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Supernatural - Episode 8.20 - Pac-Man Fever - CHCH Promo

23 Apr 2013

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  1. Oh, Charlie, you are a doll! Honorary Winchester just for the movie quote. XD

  2. I love Charlie as long as they quit making her better at the job than Sam and Dean.

  3. UGH. Glad to see they're setting up the story for next season!

  4. Tomorrow can't come soon enough!!!!UGH!!!

  5. where exactly did you see that?

  6. I don't think they're saying she is better than Sam and Dean. Dean has to teach her how to shoot. She thanks them for saving the world. I think they're showing that while she's good at some things, she's still a novice.

  7. That's probably why they made her a lesbian, so the female fans won't feel "threatened". ; )

  8. At first I was annoyed that this was yet another break from the tablet story, but I don't mind a diversion from the angst and misery. I'm looking forward to seeing more of Charlie and Dean - I like that he looks out for her and is willing to do somewhat goofy things like going clothes shopping with her (too bad he doesn't try on any clothes). I also like that we're seeing him teaching someone, which we never really have.

  9. Well the episode is designed to deepen that relationship meanwhile Sam can cuddle his laptop and cough himself into oblivion. Then prehaps they can give him a pet sock to have a deep and meaningful friendship with.

  10. It looks like Sam has some scenes with Charlie too, but I think Dean is more interested in these types of friendships, whereas Sam is more involved in the lore (when he's not sick).

  11. I was being sarcastic. I should know by now that it is very tough to do that with a keyboard.

  12. I think you mean Robbie Thompson is more interested in a Dean and Charlie relationship and is interested in seeing Sam sitting in a corner reading lore. Sam was more of a people person than Dean in the earlier seasons. And this season was supposed to be retro-Sam, right?

  13. You think female fans should be raging against female guests? That's a little offensive.

  14. I'm not sure about Robbie because he wrote a decent role for Sam in two episodes (Time After Time, Goodbye Stranger). Sam was definitely more of a people person in the early seasons, but sometimes more with people he connected to because of shared traits (like the boy in Bugs). I don't know if she shares enough traits with Charlie. I do wish they'd give Sam more friendships.

  15. I had to Google the two episodes you mentioned to remember what they were. I'm pretty sure I would have remembered them if they had a Sam focus. TAT had more of a Dean focus with a side of Sam and Jodie. GS was mostly focused on Cas and Dean. I believe most if the Sam-Meg conversation took place off-screen. So if Thompson gives Sam maybe one-third focus on 2 of all of the episodes he's written, we're supposed to take from that that he's a good writer for Sam.

  16. Dean is a high-school dropout. So is Charlie. Dean has mostly been out of typical society most of his life, and doesn't want to go back. Charlie is the same way. Dean and Charlie are both a little more flirtatious and outspoken. I think Sam and Charlie have different types of geek/nerd personalities. I don't think Sam is the type who would goofily quote sci-fi movies or get drunk at Comic Con; Dean probably would. I think Sam is more like Kevin.

    I thought Goodbye Stranger had some nice Sam scenes. The scene with Meg, which was the type of interaction people say they want for Sam (albeit not with someone who tried to kill him and assaulted and possessed him). The scene where he politely confronted Dean about Cas. The scene at the end where he admitted to Dean that he'd been hiding his illness, and he busted Dean on a LOTR line. I thought these were very good scenes.

  17. I don't remember the woman from Titans. There's no rule that says everyone who likes Sam has to be dull. Sam's not dull, at least he's not in episodes written by decent writers.

    I agree Sam and Dean should share focus with the mytharcs, like they did in the earlier years when Dean was on the side if family/angels and Sam was on the side of black-sheep/demons. Maybe Sam doing the trials is an attempt to add some balance after the big focus on Dean and Purgatory in the first half of the year?

  18. Yep, and Dean's made several references to Star Trek over the years...the Kahn-worm and Star Trek IV coming to mind immediately. He plays it cool (and to be honest...I think he was less of a "nerd" in the early seasons...they somewhat softened him up in the years that followed as far as nerdiness goes). He clearly enjoyed LARP-ing. He knows about anime, too.

  19. I didn't think they should have scenes together because they were dull, just because he wants a family, and she was trying to cope with an uncertain world while raising a child. I thought he would identify with that.

    The idea of Sam doing the trials seems to be Sam finding his identity in the supernatural world, because he doesn't just want to kill things. I like the idea; I wish the execution had been better, and the pacing. Maybe next season will be. Sometimes I think if fans mentioned things like pacing to the show more often, instead of the fans who argue about which brother is better, some of this would improve.

  20. The whole idea that Sam wants a family is one of the things that seems to have been pulled out of the air this season. It's been canon for many seasons that Sam doesn't feel as attached to family as Dean does because he never had those memories of Mary cutting off the crust from his sandwiches growing up.

    I think Sam found his role in the supernatural many seasons ago, since season 2. Dean wanted to kill things and Sam wanted to save people. I think he's seen hunting as his redemption for the damage he's caused.

    Agree with you on the pacing. Nothing the fans can do about that though.

  21. You don't wanna open THAT box of crackers ...

  22. I think Sam probably would have wanted a family and normal life with Jessica. I can see where he might go full circle, especially with everyone in his life gone. I just think the show did a bad job writing it, and the effects linger.

  23. I agree certainly Charlie has some things in common with Dean but she equally has somethings in common with Sam and where she could of been a brother character she seemingly has shifted to a Dean one. And I see no real reason for it 'shrug'..

