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USD POLL : Who is your favorite Revolution character?

23 Mar 2013

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by bgoodkatie who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?

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You can vote for 3 Characters.


  1. X - I don't watch this crap.

  2. me some boss tortured anti hero swashbuckler. :) not to mention Billy Burke has that rugged handsome look which i love more then just a pretty face.

  3. None of the characters are that well established yet, the story has kind of been a barrier to significant development. But because Miles just kicks ass and will never get killed, I voted him

  4. With only ten episodes in its too early for me to have a favorite....that being said i'll have to go with Miles.Ask me at the end of the season,it might be different..

  5. Miles! And then Charlie and Rachel.

  6. Rachel, Miles and Monroe

  7. This is hard, because we so know so little about some of them...

    1. Aaron

    2. Charlie

    3. Miles

    4. Tom

    5 Rachel

    6. Nora

    7. Jason

    8. Danny

    Have a special curiosity for: Priscilla, Jeremy, Randall, Sebastian, Mia, Ben, Grace
    Dislike: Julia (but Kim Raver does a great job!)

  8. Ya, I def could see my opinion changing, because the first ten almost act like a prequel, because of how a specific character is going to be further used to launch what ever the deeper story is going to be...It's very Alias IMO.

  9. disqus_e2BmCVpvQ823 March 2013 at 13:58

    Miles didn't do anything horrible - he is not Regina; some of his people are really bad, and Monroe is psycho - that's why he deserted the militia.

  10. Yes it has played like a prequel! Even for me it was a toss up between Miles and Aaron,but i do think it will change...

    Oh, did you catch The Good Wife promo with John Noble in it? Short but oh so sweet!

  11. Yes I did! :D -I haven't watched The Good Wife in a couple of years, but this certainly warrants a my return, at least for this episode anyways! :p

  12. I stopped a long time ago.Football always screwed up the time even when i programmed it on the dvr,but this episode i will definitely watch!

  13. Who do you think started the militia? Miles did a lot of horrible things....

  14. He let thousands (if not more) be slaughtered and killed by imposing exceptionally oppressive and unjust laws unto "their" people.. He and Monroe rose to the occasion to play out their childhood war fantasy...I'm not saying Miles is all to blame for the Militia, but he is partually responsible, which is why it is SO important that he joins the rebels and stop Monroe's non stop violence. -Charlie is the one who helps them "see the light".

  15. Although I def think Miles bares a good deal of responsibility, as he was also a killer, I do think Monroe has away of making Miles feel alive and special, but ultimately, if what I caught in episode three and what was presented in the Pilot is any consolation (-Monroe branded hand -pre-black out ALREADY gave Monroe high Military clearance + "M" militia soda pop can spills out of back pack = "manufacturing of cans"), then Monroe knew about the black out and had been planning! Then we have Randall and his association with The Department of Defense --it's sounding similar to a Person of Interest back stories.

  16. Miles, then Charlie and Nora. No idea where I'd place the others.

  17. Good of a reason as any :D

  18. Anybody but Charlie. She annoys the crap out of me. I picked Miles, Nora, and Rachel, for the record.

  19. I love Jason Neville. I've been calling him "Not!Nate" since Episode 1. I can't wait to see what they do with him and Charlie's relationship as well.

  20. It was a toss up between Nora and Lady Macbeth for me. Nora is the most kick butt female we have so far but Lady Macbeth has the absolute ruthlessness in getting her husband established as head honcho. She's the most intriguing character. Dead last for me would be anyone with the surname Matheson. I hope they all die and soon.

  21. Miles, then Sebastian, and Jeremy Baker. I just love the relationship, both current and former, between these three. They started the militia together and now it's so interesting to see how they interact with Miles being on the run and Bass and Jeremy wanting Miles to come back and things to go back to the good 'ole days. Even with Miles saying what he did and Bass putting out the kill order on Miles in the mid-season finale, I honestly believe that Miles still cares for Bass and that Bass was just so hurt that his best friend, the man he saw as a brother, would say something so hurtful.

  22. Rachel and Ben helped the DOD to create the Blackout and now Randall is mentoring the Pendants but what for? Did they attached a EMP virus to whatever they created bc EMP's are capable of rendering all electronics and if they didn't then how the hell the world went dark lol with an EMP

  23. Well I def think Jason and Neville will have a showdown, but ultimately I'm not sure to what end. On one hand I think even though it appears that Tom doesn't care, I think he actually does or "did", but that his lust for power has side-swiped a legitimate reason for seeking such status.

    Additionally it's possible that Jason has other interests outside Charlie and his father.

    Ben sold his soul to the DOD (if you notice Rachel was not too thrilled about it or Randall in general), but I'm not 100% sure if the DOD caused the black out, unless we have "conspiracy within" (a terrorist group) that wanted to take down the U.S./World Government for some reason? (Revenge?) But it seems like Monroe knew it was going to happen BEFORE it did, as there are a couple of things like manufactured aluminum "M" logo pop cans and how his "M" brand allowed him military access into the military base on the night of the black out, as this symbol "already" meant "power".

  24. My theory is U.S. was way in over their debt to other countries and probably couldn't find $$$ to pay it off so they caused a blackout to erase it lol I'm curious on who are the others who hold the pendant and why Randall wants Ben pendant so badly seeing as Monroe has it? Also I wanna meet the other parts of the world who are fighting Monroe Republic and What are the odds that Randall meet with Monroe before and told me about the plan?

  25. Miles, Rachel and Neville. In that order. They're always the most fun or fascinating for me to watch.

  26. Marie-Eve Mongrain26 March 2013 at 19:45

    Monroe for sure

  27. I love J.d. pardo he rocks!!!he so handsome!:)


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