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POLL : What did you think of Under the Dome - Pilot?

25 Jun 2013

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  1. Jorge Castro Salinas25 June 2013 at 06:18

    Nail-biting episode. One of the best TV pilots I've seen in a while.

  2. Pretty good, little wonky in parts but has my intrigue. Not sure what to think. Although I know Jeff Fahey is awesome so that'll keep me watching, assuming that gunshot didn't kill him.

  3. It wasn't a gunshot.

  4. I realized that not long ago, just sounded like a gunshot. That would suck to have your pacemaker blast out of you.

  5. the thing with his pacemeker had me convinced that Jeff Fahey isn't signed on for the entire run...which is a major bummer. He's one of the actors on my favs list.

  6. I thought it was interesting. I found some of the characters interesting. (I was disappointed that the stupid stupid boy didn't get a chance to start his big macho fight and get handed to him. Instead, he kidnapped a girl.) Actually, that was the only really weak thing for me. I thought his turn to crazy was too abrupt. I think maybe he and the girl (have forgotten his name) hadn't been some completely comfortable in that initial scene it would have worked better.

    I really hope this is a close ended series. For me, at least, waiting 5 seasons for the mystery of the dome to be solved would get boring and I don't really want to wait 12 episodes for that kid to get caught with his hostage. The character ain't that bright. :-) But if it's got a finite shelf life then they can tell the whole story without vamping. It's a great summer time story and definitely had me interested enough to check in again.

  7. RevolutionFans25 June 2013 at 11:29

    it is only a 13 week run. The book is a monster, so doing a movie would have been tough, but a 13 episode run is perfect for Under The Dome. While there are A LOT of differences just in the pilot between book and movie, I think that it's going to be a great run and lots of fun to watch.

    And Junior is nuts. This is my biggest beef with Stephen King conversions. In the book, there are lots of internal monologues that shows you the depth of his mental instability and how you get from point A to point Z. Angie (the girl he kidnapped) happens to be the first unfortunate victim of Juniors' crazy. Hope that comes out more as the story progresses.

    Overall though, great start so far.

  8. No it was his pacemaker it just blow up from the looks of it and it looks it's connected to the electrical current that goes through the dome.

  9. I really liked it. It's a bit different from the book but so far it has managed to capture the essence of that for me. I had my doubts about Mike Vogel as Barbie, but based on this pilot, he's a great fit for the role as is Rachelle Lefevre as Julia. Dean Norris and Jeff Fahey were also fantastic, as usual.

    The Angie twist was quite interesting, but Junior was the weakest character for me in this episode. His story was a lot better explained in the book so I hope we see a bit more of his internal struggle and descent into madness, if possible.

    I'll definitely be sticking around to see how this goes!

  10. It was amazing Pilot one of the best in recent years and i can tell that a lot of people will watch this, and it will be a huge mystery how it's explained. And most importantly why two people have being rendered unconscious and saying "Stars are falling" and so on.

  11. Someone please explain, once the Dome for "Activated" how was the wind able to blow?

  12. RevolutionFans25 June 2013 at 13:59

    LOL, I was wondering how they were going to get around that in the series, because in the book it didn't. No air movement. So, I wonder if they will pull a "soap convenience" moment and pretend it doesn't exist, or that they have devised another explanation.

    I tend to expect a lot out of King's stuff, including consistency, so that will be an interesting angle indeed.

  13. I really liked the pilot. never read the book but I think I'll do that over the summer.

  14. I think you might like to read this article from The Hollywood Reporter..seems they are looking beyond S1,at least for a second season.Some interesting info included in the article..

  15. They are hoping for more than just one season.I just posted a link below Prpleight comment, its an interesting read.

  16. I really enjoyed it.I think its one of the most interesting pilots i've seen in awhile.Lots of questions,they say the answers will come fast and they are hoping for more than one season.

