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Once Upon a Time - Episode 2.19 - Lacey - Promotional Photos

28 Mar 2013

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  1. LOL at the shocked and horrified looks on their faces in that first picture. \

    Cannot wait for Racy Lacey!

  2. Seconded. I am dying to know what brought on that collective look of horror in that hilarious first photo.

  3. Is Henry having a birthday party but they didn't invite his mother but DID invite Gold? Wow. The Charmings just get worse and worse.

  4. Racey Lacy! Can't wait!

    So cute that it looks like they're having a b-day party for Henry.

  5. Probably Regina shows up. And that just makes them one murderer too many.

  6. Better quality there :D

  7. Lacey looks she has a personality. Good. Already makes her more interesting than Belle. Who's the guy with her?
    Not a fan of this Charming-Rumplestiltskin family dynamic. Too contrived. Henry looks thoughtful in some of the pictures. Guess it's his first birthday without Regina.

  8. This. But at least Henry doesn't seem all that happy.

  9. Can't get the link to work. And reloading the page hasn't helped. Don't even see the thumbnails here.

  10. We're not even seeing everybody/everything so we can't judge yet. Regina may show up later. You don't know. Way to jump to conclusions based on a few pictures.

  11. Sorry. Then they're just assholes for not waiting for his mother to show up before he blows out the candles.

  12. Sorry, but jumping to conclusions again. We're still not seeing everything so I'm not going to worry about it until the episode airs.

    I've learned multiple times over the years that it's better to not judge an episode based on spoilers because it never turns out the way we think it will.

    I do hope Regina is there, though.

  13. LOL he blows out the candles. Regina isn't there but his bio family is. There's no jumping.

  14. We can't even see everybody in those pictures, though.

  15. You mean the photos taken from multiple angles of the same six people?

  16. Where's Regina?
    I'm hoping for another "Sorry I'm late" appearance!

    [or this will end badly]

  17. Yep. Also his face wouldn't look like THAT if everyone were there he'd want to be there.

  18. Maybe he wishes for Regina and she shows up. Cue horrified looks from the Charmings.

  19. I wonder if Regina shows up and this is when she finds out that Neal/Bae is Henry's father? But anyway, hooray for bio family.

  20. No one likes a fifth wheel?

  21. That would be good. I can see that happening. Maybe somehow this is what leads to THE bench scene with Emma and Regina.

  22. Regina is not there because just two days before he attempted to kill them again .....

    Gold in the end he always helps, it is not their enemy

    We must put ourselves in their shoes every now and then

    sorry for my english :(

  23. Seventh wheel? Nothing should get in the way of their bio family based on rape, abuse, kidnapping and manipulation! Not even the child's real mom!

  24. Only? Because Snow White is really like meek Mary Margaret? Fairy tale David is like Stroybrooke David?

  25. Genevieve Taylor28 March 2013 at 20:25

    Who is the cutie in the last pic?

  26. Ooh, swing and a miss. You lost me with the "real mom" bit.

  27. I bet they skip over it. Kitsis and Horowitz have given an interview where they handwave one of the premises of the show, Regina's manipulation at Rumple's hands, with ~she probably knows on some level~. So I wouldn't be surprised if they skipped over important stuff like Regina finding out that Gold and Neal take precedence over her in Henry's life.

  28. She started that way, yeah. And Charming is a lot douchier than David, you're right. David made mistakes but was actually nice. Those are minor personality changes, a lot closer to who they really are.

  29. *shrug* I can't call her anything other than that.

  30. When was the last time you invite a person who hates you and try to kill you (many times) to a party? Regina isn't a normal adoptive mother. She is a woman who hates the bio family of her son so much that she over and over trys to hurt them and to kill them. I guess the worst thing you can do to Henry is to keep Regina and the Charmings together in one room. All this hate and anger would be a pain for Henry. The Regina-Fans always thinks about Regina feelings but never about Henrys emotions or about the feelings of Reginas victims. I will never understand this. To be the adoptive mother of a child doesn't give you the right to kill all people who comes between you and the child.

  31. Can't agree with you there. Regina and Emma both suck as mothers and I would never go so far as to call either a "real" mother.

