Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Game of Thrones - Season 3 - New Photos From Sky Atlantic

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Game of Thrones - Season 3 - New Photos From Sky Atlantic

19 Mar 2013

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Sky Atlantic has released a nice gallery of mostly new photos.

Source: Sky Atlantic


  1. Another day, another case proving Game of Thrones has the highest productions values of a TV series EVER.

  2. Ever since the trailer I've been wondering what it was about Stannis that made him look so different. Now I see... it's the beard!

  3. It is growing in a bit isn't it?

    Although it still is not the beard of Stannis in the books either...

    I thought perhaps they should have switched roles when I read the casting of Stephen Dillane as Stannis and Liam Cunningham as Davos, but their performances won me over almost immediately Especially Dillane as Stannis. Even despite a couple scenes that some think went against his book character....

  4. I haven't read the books so I compared the beard to Jack's flashforward beard. Stan could have looked a lot worse! ;)
    From what I've read about book-Stannis I agree that switching roles would have made sense, but I too think they are both doing an amazing job!

  5. Its great to see new photos :) Podrick<3

  6. Love tyrion's scar so boss looking poor fellow is he going to have it rough. :(

  7. Yes, this. It looks freaking amazing!


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