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Once Upon a Time - Episode 2.16 - The Miller's Daughter - Promo

4 Mar 2013

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  1. I think Snow will kill Cora :D

  2. Holy shitballs that's intense :o Where's next week, I wants it!

  3. I've thinking the major death in this one will be Cora, but the preview says "one of their own" and now I have no idea. Maybe Ruby? I don't know. Snow looks mortified and ashamed. Goodness!

  4. im thinking Cora, look at Neal kicking some a$% Regina is going to freak out when she finds out he is Henry's father and Bae.

  5. InvestedInYourFuture4 March 2013 at 02:23

    Whoever it will be who dies, it will make Snow rage even more, I guess.

    Cora is too much of a troll to die that easily, so I guess Snow will kill the wrong person and go off the deep end.

  6. One of their own? I thought it would be Cora (even though I didn't want her to die this soon, maybe in the season finale). Now, which one of them? It's not David, nor Emma, nor Henry, nor Rumple, nor Belle. Maybe Granny? Or Ruby? Archie? The Blue Fairy? One of the dwarfs?
    God, this show is going to be the death of me.

  7. No idea who the person who dies will be. It's nerve racking. I hope it's Cora, but it says "one of their own" and I wouldn't consider Cora in that category.

  8. Please, let it be the blue fairy. PLEASE.

  9. Wow, a very exciting way to end an episode. I wonder who Snow kills??? And I actually think that if it's not Cora who she kills, I think that possiby Regina will kill her mother but who knows and I can't wait until next Sunday and extremely happy we don't have to wait three weeks. But I want to know if Cora was possibly the lover of Snow's mother but because the love might have been unconventional for the time and the fairy tale world that Snow's mother denied Cora's love and that is why Cora killed her or maybe they are sisters and the king choose Snow's mother over Cora leaving Cora behind as a poor person?? Millions of ideas running through my head about the relationship between Cora and Snow's mother.

  10. My bet is it's someone sort of completely out of left field. It makes sense they don't show the person buying it in the promo itself. My money is on Jiminy (yes...again!) because Cora wouldn't give two bits if he walked into that warzone and died, but Regina would certainly falter the minute he ends up getting fried for his effort.

    Either way, to me it's someone who walks into that pawnshop and ends up as collateral damage.

  11. I'm thinking Cora too and maybe ABC is just wording it like that..we know that Killing anyone is a huge deal for snow. She let Regina live and if she kills Cora that's pretty dark for her.. I hope it's Cora

  12. "Cora is too much of a troll to die that easily" I just screamed at that sentence LMAOOOO. Instant Classic.

  13. My guess is emma is severly injured during the fight in gold's shop, that's why the promo said one of their own will perish. In order to save emma, snow find out where cora's heart is (cause cora keeps her heart somewhere else as mentioned in "the queen of hearts"). then snow use the candle cora gave her, use cora's life to trade emma's.

  14. That sounds nice, except I don't think Snow is in current possession of the candle.

  15. On Rumple's dagger, when you pause at 0.23, I don't know if we can see the last letter very well, but I'm afraid it's a "A" and it looks like it's Regina to me. Lord have mercy.

  16. You could just be seeing the back of the dagger. Rumple's name isn't on both sides of it. I personally did not see that part, is it when Cora uses magic to lift it up from the floor?

  17. Oh man, I really wish Cora wouldn't die, but now there's pretty much no doubt it will happen. They're not crazy enough to kill off Emma, Regina, Snow, David or Emma. And even if they were, we know they've been shooting the next episodes. This only leaves Cora.
    I'm mourning already.

  18. I think there's definitely something deeper, more intimate, between Cora and Eva; not necessarily lovers (how could would that be?) but very close nonetheless for they way Cora spoke.

    Cora's desire for nobility could very well be rooted on something that happened with Eva in the past; but the awesome thing is we'll see it next week!

  19. i love how charming alway have this towel on his shoulder like one thing he likes is to sit int he kitchen...

  20. I think Cora will trick Snow.... Snow thinks the heart she have is Cora's so she crush it but in reality it's someone esle heart (maybe cora took Archie's heart when he was on the boat or something) Because I don't want Cora dying yet.... She"s a too good vilain!