  32. Whether they're good or not doesn't really have anything to do with it. Regina is his mother. End of.

  33. Gold is there because - so far - no one knows what he's thinking about doing to Henry because he's afraid of a prophecy. They'll find out soon enough.

  34. That only works if the man responsible for it ISN'T THERE.

    Gold who threatened them multiple times. Gold who is still considering killing Henry. Gold who is the reason all of this happened. Gold who manipulated the murder that started it all. You know, the one on whose hands all the blood is on? Regina can clearly be in the same room as them, since we, you know, saw it in the past episode.

    But you're right, it doesn't give you the right to kill all the people who come between you and your child. Like, you know, Snow and Gold just did.

  35. Saying it doesn't make it true.

  36. So Henry has no mothers then.

  37. Except that if Henry was not biologically related to the Charmings, they wouldn't be taking this child away, in fact nobody would be taking him away from the adoptive mother. He did not grow up knowing them as family, he found out not long before he went to find Emma. So Regina hating on the bio family of the kid she didn't even know was biologically related to them is pretty self evident and grows even more intense given their history. Is it right? No.

    Sure, Regina is a problematic mother, but the Charmings are aware of Rumplestiltskin's murderous personality too. The same guy who also tried to kill Emma and MM just so Cora wouldn't get through, the same guy who threatened to kill the whole family and was reluctant to help protect MM from Regina. And that is the annoying thing in this, and not the fact that Regina has issues.

  38. As audience members worrying about Henry we should think about Gold and if it's a good idea to let him be around Henry too. For now Gold is trying to keep his ideas to do who knows what to Henry to himself, but I wouldn't be surprised if their attempts to play happy family with him will backfire big time soon. I hope Henry will not be the one who has to pay the price for it.

  39. He has an inept biological mother and a woman who acquired (not adopted) him and put a roof over his head. That's the most accurate description of Henry's "mothers" as of right now.

  40. Why not adopted?

  41. Like OBVIOUSLY Regina is problematic and has issues with Henry. But the Charmings give zero fucks about anyone else in Storybrooke so it's not like they're trying to get kids back from problematic parents. In fact it was a GOOD thing that Jefferson was reunited with his bio daughter even though we know what horrific things he's done.

  42. Because there's no way that the adoption can be legal. One person in the country (and on the planet) illegally residing in a town that doesn't officially exist can't lawfully adopt a child whom also isn't a legal resident. The fact that Gold facilitated it was a big red flag to begin with.

  43. The writers have already said the adoption is legal.

    And that can't be true. Because we already know that Abigail was able to get into law school. Something that's pretty hard to do without having information that makes you a legal citizen. Plus how would their credit cards work in the real world if they weren't real people?

    And with Henry having actually been born in a state facility to a juvenile state prisoner, I can't be positive of course, but I'm going to hazard a guess that there is more official paperwork to transport children out.

  44. You're actually right about the Henry bit. However, the rest is still illegal.

    " Something that's pretty hard to do without having information that makes you a legal citizen. Plus how would their credit cards work in thereal world if they weren't real people?"

    False identities and fake / stolen credit cards are facts of life. People can go for decades, if not their entire lives living normal, legal lives under false identities. Any adoption by Regina would have involved fraud as a necessity. There's no way around that.

  45. So you think it's possible for an entire town to get away with continuous fraud without being flagged?

  46. Heh. We're talking about the same show right? Giants, heart stealing, sailing invisible ships along the east coast, inter-dimensional portals, a curse that can make an entire town (and accompanying populace) appear without notice or alarm by US Govt. surveillance etc.

    Yeah, I think a little fraud is doable.

  47. Who says it will try to kill him? o.o the authors said that Henry could be in danger, but what will happen remains to be seen

  48. Wait, David made mistakes but was actually nice? Really?

  49. Gold he's not trying to murder anyone NOW.

    Regina has had a lot of possibilities, but it continues to fail. It 'just that Gold, as Queen, has its possibilities, and so far he's doing better than Regina (on Henry, remains to be seen what will happen)

    No one is saying that Gold is holy, of course, but for now he better of her. -.

