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The Fosters - Episode 1.04 - Quinceanera - Sneak Peek

19 Jun 2013

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  1. What did Brendan EVER SEE in Talia? The byatch is so insecure and jealous of Callie...probably, because she is seeing what Staf is beginning to see...that Callie/Brandon are MEANT TO BE....besides, unless, they are blood-relations AND Stef (she'd probably put Callie on "The Pill" and give Callie condoms, also telling her to always keep a large quantity available at all times...and she is ALWAYS making sure Brandon has plenty of condoms himself)....(depending on how successful the show is) she and Lena have NO FORESEEABLE FUTURE PLANS to adopt Callie and Jude....thus, Callie isn't Brandon's sibling at all....and I am rooting for Brandon to humiliate and dump Talia and start seeing his heart's one true-love Callie....and Vice-Versa!

  2. I know, but come on, it is too soon


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