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Breaking Bad - Season 5 - Synopses for Remaining Episodes

18 Jul 2013

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Episode 509: Blood Money
As Walt and Jesse adjust to life out of the business, Hank grapples with a troubling lead.
Written by: Peter Gould
Directed by: Bryan Cranston

Episode 510: Buried
While Skyler's past catches up with her, Walt covers his tracks. Jesse continues to
struggle with his guilt.
Written by: Thomas Schnauz
Directed by: Michelle MacLaren

Episode 511: Confessions
Jesse decides to make a change, while Walt and Skyler try to deal with an unexpected
Written by: Gennifer Hutchison
Directed by: Michael Slovis

Episode 512: Rabid Dog
An unusual strategy starts to bear fruit, while plans are set in motion that could change
Written by: Sam Catlin
Directed by: Sam Catlin

Episode 513: To'hajiilee
Things heat up for Walt in unexpected ways.
Written by: George Mastras
Directed by: Michelle MacLaren

Episode 514: Ozymandias
Everyone copes with radically changed circumstances.
Written by: Moira Walley-Beckett
Directed by: Rian Johnson

Episode 515: Granite State
Events set in motion long ago move toward a conclusion.
Written by: Peter Gould
Directed by: Peter Gould

Episode 516: Felina
The series finale.
Written by: Vince Gilligan
Directed by: Vince Gilligan


  1. Is it just me or do these all pretty much sound the same? lol

  2. It doesn't say too much but it only gets me more excited for the "premiere"

  3. An episode titled "Ozymandias" and directed by Rian Johnson?
    My God so much hype.

  4. Did anyonr else notice that ''Felina" is ana anagram of 'finale"?

  5. Now that is vague

  6. Ha, these remind me of the ridiculously vague synopses for the last season of Lost. 'Someone faces a difficult decision/makes an unexpected discovery etc'

    So excited though!

  7. Jamaal Williams18 July 2013 at 17:17

    there all very vague, but i know they will be action packed, i cant wait.

  8. Justin Baptista18 July 2013 at 17:33

    I have a theory that Episodes 9-13 are all pre-time jump while Episodes 14-16 are post-time jump, revealing what brings Walt back to ABQ and wrapping up that portion of story.

  9. This is Lost all over again, vague synopses for the win! xD

  10. Just reading these makes me nervous... ''Everyone copes with radically changed circumstances''? EVERYONE?

  11. Good ol' times.

  12. I didn't know YOU liked BrBa

  13. I only just started watching ti recently. My brother watches it and he recommended it to me.

  14. So vague vagueness with some extra vague on top.... I get it....

  15. Sebastiano Quaranta19 July 2013 at 16:32

    And don't forget that episode 9 is directed by Bryan Cranston.. :) These final episodes will kill me.


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