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White Collar - Best Season 4 Episode - Round 1B - Poll

21 Mar 2013

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There were no surprises and no really close polls yesterday. The closest was Empire City and Vested Interest, in which Vested Interest won by 55% of the votes. That means that Vested Interest moves to the next round along with In the Wind, Most Wanted, and Shoot the Moon. I expect today's polls will run in a similar vein and things won't really start getting close until the third round. Thanks to everyone who voted. I would love to hear what your favorites were so sound off in the comments below. Happy voting!

Season 4 Episode Synopses

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  1. It's the first time I've even had to think twice so far. 3 polls were easy but the other one...

    1. Wanted - the season openers were great. It would take a lot more than an episode I barely remember to beat this one.

    2. This one was tough. Both had their moments, good and bad. In the end my Mozzie love edged out the comedy of Compromising Positions and my vote went to Identity Crisis.

    3. Gloves Off - I like Alex (not as a romantic entanglement) and want to see her back for more but Ancient History was kind of lame. Gloves Off on the other hand had Neal vs. Peter literally.

    4. Family Business - I loved having Neal, Peter, and Mozzie working undercover together to avenge Ellen. All kinds of good in this underrated episode.

  2. This poll is simply great!! I am curoius to see which one of the S4 episodes will be chosen as the best one! Anyway, coming to this poll:

    1. Easy choice, as Wanted is one of MY favourites episodes of this season;
    2. Easy again: Compromising Positions has one of the most hilarious scenes of the whole 4 seasons!! (the staged photo shoot with Peter and Sara!!)
    3. Uhm....this was a difficult one!! I liked them both, but I went for Gloves Off because...a shirtless Matt Bomer is always welcomed :D I was kidding, that was not the only reason: I think this was an intense episode, above all when Neal discovered that Peter went to visit James!!
    4. And last, the most difficult choice!!! I went with The Original, but only because I like more the episodes which involve art crimes/forgeries.
    Compliments Dahne, I am waiting for the next Poll ;)

  3. Thanks so much for commenting. I love hearing what others think about this show. Wanted is one of my favorites too. It might be my pick overall.


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