    I think it is just a side that is disregarded a lot in this fandom.

  50. It's probably best if not everybody is there if she doesn't show up, tbh.

    I mean this is the same family that is still trying to kill each other. Who'd want all that drama all for a kid's birthday party? The Charmings and Regina can't really get along and Regina and Henry can celebrate by themselves (maybe. I don't really trust the murdering, kidnapping, rapist with him)

  51. There are worlds between Snow and MM.

  52. Yes, would be time for Regina to be somehow "informed"...I wonder, if they give us at least a convo between Emma and Neal about the subject ("Hey Emma, before I forget... why did that dark haired woman at the well say, Henry is her son?")

  53. they glossed over that when Neal was going to take Henry to NY, Neal said that Emma told him about the situation with Regina. It follows that the explanation went on off screen... :/

  54. I agree and that's why I think her plot makes good sense this season!

  55. I'm with you Klutzy, cursed David I think was SO confused (and I don't find that "nice"), and even though Charming does some things wrong/contraversial, I think he's loads better than cursed David

  56. Agreed. And I've also learned not to cry wolf just because something suddenly changes we don't initially like, it's a serialized drama for Pete's sake, they're not going to make it easy...

  57. Because we have heard Gold use the word "procure". as opposed to any other. Procure has a kind of negative stigma to it. -It's hard to say if being able to get Henry just happened via the curse and/or what Regina and Gold had to do to get him, but given what happened with Owen and Kirk, I wouldn't put it past Regina to steal a baby if it happened to wonder into Storybrooke

  58. Well, in my view Gold doesn't need to kill anyone at the moment because he has what he wants now, his son. And in my eyes he is the one who manipulated Regina to become the "Evil" Queen along with Cora (although she had an unfortunate life and became bitter and then became the "evil" sorceress she was) and the death of Daniel and being married to someone she didn't love and being possibly disappointed with her life and not having anyone to ever lead her in a more healthy direction. Now of course this doesn't excuse everything she has done but she has been so effected by many people that she never really choose for herself. And never will Gold ever be better than Regina that's just my view anyways because he has as much blood if not more than Regina's on his hands.

  59. It's already been confirmed it was a real adoption. But considering the derisive language Gold uses to put Regina down, particularly in regards to Henry, it's not surprising.

    How would a baby wander into Storybrooke?

  60. But you do trust him with the murderers, kidnappers and rapists he's currently with? O.o

  61. I liked him better. He was genuine. I find Charming way too douchey and far, far too stupid.

  62. Was my sociopath adopted mother who has committed her entire life to destroying my family and a couple days almost killed my grand mother who I love but decided not to because she wants to see her destroy herself slowly, coming?

  63. What changes we don't initially like are you talking about?

  64. ...that's my point. They're NOT allowing Regina to spend time with her own child but they're allowing constant time with Gold.

    It's hard for me to see how Snow regrets it. She regrets that it makes her feel badly about herself, but she doesn't seem to regret what she did to Regina. That's a major flaw in the storyline.

  65. Exactly and the point might be to explore "the price of magic" (the cost of living) and the consequence magic brings.

    S1 is about "containment" and separation (along with the prospect of "True Love" in terms of family)

    s2 is about being 'broken' as everything is no longer contained or separated along with a firmer stance on "fate orientated" universes, as this is the price of breaking the curse (using magic) and making one's sense of identity in the state of transformation, as even things further hidden in these's people's pasts, or their parent's pasts come crashing back to haunt them and question all former identities, and thus challenge their definition of happiness.

    BSG ended in a way that said, even though this was about saving a little girl and being a family, never mind because you are not all going to be living together like family anyways, your role in protecting this child is done, you have little to live for now...oh and FYI, giving up technology didn't matter either, because the new version of humanity is going to do all over again anyways.

    Once says, we all have problems, life's complicated and full of uncertainty, we sometimes fall, but don't worry, things can still turn out to be ok, especially if you're willing to work for it and because of the people who are in your lives.

  66. I found the opposite about BSG. That EVERYTHING mattered more. Every single life mattered and was about how even the lives of Cylons were important.