  21. Personally I hope it is Hook who bites the dust.

  22. I don't think it will be Hook, because he was promoted to series regular and Cora didn't, so I think it will be her :((((( But it's so soon to kill her, I really love her character!

  23. I don't think so. I'm, pretty sure that if Cora dies in this episode, it will be Regina who kills her. In the office scene, we can see this look on Regina's face. Recognition maybe, that all Cora cares about is power, not Regina's happiness. I'm positive that she will turn on Mommy Dearest in this episode.
    If it comes to Snow, I think she's going to crush a heart, which she's thinks belongs to Cora, but it will be heart of "one of their own"

  24. InvestedInYourFuture4 March 2013 at 12:13


    While Snow killing Cora would be VERY satisfactory(since Cora is certainly one I want to see get justice done to), I am thinking that Snow killing someone else while trying to kill Cora will be far bigger way to develop her character - mainly because I feel it would make her go off the deep end far more than just getting Cora dead.

    On other hand I would NOT be surprised on if Snow does end up murdering Cora - if only for the show to complete the parallels between her and Regina.

  25. The dagger thing caught my attention so much that I went throught the trailer slowed down as possible and this is what I've found:

    You're right! It's just a glimpse, but it seems like the name on the dagger changes, Rumple's name fading away... WOW, now I really can't wait for next Sunday :)

  26. Actually, she's right, the name on the dagger clearly changes (it's 0:23 in the trailer).. And it's during the fight in Gold's shop.

  27. But the blue fairy's death wouldn't be that much impressive since none of us would miss her ;)

  28. Nah, it's "n", "in" respectively... So Rumple's name is fading away, just being replaced by someone else's...
    But I'm wondering who that will be... Cora would be an obvious choice but given that crazy seer's prediction... could that somehow be Henry? LOL, that would be crazy...

  29. You can the n from rumplestiltskin at the end. The rest is blurred intentionally. :)

  30. It would however be mightily satisfactory. Seeing as she's the shiftiest damn character on the show.

  31. The slutty fairy in hooker shoes and push-up bras? Are you insane? :D

  32. It looks like a female hand and too young to be Cora. But it fits Regina.

    But I have a feeling that the name was only blurred for the promo.

  33. Well, either that or it's just changing at the moment... Anyway it looks like there may be some surprises and really cool stuff ahead, not only only with the dagger... :)

  34. It looks like a female hand and too young to be Cora's. But it fits Regina.

    But I have a feeling that the name was only blurred for the promo.

  35. InvestedInYourFuture4 March 2013 at 14:07

    it would be hilarious on if its Snow's name, lol.

  36. Only one death was reported. And it only can be Cora.

  37. It doesn't really surprise me that Snow couldn't figure out for so long that it wasn't the blue fairy who gave her the candle... Given the blue fairy's overall manners this would be crazier that her normal behavior but not that much...

  38. I agree with everybody else that Cora will be the one to die; but I think the aftermath will result in a threat even worse than Cora. Either Snow will kill her and embrace a path of darkness as a result, or Regina will do it and become far worse than she was before. Either way, Cora will have won. I'm not saying she wants to die, but I think her goals go beyond even her own life.

  39. I liked how Cora criticized that outfit. :)

  40. I think it's clear that Snow is going to find Cora's heart. I'm not sure if she's going to go so far as to kill her though. On the other hand, it appears that Snow will do *something* pretty awful.

  41. Looks good, things are heating up for the remainder of the season. :)

  42. InvestedInYourFuture4 March 2013 at 14:47

    I am actually thinking now that the upcoming episode titled "Evil Queen" does not refer to Cora and Regina, but to Cora and Snow, instead.

  43. InvestedInYourFuture4 March 2013 at 14:50

    Well its good thing the fight is happening in Gold's shop then, right?

    Its not like Gold has collected every Fairytale item he can find in it~

  44. Which episode is that going to be? I forgot about that title.

  45. No, it's a major character. Archie is not listed on imdb. Ruby is, but it can't be her because she's in upcoming episodes as well. Sooo... that only leaves Cora.

  46. If you're referring to the fact that Ruby will be on 2x17, well that is a flashback episode, even Graham and Gus come back from the dead. Other than that I haven't heard about Meghan being in any other episode after that one, which sucks because Ruby is one of my favorites and I really don't want her to die.

