Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Supernatural - Episode 8.17 - Goodbye Stranger - Extended Promo

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Supernatural - Episode 8.17 - Goodbye Stranger - Extended Promo

4 Mar 2013

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  1. Yeah! Looks awesome. And Meg's gone blond!

  2. !@#$%^&*( ASDFGHJKL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Can't.Breathe.WHY MUST WE WAIT FOR THIS EPICNESS???????? This episode will kick some serious butt,I can feel it!!!And one more thing.Did I just see Krissy from that episode in season 7,Adventures in babysitting????Cool :P That girl was tough ;)

  3. OMFG, too many things going on in this promo! (all my eyes on cas) cas kill an demon informant in front of the boys, trying to stab someone at the end of the promo, I hope it's not meg, I like her to come back, maybe it's naomi, but it would be too soon to kill her off. And HE HIT DEAN!!! I SO WANT A FIGHT BETWEEN THE TWO!! EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. OH NO...OH NO!!!I just rewatched this for the 10th time but in VERY slow motion.There's a very short scene of Dean lying on the floor unconscious.I bet Cas did this to him.I am so pissed right now.I don't know why and I am probably wrong to think this way but right now I want to kill Cas!!!

  5. yes I saw it when look at it the nth time. cas stabbed dean! and dean looks dead!! I dont know if it's an illusion or sth, but that's intense!!!
    dun angry about cas, it's naomi the bitch force him to do it!

  6. omggggggg... this is going to be such a good episode! So intense.

  7. Cas is being controlled by Naiomi.

  8. I know that but I can't help feeling angry!!! :(

  9. Oh shit. This looks really awesome and I can't wait for this! Whoa at Cas.

  10. Can somebody tell me..if Sam is in woods or in purgatory?!? Anyways this is the promo of 2-3 episodes combined.

  11. SupernaturallyMe4 March 2013 at 19:57

    Good question. However, if that is Purgatory, it looks a lot less menacing this time around...

  12. Then pointing the anger at Naomi would probably be more useful. Cas can't do much if his brain is getting messed with and she can control everything he does.

  13. Oh my poor Castiel D: When Dean finds out what Naomi did to him, she will go down >:) I can't wait!!!

  14. LOL, I do love Crowley..this looks like it is going to be exciting..Cas is back, Crowley snark, what is not to love.

  15. Dean has never been able to hurt Cas with blows, but boy Castiel can do a number on Dean..don't piss off the nerd Angel.

  16. What is the song that's playing!!!???
    And Sam says ''They are working together'', does he mean Meg with Crowley??

  17. Looks good....

  18. Miss Supernatural5 March 2013 at 00:21

    I hate that scene with passion.

  19. OMG! so can not wait for this come 20th come NOW!

  20. Watching this, there are a few things that stick out to me. There are more than a few people in this episode we don't know. While I'm sure we'll have random demons and maybe another angel or two involved, I'm starting to think that there is some group of people who are wrapped up in this. Not just cause people tend to get caught in the middle, but that these other people are a group of some kind. Either way, they seem to be in the boys way, a lot.

    I think it's fairly clear from what I'm seeing that for Cas, this is the big breaking point episode. He's not along for the ride cause the boys need him. He's clearly there because of Naomi and I think at first, just there to throw the boys off the trail and later being forced to outright betray and hurt the boys. I've a feeling though that Naomi is so in his head that orders from her are nearly impossible to betray and Cas will suffer some mental damage trying to fight her control.

    Seems like the only one on the boys side in this episode is going to be Meg and that could mean a showdown between her and Cas that see's her bite the dust.

  21. Love how Carver has given us our boys back so caring and close, that hes focused the show fully back on them (regardless of who is in an episode or not ) and that we had 6 wonderful brothers only episodes The Unholy Trinity being Castiel Meg and Crowley, love it!
    Can't wait for the next episode this promo was great Sam and Dean, the cool music and them fighting evil

  22. I think that some of the scenes in the promo are from 7x18,so not everyone will be in "Goodbye,stranger"...

  23. Holy cow!

  24. I'm excited for this episode, but things are not looking good for Cas.


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