    Whereas I find Once to be about how important the lives of royalty are but how very unimportant the faceless people are. They try for these big good/evil dynamics but end up with some people coming out on top no matter what while others are still trodden upon no matter what.

  67. "how important the lives of royalty are but how very unimportant the faceless people are."

    I agree, except I would use this in past tense....the point to get to a better place, is because the place you came from needs reformed, that is what the CURSE is...a way to have second (and some) chances, but that doesn't mean the path to is going is straight or easy (because change is hard and takes time) and that is what season 2 is setting out to do. It's the first bridge, a contorted one, that is making some people better and some people worse as we continue on.

  68. Well, that's not exactly a good deed. She saved him to lock him up and know that she was going to kill the person he was in love with. Some things are worst than death on this show.

  69. Charming hasn't done much more than a soldier in battle would do. And we are proud of our soldiers. We don't see killing for our country/people as a bad thing. Well, people who aren't anti-war at least.

  70. I'm not sure I can grant that because we've seen very little of characters trying to change anything involving the system they came from, complete with royalty in charge by default.

  71. ...Yeah? I'm saying it's cold blood because he feels nothing about it at all. And I'm pretty sure when you talk to real life soldiers, they care that they're taking lives, even if they're enemies, even if they're supposed to and it's kill or be killed. It's human nature to care.

  72. Regina tried to be nice, but she was snubbed, re-burdened with the possibility of reviving Daniel, and the women she thought she had killed and would never see again, wasn't and came back into her life. She gave her mother a second chance (change), and at first she did try to be good to Henry, (until she found out it wasn't going to be easy).

    Gold tries to change, because of Belle's influence, but we see that's half backed, since to reunite with his son, might require eliminating his grandson.

    But we know EVA changed...this is the beginning of how it all might eventually change, as she went from treating Cora appallingly, to teaching her daughter to NOT do the same, as Snow White is "the fairest" in the land...So Cora and Eva's story might hold more weght in the long wrong, but again, season two is about the beginning processes of change (and not necessarily for the good at first), because once people are all much better people, then there is no more story to tell.

  73. That's not what I'm talking about. That's personal change. I'm talking systemic change.

  74. I think Regina did more than just that in her raising of Henry, regardless of whether the Charmings, Emma and Henry himself are willing to give her the credit. I won't argue that the circumstances over the adoption are way more than a little flaky but I credit that to the show's plot holes and inconsistencies. BUT Regina was the one who raised Henry. She was the one who did the grunt work and cared about him while he was growing up, and she did operate under the pretense that the adoption was legal (despite it being clearly obtained by magic). She is more of a mother to him than Emma, and I do resent how little TPTB address that in the show.

  75. I still disagree in OUAT's case, because the case is still being build, because systematic change mirrors the emotional change. I'm not saying they maybe could have executed it better, but season two might be about 'a whole bunch of new ideas' and the rest of the remaining seasons are how they come together (eventually will be systematic) There is some consistancey though as history is still repeating and juxtapositions are being used to the hilt, but the season is setting the stage for all the others.

    But, look, I understand when one isn't satisfied one isn't satisfied, but you always have the option to just stop watching and invest your time in something you like more.

    I'm still going to give it more time to tell it's story and allow season two to bridge them to next destination, because I see a lot of interesting ideas being introduced, and they have to start some where...

  76. But Gold also didn't know he was Rumple so...

  77. I haven't read that confirmation (If you could provide a link that would be great!) and I'm not denying that it doesn 't/might not appear like an "real" adoption (I'm assuming you mean paper work, which can be FORGED), but between Gold's use of word of "Procure" ( which means to obtain and/or secure, as opposed to being given freely--sounds like Gold made a deal) and the fact that NONE of "them" can leave Storybrooke and remember who they are, makes it stand to reason that this situation relies on "Outside" sources, since Henry wasn't born in Storybrooke. So either fate brought Henry to them, or Mr. Gold and Regina had to conspire (which might include using Magic, which Regina had some -"Apple Red As Blood") in order to adopt (or steal) Henry. (And from experience, as I'm adopted, It's VERY hard to adopt a child. They really look for stability, which Regina isn't stable, but is very good at hiding it, or manipulating others to believe she is, especially when one considers she might use magic)

  78. The Charmings have helped a lot of people. Example: Tiny among others. They're not always right, but they try to do the best they can for family, friends, and people from their kingdom.

