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Scene Of The Week - April 28, 2013 - *POLL*

28 Apr 2013

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Week 21. As always, we’re trying to find the most compelling, best acted, written, directed and just generally great scenes that we’ve seen last week.
My choices this week are (in the alphabetical order):

Episode: “And Now His Watch Is Ended”
Date: April 21, 2013
Actors: Emilia Clarke, Ian Glen, Ian McElhinney, Dan Hildebrand, Nathalie Emmanuel
The Scene: Daenerys gets her army

There are some scenes we can call great and then there are some that truly deserve to be called epic. Guess which one is that. For starters, I should say that I rewatched these last minutes of the episode a lot of times. I was so impressed with just how powerful, how breathtaking this scene was! And to be honest I don’t really consider myself the biggest fan of the show, I like it, but there are some aspects of the series that just aren’t really my thing, like for example the extreme brutality or the frequent nudity scenes. So when I say that I absolutely loved this moment, it means a lot.
Daenerys is a really intriguing character. She can be a very sweet, innocent person and then there are times when she seems more powerful and strong willed than most of the characters on the show and can actually be quite scary. In the scene I’ve picked she reveals that she could speak High Valyrian all this time, never needed a translator and heard all the insults directed toward her. She takes the control of the army of the Unsullied, broken, invincible slaves and orders them to kill all their masters. She also uses her beloved dragon to double cross and kill Kraznys, the cruel slaver she despises. And she doesn’t even end there. After the fight, she chooses to free the Unsullied and only asks to stay those who wish to serve her voluntarily. And once everyone decides to stay with the brave heiress, she leads her army toward the unknown. The view that’s definitely hard to forget. Fantastic job by Emilia Clarke and her co-stars and also kudos to all the creators, they did incredible work with this scene!

NOTE: The scene was also picked by Darth Locke, Lucy Perussi, Jamie Coudeville and Pascal Buijnsters as Scene Of The Week!

“What I loved about this scene isn't just Emilia Clarke's ability to go from child-like gracefulness to something exceptionally fierce, but also this scene parallels and amplifies what Dany learned from Khal Drogo when he finally gave her undeserving brother his crown of gold!” Darth Locke
“This scene was so badass. Loved everything about it” Jamie Coudeville
“Daenerys kills Kraznys mo Nakloz and frees the Unsullied slave army. I've never been a big Daenarys fan, she comes off as weak, whiny and entitled. But the reveal that she spoke High Valyrian all along and doubled crosses Kraznys was maybe my favorite Daenarys scene on the show so far. She finally came across as smart and cunning, big step up for me!” Pascal Buijnsters

2. Show: NCIS
Episode: “Berlin”
Date: April 23, 2013
Actors: Michael Weatherly, Cote de Pablo
The Scene: Tony and Ziva in the car

This was such a fantastic episode, especially for all the fans of Tony and Ziva. They had a lot of great moments, like the talk in bed, the dance (“One day you will dance with a man who deserves your love”) and many more. But the one that you just can’t miss happens right at the end of the episode.
In this very lovely moment (at least at first) Ziva tells Tony a story from her past about the reason her parents split up, about the new director of the Mossad, Orli and the influence she had on her, wondering whether she could have been a different person without ever knowing this woman. And Tony assures her that he’s very grateful for the person she is now. Then they are holding hands and with the smile on their faces move forward on the road. And just when Ziva’s about to say something (possibly significant or at least sweet), another car hits them. Hard. It doesn’t look good for the two. We are left with the heartbreaking picture of Tony’s bloody hand trying to reach Ziva. The shock I’m sure we all experienced watching the scene is pretty overwhelming. All we can do is hold on tight and hope both Tony and Ziva will be okay. And say what a wonderful work the writers, creators and the talented Michael Weatherly and Cote de Pablo have done here!

NOTE: The scene was also picked by klutzy girl, Bradley Adams, spartigus15 and Brandon Rowe as Scene Of The Week!

“Well, this is hard to choose but I'll settle for Tony and Ziva holding hands in the car right before the accident.”
klutzy girl
“The car crash. I could sort of see it coming, but it still shocked the hell out of me. Seriously.” Bradley Adams
“The car crash with Tony and Ziva! Normally I always see those coming from the camera angles, but I actually jumped. Really looking forward to to the next episode.” Brandon Rowe

Episode: “Pac-Man Fever”
Date: April 24, 2013
Actors: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Felicia Day
The Scene: Charlie says goodbye to Sam and Dean

