and what locations they may represent from the books?


  1. I'm very intrigued to find out why they want 20 bald extras!
    Thenns? Giants (perhaps if it is easier to apply makeup/ prosthetics to bald actors)? The first group of bald men that came to mind was the Shavepates in Meereen, but Iceland seems an odd location for that to be filmed!

  2. AngelaRobinson908 July 2013 at 20:58

    I so hope we get some good spoilers. Maybe even some pics of Stoneheart?

  3. I hope for some casting news myself... and of course spoilers that we can use to determine how the arcs will go this year!!

    I'm willing to bet that HBO will keep tight wraps on any LS shoot!
    That would be a serious spoiler!

  4. WOOOOOW! This is great :) Can't wait to see the new storylines and characters this season.

  5. AngelaRobinson908 July 2013 at 21:52

    I hope they will keep close to the books, GRRM once said its like a butterfly effect, each small change turns into a bigger change the next season but I hope to see J's wedding as well ;) ;) They have to include LS, they cannot possibly cut it.

  6. I would like them to stick as close to the books as possible too...
    Well, whatever that means in an nearly impossible adaption! XD

    My fear with LS is that they will feel the need to enlarge the arc and give more screen time than in the books. I really do NOT want that to happen. I liked the way it played out in the books up to this point, behind the scenes and not on page (or on screen for the TV series) for the most part..

    It will be interesting to see how that arc goes forward in the books!

  7. If You would like to know more about Dubrovnik read at . Enjoy the show!

  8. But Your Arms Off9 July 2013 at 14:04

    I suspect there will be some swords and some amputees this season.

  9. Love the Monty Python Black Knight reference in your name! XD

    "Tis but a scratch... I've had worse!"

  10. Good news! At least little snippets of info will start to trickle in from time to time now! :D

  11. The epilogue of the 4th season would be a great time for LS to show up -- it would drive people nuts. But I agree, they shouldn't start making stuff up because we really don't know where that arc is going just yet, do we?

  12. I just do not feel completely comfortable commenting on a number of the arcs for that very reason, I just do not know where they will go in the final books!

    I know some people nonchalantly dismiss many of the people introduced and events that occur in AFFC and ADWD as if they have no value to the future story. I cannot do that and frankly I find that a foolhardy stance.

    While i do basically agree that the characters introduced in Book I & II will be the major players in the endgame, I think the characters that come in Act II can have a very large role to play if for no other reason because they will have great influence over the main protagonists introduced early on in the series. They are not throw-away characters in my mind. not at all.

    I digress... back to Stoneheart...
    I can see Stoneheart being important later on, but not a real player in the endgame. I can also see Stoneheart being important all the way to the endgame....Like you said I just have no idea of where that arc is going! . XD

  13. I really hope they keep stoneheart in the story line but i'm afraid she might get cut. The shows tends to cut or down play all the magically elements like the wolf dreams and dany's dragons are only used for actions shots.


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