Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Selection - Author says the CW changed the show to target a mature audience

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The Selection - Author says the CW changed the show to target a mature audience

16 Mar 2013

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Kiera Cass the author of the young adults novels the CW's "The Selection" pilot is based on has confirmed the CW is taking a completely different direction with "The Selection 2.0", targeting a mature audience this time around, the cast is significantly older than their characters in the books... and the characters are very different, harder and darker than their book versions.
We previously mentioned some of the changes here


  1. "Targeting a mature audience = older cast members."

    Do they think teenagers are so stupid that they'd be put off by a show featuring characters considerably older than them ? That youthfulness is the only way younger viewers are able to relate to characters ? That's stupid, teenagers are not that image-obsessed and shallow !

  2. I'm sure this is one of the CW's more expensive projects. If a more mature audience can get better demo numbers (a 1 in the demo is not an accomplishment if you're not on cable) than so be it.

  3. The problem is will an older audience even think about tuning into CW? Seeing how they struggle to get any kind of audience at all I'm not sure this approach will work.

  4. Yes, hopefully for the CW it will work, but the success or not of this show is not my point at all. I'm just sick of networks seeing viewers as one-dimentional sheeps that have to be pampered, like young people cannot enjoy a show with mature elements, or characters that don't resemble them from an age or physical perspective. But judging by the negmods, I guess people do want that. Give it up for bland characters in shows defined by the demographics they are supposed to appeal to !

  5. True enough, people watch shows where 30 year olds play teenagers!

    Every network is trying to focus on the demo's of 18-49 (CBS may differ on this). Maybe the CW wants to make sure it gets that (apparently more valuable) demo of 18-34 and that it isn't stuck with 13 to 16 year olds?

    It all comes down to focus groups anyways. The yearly adage article on what the ad's people will paying for spots during this show (if it ever comes to series) will be interesting.

  6. I hope this does well, the book is next on my list but it sounds good, judging from the plot outline, it would do well with the characters being 19-24. But if you look at The Hunger Games (sorry for making comparisons there!) Katniss is 16 and acts like a 30 year old, so I don't think age has anything to do with it, but rather how they write and portray the characters. But it sounds like the CW want this to work out as much as I do :D

  7. The CW has Hart of Dixie and Arrow and Cult, all of which skew a little older. Obviously the people who'd watch 90210 and Gossip Girl now tune in to ABC Family. The CW is smart for having shows revolving around young-adults, anywhere from 17 1/2 to 25/26...oh, and Supernatural and Nikita also have always had all-adult casts and characters.

  8. I'm glad the CW is trying to get a more mature audience i think they are trying to really make this show work but surprising too cause we know how the CW likes there shows to target the teen demo

  9. Well if they cast actors from shows on about 10 years ago when it was still the WB/UPN or even the last 5 years they might have a chance it's the only reason I ever watched BATB.

  10. i doubt this is going to matter.. the cw is a dead network even good shows failt there. If anything another netowrk should take this if its even remotely good. Come 2016 there will be no more cw.

  11. have you seen the lead actress shes way more beautiful than the one they had last year

  12. well if cw picks up the originals , tommorrow people , selection ,the hundred and maybe even oxygen and promotes them well enough they could all succeed


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