I absolutely love Charlie! She’s just such a fantastic character, really seems like a little sister the Winchesters never had. And I adore her relationship with both Sam and Dean. She has something in common with each of them and has no problem with getting on with the boys very well. The three of them had a lot of great, funny (the montage!) and emotional scenes in the episode but it’s the one near the end that I enjoyed watching the most. I think it was just so nice of her to try to reassure Sam that he’s gonna be fine and that if there’s anyone that can get through the trials, it’s him. And then with Dean… I could say so much about these two! Absolutely lovely duo and their talk about holding on and letting go was so very like them. Charlie accepting the changes in her life and Dean never giving up on his little brother, hoping for the happy ending this time. But it’s the “I love you. I know” that got me the most. Not only beautiful quote, but a really cool reference. As always fantastic Jensen and Jared are joined here by also very talented Felicia Day. I hope to see more of her!
Also worth mentioning, I love the change in this season with Dean hugging everyone, here in the scene Charlie and then just a moment later, Sam. It just makes him seem a little more hopeful, more emotional in the best possible way. And I love these little moments every single time!

And here’s more of SpoilerTV Team members’ favorite scenes:


Castle, “The Squab and the Quail”, April 22, 2013, Actors: Stana Katic, Nathan Fillion
The Scene: Kate tempts Castle

Stana Katic is one super sexy lady, and her mistress/porn star temptation was hilarious in this week's episode of Castle. I can fully sympathize with Rick, who was hell bent on kicking an Indian gamer's ass - I've been there myself, but how Castle could turn down such an offer from Kate really is beyond me. It was an excellent scene that set the tone for the episode perfectly.

Scandal, “Seven Fifty-Two”, April 25, 2013, Actors: Kerry Washington, Guillermo Diaz
The Scene: Olivia and Huck talk

After a long 3 week break, Scandal was finally back on Thursday night, and as awesome as always. Huck was having a big time breakdown, and the culmination of Quinn, Abby, Harrison, and finally Olivia talking Huck out of his living nightmare was especially good to watch. It's definitely worth crediting Guillermo Díaz (Huck) for his superb acting throughout the episode.

Person Of Interest, “In Extremis”, April 25, 2013, Actors: Taraji P. Henson, Kevin Chapman
The Scene: The final sequence

Like Scandal, POI returned from a 3 week break on Thursday. The anticipation and craving for the finale as well as next season is constantly building. The highlighted scenes for me come right at the end, where we see a muddied Carter and Bear leave the office after moving Det. Stills's body to save Fusco's career (and most probably, his life). Then we see The Machine shutting down its "Primary Operations" before a fade to black. There's not enough room for me to speculate on what will happen in the final 2 episodes of the season, but I'm sure it will blow our minds!

NOTE: The scene was also picked by Darth Locke and Pascal Buijnsters as Scene Of The Week!

“Carter asks Fusco to watch over her desk so she can leave early explaining she had a long night,-then proceeds to walk a muddy Bear through the halls of the Police station. Just briefly, this episode's greatness, including this scene, really relied on the structure and execution of all the final scenes. They were beautifully written and put together.” Darth Locke
“The scene at the end, where Carter walks a muddy bear out of the precinct. We realize she had her partner's back after all. Then, subsequently we see The Machine going offline. That literally gave me goosebumps.” Pascal Buijnsters


Grey’s Anatomy, “Sleeping Monster”, April 25, 2013, Actor: Justin Chambers
The Scene:
Alex realizes he's in love in with Jo. He's come a long way!


Orphan Black, “Conditions Of Existence”, April 27, 2013, Actors: Tatiana Maslany, Michael Mando
The Scene:
Alison is confronted by Vic in the parking lot after her kids buy chocolate and she buys surveillance gear.


Arrow, “Home Invasion”, April 24, 2013, Actors: Stephen Amell, Emily Bett Rickards
The Scene:
Felicity reveals that she dyes her hair
The entire conversations was so funny. I love Felicity

The Vampire Diaries, “The Originals”, April 25, 2013, Actors: Nina Dobrev, Daniel Gillies
The Scene:
Katherine and Elijah say goodbye
My heart broke. I really like them together and I hope this isn't the last we see of them


Arrow, “Home Invasion”, April 24, 2013, Actors: Stephen Amell, J. August Richards
The Scene:
The fight between Oliver and Mr Blank. Awesomely done. Whoever the show's fight coordinator hopefully got a pay rise for that.

Nikita, “Self-Destruct”, April 26, 2013, Actors: Maggie Q, Shane West, Lyndsy Fonseca, Aaron Stanford, Noah Bean
The Scene:
Nikita decides to go after Amanda, despite it being just the 6 of them. Awesome scene.


