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Castle - Episode Change for 22nd April

18 Apr 2013

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ABC has decided to delay Monday’s Castle, which features a bomb-related plot, in light of this week’s attack at the Boston Marathon, TVLine has learned.

The episode, titled “Still,” finds the team attempting to disarm a bomb that Beckett has stepped on. It will now air one week later on Monday, April 29.

The episode originally scheduled for April 29, “The Squab and the Quill,” will now air on April 22, replacing “Still.”

Source: TV Line


  1. Eh. It'll still be a new episode, just not the one scheduled. While it will be odd to see them in reverse order, I'm just glad they didn't decide to air a repeat instead.

  2. On the bright, this ep swap actually works out in terms of the story telling. Does that mean we get a new promo for this ep?!

  3. Abhiroop Saluja18 April 2013 at 05:38

    True :)

  4. Abhiroop Saluja18 April 2013 at 05:38


  5. A new promo? That would be cool! :D

  6. nerwen_aldarion18 April 2013 at 05:52

    Whoo I was nervous we would get a repeat

  7. Eidnoreid Pills18 April 2013 at 05:54

    It's easier than Revolution, because Castle allows them to switch the episodes around so there will still be a new episode during that time slot, whereas Revolution is much more serialized.

  8. You should change your twitter post though because now people believe there will be NO new Castle on Monday when it is really just a swap. Your twitter post says "Castle - No episode for coming Monday" which is apparently not true. People get confused and it might hurt the ratings. Just saying. :)

  9. Completely understandable, but i'm not sure my heart can wait another week for 'Still' and the Caskett talk. Glad its a new episode next week in its place to ease the wait. I hope we get new promos and sneak peeks.

  10. My only question is do I view them in original airing order on rewatches.

  11. Normal decision in-spite of the bombing but what will this be for the story line? Will we see mentions of the previous episode stuff or will it be normal. I ask because when they shoot a series they make it episode after episode and the next episode sometimes reflects what has happen in the previous one, and since Squab was suppose to come out the april of 29 right now it's kind of hard to know what will we watch.

  12. Yawn. I would remove Castle from the air entirely, because people get murdered every day and someone may be offended.

  13. Well at least it's not like Revolution, where we got no episode at all.

  14. so first week we get the episode where Beckett will be fine again with the bomb and then the week after we will get the episode where everyone is worried about Beckett and if she will make it with the bomb? Yeah not so smart if you ask me ;)

  15. I was thinking about that'll be a little weird if they mentioned things that happened in 'Still' and it'll DEFINITELY be strange if caskett starts acting different if beckett did say 'i love you' it just doesn't seem right to me switching the episodes,although i DO respect the boston marathon bombing. i would just not show a episode on monday or do a rerun because fans are already looking forward to still and know that it's coming on,what will it be like if the episode is not what they saw in the promo? and for fans who don't check online for castle news and stuff? & the bombing happened on monday,WHEN the 'still' promo was shown,they could have switched it out for 'the squab & the quill.' bad mistake abc,bad mistake.

  16. Does anyone know if ctv is playing 'still' or doing the same as abc?

  17. LOL.why do you think something would actually happen to her.Oh,maybe a paper cut but that's about it. :)

  18. Yes,your right sometimes it does happen,but very rarely does that happen on Castle.And really i think the audience is smart enough to follow it even if it did happen here.

  19. Its not a bad mistake,ABC already have their schedule in place.How much could you possibly miss? The fans can always dvr the episodes than play them in order if its that important to them.Besides if Beckett is questioning her feelings for him and where this relationship is going (as alluded to in some interview),i doubt you'll be hearing i love you or will you marry me kate.:)

  20. Still was an extra episode anyway and was written after the whole season was mapped out. So I don't think huge things will be mentioned. The major thing that will get screwed up (that I can think off and going by the spoilers about Still), is Gates knowing about Caskett in Still and will be mentioned on Monday's ep.

  21. I actually think the swap will work out. I couldn't quite understand how Beckett will have questions about the relationship after an ep where she and Castle discuss their relationship so this might work. Of course I could be totally wrong here but going by the synopsis of both eps, it might work out.

  22. The decision has been made for a good reason, so let's all be happy with it and look forward to seeing the Squab and the Quail episode which should be awesome. The final 4 episodes will be fantastic no matter what the order. Sit back and enjoy the wonderful story arc that will end Season 5. Spoiler TV yes, please advertise that there will be a NEW show this Monday so viewers are not confused. I don't want to read thousands of people who said, "Oh, I thought Castle was a rerun on Monday and missed it."

  23. Understandable, and I think the correct decision given the circumstances.
    I think (if I can bare it!), i'm going to wait to watch both episodes back to back after 'Still' has aired so I can watch them in order

  24. Ummm Still was an extra episode ordered after the whole season was planned out.meaning that it can be placed anywhere and still make sense

  25. Yes. I'd say absolutely watch them in the originally scheduled order.

  26. I think they could have just done a nice bit at the beginning of the episode about the tragedy and what people can do to help if anything.

  27. It doesn't really make any difference. We all knew Kate wasn't gonna get hurt by the bomb. they're not gonna let a main character die or get badly hurt, especailly since there were three more eppys after Still.

  28. I totally understand and respect their decision.

    But one question: Is CTV also switching the episodes?

  29. Nevermind. I asked, they are switching it too.

  30. I am confused will our Canadian Cousins still be playing Still on CTV?


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