    And most of everyone has done something bad. Jefferson reformed and I'm glad he got his daughter back. Besides that, Grace missed him.

  79. Snow killed one person because she threatened the lives of ALL of her family and killed her mother (she does not know how her mother once treated Cora). And Snow regreted it.

    Gold, well, if Regina should be allowed to see Henry, why can't he? As far as they know she isn't any less dangerous than him.

  80. Tiny, you mean the guy who directly affected their lives? Hmmm.

    That's right, they're all terrible people. That's why I find the Charmings annoying, because they're the first to tell you how good they are.

  81. I agree on the part about Regina not being there cause it wasn't long ago she was trying to kill them all.

  82. Well it stands to reason that Henry is a threat to Gold's happiness, and so, although it's true that maybe there is more than one way to deal with a threat, (which i think Henry will end up in Neverland being kidnapped by Hook), I think if he fears Henry enough, he'll want to make it perminant, but the flip side, which Gold himself hasn't considered (and we're not sure if Gold has seen what the Seer saw, or if he's just taking her word for it), is that maybe Henry really isn't a threat (things are never what they seem to be in visions) and/or it's "another boy" (which all men where once boys) is...

  83. As fairytale David said, his Storybrooke self was weak. He couldn't make decisions like breaking up with Katherine.

  84. I think with Charming it's not fair to blame him, since we know so little about him. (I agree that needs remedied), but Tiny affected their lives, because he was captured and "humanity" had betrayed him again, but ultimately the Charmings helped Anton find a new place in the new world, -they gave him a new family. The Charmings aren't terrible, they're human. Like with the situation in "Tiny" the show gives us REALLY complicated situations in which it's sometimes is hard to blame others for what they come to believe, considering what their experiences are (and we are not all going to agree on right and wrong in specifics), but there is a difference when one knows what their intentions will bring. Regina has been too scared to change and Snow is starting to think she should. No matter what there are ALWAYS unforeseen consequences, but when you know you're creating devastation and pain, that's when accountability has to be considered, especially when one doesn't care enough to mend their ways, which Snow usually does care about, but Regina so far keeps caving in. IMO this is about being "better", not being "good".

  85. The Charmings have a more nasty past with Regina than Gold. Regina killed Snow's mother and got the genie to kill her father, and made several attempts on Snow's life while also trying to make Charming suffer for basically just being on Snow's side (1x21).

  86. The difference it THEY don't know that Gold is threat to Henry's life, only WE do.
    Henry himself hasn't said anything to them about it either... Emma and Neal are oblivious because they're distracted because of their romantic situation and because it looks like Gold is making an effort to be better person.

  87. Yeah, he's been Snow's moral compass since they met.

  88. Oh so defending family from death is now cold blood murder...

    Er, Emma was legal age when Neal was with her...

    And David is not stupid. I've seen stupid. I've read stupid. Granted he's no IQ 50,000,000 but he's normal. And he's got a good heart.

    And currently all the Charmings know is Gold is on their side right now. It wouldn't do good to make another enemy and refuse to let him be around Henry if he wants to be.

  89. Maybe not, which is why I don't consider Charming to be a murderer. A little cold-blooded in his killing, since he has quite the body-count, but not murder. Snow is a murderer.

    No. Emma was NOT of legal age. If she was, Henry would be 8 or 9. Because no matter how you want to try to make it fit, a woman, on her 28th birthday, LITERALLY CANNOT have a child who is 10 years old without having had him when she was 17. And based on the extremely bad timeline of the show, Henry turning 11 actually points to Emma having been 16 when he was conceived. And Neal is several hundred years old. Or well into his 20s if you don't count his time in Wonderland.

  90. I wasn't even talking about the bean.

    I haven't found any of his speeches wise.

  91. Maybe. Although I can only remember his "we are both" speech, which has proved to be not true, and his speeches to Snow, which are weird.

