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POLL : What are you watching Tonight? - 19th June 2013

19 Jun 2013

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  1. royal pains and necessary roughness

  2. I'll be watching the Yankees game live on ESPN2 but I'll be watching on the DVR both episodes of Franklin and Bash, Futurama, How To Live With Your Parents and Family Tools.

  3. Good News Everyone! Futurama is back on the air tonight! Tell me you didn't read that in the Professor's voice...

  4. Oh this is going to be a long summer... :( Nada here for me..

  5. Franklin and Bash, Melissa and Joey, and Baby Daddy.

  6. Lilith Hellfire19 June 2013 at 13:13

    Melissa and Joey and Necessary Roughness, light nights are the best!

  7. Lilith Hellfire19 June 2013 at 13:14

    Hey don't you have a DVR full of stuff to watch young lady?

  8. Can't say I am into anything here.

  9. Melissa and Joey, Baby Daddy and Royal Pains.

  10. I cleared out most of the shows i needed to catch up on,just a few old movies and Hannibal from episode 5 on. I thought i would do a mini marathon of Hannibal right before season 2 starts.

  11. Necessary Roughness and Million Dollar Listing!!!!

  12. Necessary Roughness and more B Bad catchup

  13. Lilith Hellfire19 June 2013 at 20:23

    congrats on clearing out the DVR! I can never seem to get mine below the 65% mark no matter how hard I try.

  14. I usually have the same problem,but for some reason i was actually able to get it down to 22%. I think it says something about the 2013 crop of shows that came and went.I didn't have many shows to watch this past season.


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