Grey’s Anatomy, “Sleeping Monster”, April 25, 2013, Actors: Chandra Wilson, James Pickens, Jr.
The Scene:
Bailey going off on Chief, she read him like a best novel

Law And Order: SVU, “Girl Dishonored”, April 24, 2013
The Scene:
I really like the last scene with everyone in the quad holding signs of everything the rapist and faculty said. It touched me i found it poignant and heart wrenching


Supernatural, “Pac-Man Fever”, April 24, 2013, Actors: Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles
The Scene:
Sam start to apologise to Dean about his behavior and Dean shuts him up with a hug.

If you have any questions for me, you can contact me via mail: or


  1. Miss Supernatural28 April 2013 at 15:58

    First: Sam and Dean hug.

    Second: Charlie saying goodbye, hugging them both.

  2. Elementary. "I am a man of details" and "Found it at the second hand store" scenes. Made me shed a tear :*)
    Voted for POI.

  3. POI - the final scenes

    Supernatural - the hug scenes

    The Vampire Diaries - The Originals was a really good episode I thought. At first I didn't want to watch the spin off as I've never really liked Klaus all that much, but I loved all of Elijah's scenes (he is badass without being evil and I love his loyalty to family), and I liked when Klaus found out about the baby. I know it's not popular but I think that storyline will be interesting. And I liked The Originals New Orleans atmosphere. It was fun.

  4. I vote other for Elementary : the scenes between Sherlock and Watson were amazing !

  5. I loved Bailey's rant towards the chief, it was the best scene from the episode.

  6. Got the final sequence. POI the final sequence and Supernatural the final sequence. Three powerful and well done scenes.

    Plus: Revolution and the creepy scene of the militia soldier catching fire.

  7. why is it always the same shows EVERY SINGLE WEEK

  8. Why isn'tThe Mentalist included :(...?
    So many amazing scenes! So I voted for "other".....

  9. LOVED the scene at the end of NCIS! I knew the car crash was coming because I peeked at a "What was your reaction?" article on TVLine and saw it in writing but seeing it in writing and seeing it in action are two different things. Plus, before it, the hand hold! We're getting progress!

    I had a lump in my throat during that final scene of SVU. Very powerful. I got vibes of Steubenville throughout the entire episode. Hopefully this'll get things to change for future similar situations, although sadly I doubt it.

    I also was nearly crying during that final scene of The Office with Jim and Pam. Their "I appreciate..." and "Truth time..." interactions throughout the entire episode felt forced and corny to me, probably because of the way they worded things (and as evidenced by the look on Clark's face at the end). But his hug and her eventual return of the hug as the Love is... verse reading at their wedding was replayed made it all worth it. And gave me hope.

    Lastly: I could not stop laughing as Sheldon got closure on everything that Amy didn't finish in her effort to "fix" his problem with not getting closure.

  10. Probably because the staffers who submitted scenes don't watch the show. But I agree: lots of great scenes in last week's episode.

  11. I think you can suggest new shows. Which ones did you want included?

  12. I liked it a lot but I think I actually preferred the Alex and Christina scene.

  13. The New Orleans atmosphere was certainly a huge plus. And I am with you, I hated Klaus presence on TVD ever since he killed Jenna, but I think the spin off was the episode in which I liked him better. I think having someone worse than him, Marcel, is a cheap trick to make us like him, but it actually worked with me just fine!

  14. Depends on what the staff watch. And it's not always the same shows. I've seen many shows be included, some I've never heard of.

  15. Game of Thrones, POI and the hug in Supernatural :)))

  16. Game of Thrones ofcourse. Dany´s scene was not my favorite, but any scene on GoT is better than almost anything on TV.

  17. Supernatural - The hug at the end *-*

  18. I hate him and Caroline for what it does to the Caroline character. It mean she would hang with someone who killed one of her friends (Jenna) and the mother of her boyfriend (Tyler's mom). She is one of my absolute faves so I would HATE that.

  19. I'm not really into the ship either, not with him the way he is right now. I love Caroline's character too and I like her and Tyler together.

    But, if the writers would decide to go further down that path if Klaus changes, I'd accept it.

  20. Elijah has always been the scariest original to me, he is so calm, cool and him. Was not going to watch the series until I found out he was going to be in it.

  21. The witch seemed to fear him more than Klaus when she first met him too.

    He burns on a slow fuse and has his morals, but you certainly don't want to get on his bad side. I like that he has gained respect without killing every person that upsets him like Klaus normally has done.

  22. The Good Wife, The Americans, Continuum, The Mentalist, The Big Bang Theory, Parks adn Recreation. There are tons of shows that rarely get mentioned. I don't get why half the choices always have to be from CW shows.