  92. How else did Tiny help them then?

    Maybe cause you don't want to.

  93. Yeah, that's my problem. They're willing to overlook all their history, all the clues. It's getting frustrating how stupid the characters on the show are.

  94. That's true, they do. Although they thought it was more important to lock Gold up while letting Regina go.

    Although, Charming is only alive because of Regina.

  95. his protectiveness and willingness to give people a chance *IF they prove themselves..."

    Agreed about Charming. I def want more form him (and his brother) to help evolve his
    character ,but the one thing he is, is this great pillar of strength, and that's is something Snow needs to stay on a better path.

    Like you, I don't have a problem with him the way others do.

  96. They didn't know he'd help them. He attacked, became small, and then David saved him. Later afterwards, Tiny revealed he had the bean. They got a reward because they did the right thing and helped him.

    You're really pushing the idea of the "good" guys (very loose term cause we know it's a grey area) are just as bad as the "bad" guys when it's not true.

    And I love David. He may come off high and mighty to you, but not to me. I love him cause of his protectiveness and willingness to give people a chance *IF* they prove themselves. And he's not bloodthirsty. He may come off as an "air head" to you, but to me, he's the typical Disney hero which has an appeal. And I believe he's not as stupid as haters think. His speeches are wise.

  97. Regina saved Charming from King George's execution. If she hadn't he'd be dead, of course it was all to bait Snow White in the end, but yeah.

  98. Well you always have the option not to watch, but again this is how one creates "drama" by having SO much going on that is emotionally (and physically) distracting that any one of them knowing "the whole truth" is impossible because humans aren't perfect, or perfectly smart, we make mistakes and can't always see through. If we were, do you think the world would be the way it is?

    I'm not Religious, but I love philosophy. A lot of theses tales derive, and even Once's subtext connects back to Judeo-Christian themes, such as "Genesis"....With that in mind, the idea is that "we" fell from God's Grace, are all now born sinners, and have to "work our way back" to that ideal of "Good Grace" or rewarded in Heaven/Eden, but ONCE also has Eastern Philosophy woven in too, so these ideas might be "combined" (much like in LOST) to accumulate to a combination of beliefs that say, 'we need to work to be better to get to a better place' (but that it's not always an easy road and really humans are not perfect. But where do we end up? Can we be happy? That's what the show is asking and that's what we have to wait and see for).

  99. Yeah, that's the problem. Too many people are choosing the option not to watch.

  100. Yes, because too many people are too fickle and/or impatient to watch a serialized piece of television unless it goes beyond rated-R.

  101. Gold was making deals with people who didn't know better. He hadn't tried to kill anyone they knew. He was just trouble.

    And they let Regina go in hope she'd change, but every time they give her a chance she ends up going after them again.

    How is Charming alive because of Regina? I don't remember a time, at least not in fairytale land. If she did save his life once, after recent events I can see them forgetting that.

    In less you mean her putting him in a hospital bed in Storybrooke. If so, it was her fault he ended up there and she likely did it so she could enjoy the fact Snow couldn't remember him when she brought her to the hospital. I doubt it really mattered to her if he lived or died.

    Otherwise, all I remember is that it was the Huntsman who let Charming go free to save Snow in the Season 1 finale.

  102. So then all that means is Regina manipulated him/the situation even further (which is SO ironic, since Henry is what is needed to get Emma there!), but in any case Rumple uses the word procure (upon knowing whom he is) which still means it had to be "orchestrated".

    The writers said they would touch on this eventually, which means it isn't simple, there's a story here to tell.

  103. That's a problematic statement considering the amount of television that has gone for much longer than Once with more complex narratives and more consistent characterization. It's also unfair to say that it's the 'rated-R' aspect that gains viewers when shows on cable that allow higher ratings are also much more supportive of riskier moves.

  104. *headdesk* YES, that's THE POINT.