  24. I agree with this whole-heartedly. I've always seen Sam as the intellectual type of nerd. A definite bookworm, college-educated, of course (mostly). Maayyybe a bit of a Hipster mentality? ;)

    Whereas I see Dean more as the common man's geek, with an obvious love for all things pop-culture, along with the more entertaining aspects of geekery (like LARPing and witty references).

  25. I think Sam probably expected to have a family with Jess and live out in the suburbs because that's the definition of normal in US society. But we never saw Sam yearning to be a father the way Dean has been these past seasons. Instead we saw Sam come to accept that he will always be a freak, and that he has a different role in this world to play.

    I think it would have been a great arc for Sam this season to see him work through his past and get to the point where he can see a future for himself. But instead we just fast-forwarded past that and as an audience were told to accept that Sam was really someone we haven't seen since season 1. His whole 7-season character storyline was forgotten like it never happened. You made the argument that Dean has changed since the earlier seasons. Why can't Sam be allowed to keep his growth too?

  26. Just one more comment on this. Your first line about Charlie dropping out of society snd using false identites sounds a lot more like Sam dropping out of Stanford to go live on the road with his brother and live off of credit card schemes. The reason I don't see as strong a parallel with Dean here is that Dean was never integrated into society. Living on the fringe of society wss all he's ever known (with the exception of hid toddler years and life with Lisa - where unlike Charlie and Sam, he never fit in).

  27. I always took Dean's tv comments as pop culture trivia gained from a lot of years watching talk shows and syndicated tv while living in hotel rooms. But it's a huge jump from watching star trek reruns to wanting to live role play. To me it was never about Dean having geeky interests so much as spending a lot of time in front of the tv.

  28. Well, I have to agree with you, there. Until they decided to make Dean a "closet geek" that had been my own take, too. But when I push my brain to come up with reasons why he would suddenly be all quivery over LARPing, that's what it latches on to in order to keep my head from exploding. ;)

  29. You're more generous than I am, in that you're trying to make sense of it. To me Dean's sudden interest in LARPing was the result of the writers asking, "How can we get Dean dressed up in fun costumes without time travelling?" rather than "What makes sense for the character?"

  30. Generous? No. I just have so many other aggravations that irk me more, that I just give an exhausted hand-wave when a character who, just two seasons ago, had never heard of World of Warcraft, is now leading the charge in the latest LARPing event. Sad, but true...this is the least of my worries with this show. ;)

  31. The main difference is that Sam was leaving a fringe life to go to a normal life. Charlie seems to have done the opposite. She didn't want to be "normal." That's closer to Dean than to Sam.

  32. The problem with going episode-by-episode for continuity is a lot of the writers don't keep that continuity. For instance, Dean in season 1 once said that he never read books. Later, we find out he's read a whole lot of Vonnegut. Later still, we find out he's never even heard of HP Lovecraft. Even later, we find out he doesn't know what a familiar is.

    I just pass a lot of this off as poor writing and go with my general feeling. My general feeling is that Dean has probably always loved stuff like LOTR, Star Wars, Star Trek, some old movies. I think he also loves trying out different styles and clothes, and looking good. The episode where he went back in time to the '40s made so much sense to me and was a way to see Dean do more than stare pensively or fall into a bottle. I'm glad Robbie Thompson has kept that going.

  33. I meant when Sam left Stanford after Jessica was killed. He was building a life for himself but the supernatural drove him out. I see parallels with Charlie. She had a life which she was building, but her contact with Dick Roman and monsters forced her out of it. They both gave up a lot by leaving their old identities behind.

  34. Charlie used assumed names (in her first episode) and had experience in dropping out of society (as she had easily done so in the LARP episode).

    I'd say outspoken would also work for Dean in the early seasons. As for his teasing Sam, that was basically deflection. Dean wanted to seem cool. As the years have passed, Dean has cared less and less about being cool.

    Other than both being computer geeks, I don't really see Charlie and Sam as being similar.

    The last time Sam and Charlie met, he was upset about Amelia, and now he's sick; maybe if he was in a better place, they'd be closer. But they still seem friendly to me. I just think she has more of a bond with Dean. Sometimes I think they give Dean relationships that could go to Sam (I think Sam would have made more sense with that woman who had a child with Prometheus in "Remember the Titans"), but Charlie and Dean is one of those relationships that clicks for me.

    Sam should have people like Kevin, Jody, Sarah, while Dean has a little of a myth story (better written than the myth stories in the last few years, hopefully). Maybe that can happen next season.

  35. - Charlie is a high-school dropout? I missed that, but I'll take your word for it.
    - Charlie hasn't been outside mainstream society, she worked for corporate America and regretted losing her job.
    - "Dean and Charlie are a little more flirtatious and outspoken." I think outspoken defines Sam more than Dean in the earlier seasons, but if you meant outgoing, I'll give you that. But my experience has been that flirtatious and outgoing people usually have quieter friends. They can't stand competing with someone for attention all of the time.
    - I don't think Sam would goofily quote sci-fi, but I also don't think Dean would be caught dead at Com-Con. This is the same guy who was relentless about teasing Sam about being a geek just because Sam got good grades.
    - Sam and Kevin have some similarities - agreed.

    The bottom line is that Sam and Charlie should have a lot in common. They have similar interests, they've both seen their ambitions and dreams torn away because of brushes with the supernatural. If we haven't seen any connections drawn between them it's because Thompson has shown no interest in developing any kind of relationship between them.

    And that wouldn't be an issue for me if Sam had his own Cas, if he had his own Charlie. Not everyone watches this show only for Dean.


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