  23. Sorry, you're correct. 6/15 choices is actually 40% not 50%. But you have to admit that 40% is a lot for just one station, given the number of network and cable stations available. Anyway, there were some great scenes in Once Upon a Time (Rumple showing his true colors when Lacey rejected him, or Rumple asking David for love advice, the appearance of Robin Hood and Hook being captured). The Good Wife was awesome (Great scenes with Mamie Gummer as the opposition. Watching the contrast between Alicia's sensitive way of handling the L&G employees vs. David Lee's callous approach is always entertaining. Cary inviting Alicia to leave L&G and become his partner). Grimm had Nick, Renard and Monroe working i together on the field, which was fun. The Americans was terrific, with Nina turning the tables and manipulating both Stan and the KGB, or the housekeeper coming clean about the bug. And those are just the shows I watched. I'm catching up on last week's Continuum, but since it's behind Canada, the first season just recently finished in the USA (plus I don't remember it ever getting much attention and that show usually has some pretty good reveals).

    I agree, other weeks have had a more diverse representation of shows, and you do often mention the Americans, but some of these other shows could probably use a little more love! I'm also glad that you frequently mention Scandal, since that show has some of the best scenes!

  24. Thanks for this;)
    I loved the scene when Rumple asked David for love advice (again!), it was hilarious! And I just a huge soft spot for Robin Hood in general, so any scene with him was great. Also, I'm thinking I'm gonna have to mention a scene from The Americans next week, since I've already watched it and have an idea for a good one;) I don't watch the Good Wife or Grimm, so can't really say anything about them and as for Scandal, I'm a few episodes behind, so when I'm gonna have some time, I should finally catch up:)

  25. BATB - Vincent and JT in the alley.

  26. Nikita!! That scene had me yelling wooohoo about time!!

  27. Game of Thrones hands down (have yet to watch POI, Revolution, Nikita and Grimm)

  28. worldwithoutanend8 April 2014 at 04:37

    Olivia and Huck! That was beautiful.

  29. Elena Wonderland8 April 2014 at 04:37

    Supernatural!!!Sam and Dean's hug...THE FEELS <3

  30. Kalijah :((((
    Castle...that was beyound funny )

  31. It certainly was - hence the reason why I wrote about it!

  32. Justyna Kubica8 April 2014 at 04:37

    Really? I haven't noticed that and I read and edit every pick. Obviously many shows are frequently chosen cause they're the ones that the staff members watch every week and like the most.
    But there are many others too and I'm quite certain it's not exactly the same shows every week. I'm sure I would have caught that ;)

  33. Justyna Kubica8 April 2014 at 04:38

    Maybe next week :)

    I really liked the moment with Jane and Lisbon at the attic, but sometimes there are just too many great scenes to include every single one. I'm always hoping that they will be mentioned in the comments. Which one did you like the most?

  34. I loved the scene in Revolution where Charlie confronts Miles about what happened with her mom.

  35. I voted for Scandal - Olivia and Huck talk, loved it

  36. Oh Klaus grew on me this last episode (thanks to his emotional response to the baby's heartbeat and Camille's words about the painter), but he has a long way to go. I'm hoping he'll change over time between having to play nice to beat Marcel, becoming a father, and Elijah being there trying to make him see he doesn't have to do evil things to be powerful/have respect. Maybe Camille will even help.

    If he doesn't change Caroline won't want to ever be with him. She likes the more sensitive sides of him, but his ruthlessness and angry fits are in the way. (I have the same likes/dislikes with the character).

  37. Justyna Kubica8 April 2014 at 05:35

    Continnum just started second season last week, but as for some of these I think you must have missed some articles, cause I'm certain that the shows like The Mentalist, TBBT, Parks and Recreation and The Americans (that one definitely many times, cause this is where I learned about the show in the first place and the article is the reason I started watching it) along with many others. Also I think you're not entirely correct about HALF of the choices being from the CW shows. There surely are many, but I wouldn't say 50% of them all.

    But in the end, the poll is created from the stuff members' picks. So the shows can often repeat themselves if the submitters find the scenes from them simply the best in their personal opinion. That's also the reason why we always encourage the readers to share their other picks in the comments. It's not possible to include every great scene from every show in the article. The staff members don't watch (or like) everything there is to watch on TV, so we'll certainly gonna miss things. I always read and appreciate ALL the picks that are named in the article and here in discussion. So if you think something you like is missing, always feel free to share with us your choice. ;)


NOTE: Name-calling, personal attacks, spamming, excessive self-promotion, condescending pomposity, general assiness, racism, sexism, any-other-ism, homophobia, acrophobia, and destructive (versus constructive) criticism will get you BANNED from the party.