  105. A lot of those have turned out to be justified criticisms though.

  106. Disagree. Season two is a season of transformation, a state of confusion/change/idnetity crisis, and ultimately a bridge. We have no real establishment, except that we're meant to eventually reach happy endings, but about what specifically the show is about or how they get there is what we're watching to see, since there is no ABSOLUTIST character, say for Blue Fairy. Ultimately it is an EXPLORATION which means they don't have to stick with anything.

  107. How can one say that, when the show hasn't reached it's final destination?

  108. You make a good point about the shorter seasons. It also affords them the ability to plan far ahead, something that is clearly lacking for Once Upon a Time.

    Perhaps the narrative of ALL things should feel like it is. It's unfair to say that millions of people have stopped watching the show because they lack the patience to follow along, when there are shows on the networks that have been consistent for many years. Some even in the same type of niche genre as Once Upon a Time. It speaks more to the frustration over gaping plotholes and the inability to flesh out characters than on the viewers being fickle.

  109. Except that they have shorter seasons and they didn't rely on Nelson ratings to continue to move forward. Most of the shows are renewed by episode 3 or 4.
    2 seasons of Once is almost 4 seasons of Mad Men. Additionally the networks make all kinds of demands. The Cable Networks have greater freedom to plan and be consistent, but in Once case, especially in season 2, I think inconsistency is the theme. These people are in a state of change, there's NOTHING normal about what they're experiencing, so the narrative shouldn't feel like it is.

  110. Because the final destinations don't matter. If a plot is predictable it doesn't matter where it ends EVENTUALLY because the initial build-up failed as a narrative. Especially when it comes to things like introduction of new characters before focusing on old ones. Justified criticisms because it's driving people away from the show by constantly introducing shallow new characters, trying to see what sticks then stumbling about because people didn't respond the way they were expected to instead of focusing on the characters they have. The show really only has two characters of any depth because it treats many of its characters as DEVICES. Ultimately the show is very shallow and it's pretty clear they have only thought a few plot threads through.

  111. That only works as a statement if the show actually takes an idea or a thought and sticks with it. And we really haven't seen much of that.

    I really don't like the comparison to Bad Robot shows, just because if a show can't stand on its own then what good is it. BUt I'm not talking about everything as a device. I'm talking about characters literally having no personality or acting contrary to what we were shown in the episode directly before because it suits the plot at that moment. That is nothing more than bad writing.

    I mean, sure, shows are asking philosophical questions but then you have a show like Lost that took itself so seriously and then turned out to be an utter joke in terms of characterization and theme. I know there are people who love and look for ~deeper~ meaning, like in Once, but I don't really see it. Not because I'm not looking but because shows like this come across much, much more as a business than as art.

    I mean, in terms of hope/nihilism, I find Once to be much more nihilistic and BSG much more hopeful.

  112. Disagree again. Every show gets to be it's own piece of art, and thus comes with it's own philosophy. So if the writers want to make a statement that we're all human, and time heals all wounds, and there is hope for most of us to be better/get to a better place, then they can express that. Shows, like art, express preferences and have no absolute truths, only truths the viewer does or does not relate to.

    It only defeats the purpose if you as a viewer do not value the experience/journey of life it'self. (empiricism/variation). If you don't value the process of what it takes to change (evolution -situation). Additionally Bad Robot shows (which Once has all of the characteristics of) are about being in a fated Universe/Universes, so yes EVERYTHING is a device to be able to see EVERY SIDE of a situation, as it's the idea that there is "something" bigger creating these extraordinary and ironic situations, but it might be, that these experiences ('the way they happen') are what it takes to change.

    Now a lot of shows like the Saprano's and even Battlestar end in types of extensional nihilism which I don't find worth it, because it makes a statement, like "there's nothing" or "humanity's helpless" and "life doesn't matter, because it's completely out of your control in a bad way". The I wasted hours of time on watching people who are depressed and can never really progress and that's not useful to me, that's just an ad for suicide.

    IMO the final say, the destination GREATLY does matter, because most shows are asking philosophical questions about who we are, does it matter, can we get better, ect, which means you never know what something IS going to really mean until we get there. That's when the debates get sealed with ink. If the last page of a novel wouldn't matter, then wouldn't we all just skip ahead and read it?

  113. two Aussies together <3 Emilie and Will <3


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