    Whats up with Junior? Is is crazy,or just obsessed with Angie? Is he protecting Angie from something that is happening outside What is his story...hopefully we will find out before the last episode. Regardless,he turned a little too abruptly for me.

    Interesting read for anyone interested..

  17. You might wound up disappointed.They have said numerous times they aren't following his book,they are putting their own twist on it. The air movement might never be addressed,and really,unless they shot the series indoors there is no way to control air movement.

  18. RevolutionFans25 June 2013 at 17:25

    I didn't realize they were hoping to go as far as the audience would take them. Definitely a good article to catch up on, I greatly appreciate you sharing the link, thanks!

  19. I'm not always a Stephen King fan, in fact, usually I avoid his books and movies/ series. Sometimes I think he gets caught up in the story and ignores details and other times I think he ignores the story when caught up in the details XD

    I liked the mystery premise and all of the performances by the actors and I'm intrigued by a number of things.... I really hope CBS does not milk it for multiple seasons honestly. I think it would be much better as a true mini-series.

    So first theories....
    - Big Jim is the series Randall Flag. (I did see The Stand)
    - Barbie is there by design. Not sure he actually killed the doctor....
    - The dome is a contrivance and the townspeople are in some sort of giant terrarium being studied, but I'm not sure why or by whom.
    - The townspeople do not actually see what is happening outside the "Dome"? IS it some sort of group consciousness or hallucination?
    - The kids are acting as antenna and picking up whose communications?
    If so for who.... Aliens? US Government?
    - Somehow Big Jim turned off the Sheriff's pacemaker

  20. Indeed!
    There would need to be intakes or vents of some kind I would think.

  21. If you ever read the book, Junior is CRAZY. I'm talkin' Serial Killer crazy. I am not sure if they'll go that route on broadcast television, but it'll be interesting to see if the do.

  22. Really liked it. I was looking forward to the show and it did not disappoint. I could do without the junior storyline of being a creep but other than that, really liked all the characters, elements and feelings of it. Sometimes, it reminded me a bit of the lost pilot, in the sense that it was characters trapped somewhere, forced to deal with each others and all that. Excellent stuff, really looking forward to see more of it.

  23. I figured he was crazy,but didn't realize he was a serial killer. I stopped reading King's books after 'It'.That was so long ago i don't remember what i didn't like about his books. :P

  24. Well there is more to it than him just being "crazy" in the book. I don't even know if the show will go there, but I can send you a message on facebook if you want spoilers from the book.

  25. Good. Junior storyline is dumb. Angie shouldn't have been that ineffectual.

  26. Thanks for sharing that link. I'm hoping that more of the people in this town grab me the way Barbie did. I still think this is a show that would be better served by a close ended run...which is not to say specifically.... 'one season'...but that 'you can't go too fast cause we need to squeeze as much out of that turnip as possible' thing would kill, IMHO, this type of story.

  27. My favorite funny scene in the ep was about who made the dome..Government, No, Why, Because it works. lol

  28. I tuned in because Colin Ford was in it, and loved it. Will be back for sure, very interesting and will not read the book.

  29. I left you a message on FB.

  30. HA! XD
    Ya I liked that line too!

    Let us know Bambie was military and had a sense of humor. haah

  31. As soon as the dome landed like seconds before we noticed i was saying we gonna have our first victim and it turned out to be a cow lol when ever we see shows like that it's always animals lol

    But i'm curious what snapped those ravens necks???

  32. Solid start. Definitely looking forward for more.

  33. I didn't read the book so i don't know what or why the kids seem to be having seizures? They said we will have answers very soon,so i guess we have to wait and see!

  34. Neither have i but it makes senses lol electric field dome can affect anything electronic including our brain waves and heart rates

  35. I think i see a pattern lol when the girl said something about the town she seizure and when the boy said the source might be coming from within he also went seizure lol seems this dome might have ways of ppl having a seizure and wait for it have them forget what they said before collapsing


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