  47. No, I was not referring just to 2x17, imdb lists her on all remaining episodes. Imdb could be wrong, of course.

  48. this was the first time I cried during an OUAT episode. Losing Eva, Mary losing her servant in Storybrooke.

  49. Are we all forgetting that the name in the dagger doesn't change until the Dark One is killed? And that Rumpelstiltskin is not going to die? They said yesterday in the Paleyfest Panel that the last two episodes would be all about the relationship between him and Neal/Bae, not to mention that he is also on 2x19 "Lacey", where we get to see the "hooker side" of Belle.

  50. InvestedInYourFuture4 March 2013 at 16:04


  51. Ah, the pre-finale episode. Excellent. That ought to be a good one.

  52. Wait, I thought Cora was the one taking other people's heart so who would have taken hers?

  53. He is a series regular since episode "Manhattan".

  54. She probably took it out herself fearing that in the future someone would try to kill her, because she already knew what she would become.

  55. It was revealed in "Queen of Hearts" that she had removed her own and hidden it somewhere else. I assume she probably brought it to Storybrooke with her rather than letting it out of her sight.

  56. I haven't watched the episode yet. If she wanted her heart to be safe, she should have kept it in her chest lol.

  57. Since we have been told that Henry (or another boy who is not what he seems) will be Rumple's undoing, I'm guessing that Henry does something to undo the Dark One curse and then it transfers to whoever. Snow would be interesting, so would Regina. I don't think Cora will last long, but I wish she would, I love to hate her.

  58. I don't trust that website as for most of my shows it gets the future wrong 90% of the time.

  59. I was cried as well, it was so sad when she was thrown out of that window.

  60. Absolutely my bets are on that as well. As per paleyfest hints, snow black...

  61. and he figures heavily in the plot once he's mended from his broken leg and is back on screen. IMO one of the best characters on the show.

  62. I think Snowm might use the candle to save Rumple and kill Cora. And maybe Regina becomes the Dark One.

  63. Well, Zoso stopped being the Dark One as soon as he was stabbed and before he died. So the candle or something else might save him.

  64. Oh, not necessarily. Watch the episode (it's a really good one) and you'll understand why.

  65. Funny you should say that, I'm watching it now!

  66. InvestedInYourFuture4 March 2013 at 21:29

    I am thinking its more likelier for SNOW to become next dark one

    - Cora stabs Rumple and becomes dark one
    - Snow essentially uses the candle to revive rumple and kill Cora,
    - Since Snow essentially has killed the previous dark one, she becomes the dark one (hance "what did you do??" by David)

  67. IMBD is done by fans so they could just be listing regular characters that are normally in the show. Doesn't mean its right!

  68. But I thought the candle could only save someone from dying, not coming back from the dead unless you mean whoever Snow uses the candle on is on the brink of death, then I guess that's cool. But it would be very difficult to get Cora to stand still long enough for Snow to use it if that's how it happens. Oh well I can't wait to find out!

  69. Ok so Im thinking its Cora holding the dagger when the name is changing. If you look at the post for promotion pics for this episode and study the coats and gloves Regina and Cora are wearing Cora's match the most. Regina's coat has a zipper on it the cuff and one button that thats farther down so the sleeve wouldn't over lap. Plus her gloves appear to be straight and do have elastic in them. Cora's on the other had are looser and have elastic in them and her coat sleeve have two buttons that make the cuff over lap in the picture. I don't know if anyone follows this but its just how my brain works and how it appears to me when I was studding the pictures!

  70. But Zoso, stopped being the Dark One, right after being stabbed before he actually died.

  71. the instruction of the candle is very specific, blue fairy/cora said it needs to be placed on the heart of the sacrifice, and cora's heart isn't inside her body, she kept it elsewhere. as we saw in the promo, snow find a heart, I am guessing that's cora's.
    One little amendment though, now after I saw the promotional photo, which shows emma is strong enough to hold regina hostage, I am actually thinking it might be Charming that is going to suffer serious injury, or henry maybe.
    Can't wait till next week!!!

  72. "the instruction of the candle is very specific"

    Except for the fact that she didn't say how to pinpoint who to save. :)

    But otherwise I think you might be on to something. I just don't think anyone outside Rumple will have mortal injuries.

  73. So I would like to concede that you were almost exactly right, but instead of trading Emma's life, she traded Cora's.


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