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Game of Thrones - Epsiode 3.01 - Valar Dohaeris - Full Press Release

12 Mar 2013

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As Blackwater Bay cools, the victors consolidate their power and rebuild King’s Landing. But new challengers for the Iron Throne rise from the most unexpected places. Characters old and new must navigate the demands of family, honor, ambition, love and – above all – survival, as the Westeros civil war rages into autumn.
Based on the bestselling fantasy book series by George R.R. Martin, GAME OF THRONES is an epic story of treachery and nobility set on the continent of Westeros, where summers and winters can last years, and only the lust for power is eternal. The Emmy®- and Golden Globe-winning series returns for its ten-episode third season SUNDAY, MARCH 31 (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET/PT), exclusively on HBO, followed by other episodes on subsequent Sundays at the same time.

As season three begins, the Lannisters hold absolute dominion over King’s Landing after repelling Stannis Baratheon’s forces. Yet Robb Stark, King in the North, still controls much of the South as well, and has yet to lose a battle. In the Far North, Mance Rayder has united the wildlings into the largest army Westeros has ever seen. Only the Night’s Watch stands between him and the Seven Kingdoms, but nobody knows what happened to its Lord Commander and the force he led beyond the Wall.

Across the Narrow Sea, Daenerys Targaryen – reunited with her three growing dragons – ventures into Slaver’s Bay in search of ships to take her home and allies to conquer it.

Returning series regulars on GAME OF THRONES this season include: Emmy® and Golden Globe winner Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister), Michelle Fairley (Catelyn Stark), Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister), Emilia Clarke (Daenerys Targaryen), Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jaime Lannister), Aidan Gillen (Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish), Iain Glen (Jorah Mormont), Kit Harington (Jon Snow), Richard Madden (Robb Stark), Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister), Maisie Williams (Arya Stark), Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran Stark), Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark) and Jack Gleeson (Joffrey Baratheon).

Additional returning series regulars this season include: Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy), Jerome Flynn (Bronn), Rory McCann (Sandor “The Hound” Clegane), Conleth Hill (Varys), John Bradley (Samwell Tarly), Gwendoline Christie (Brienne of Tarth), James Cosmo (Commander Jeor Mormont), Stephen Dillane (Stannis Baratheon), Carice van Houten (Melisandre), Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth), Sibel Kekilli (Shae), Rose Leslie (Ygritte) and Natalie Dormer (Margaery Tyrell).

Returning recurring cast members on GAME OF THRONES this season include: Natalia Tena (Osha), Joe Dempsie (Gendry), Oona Chaplin (Talisa Maegyr Stark), Julian Glover (Maester Pycelle), Kristian Nairn (Hodor), Finn Jones (Loras Tyrell), Esmé Bianco (Ros), Gemma Whelen (Yara Greyjoy), Hannah Murray (Gilly) and Art Parkinson (Rickon Stark).

New cast members for the third season include: Ciarán Hinds (Mance Rayder), Diana Rigg (Lady Olenna Tyrell), Mackenzie Crook (Orell), Clive Russell (Brynden “The Blackfish” Tully), Nathalie Emannuel (Missandei), Kerry Ingram (Shireen Baratheon), Paul Kaye (Thoros of Myr), Thomas Brodie-Sangster (Jojen Reed), Ellie Kendrick (Meera Reed), Richard Dormer (Beric Dondarrion), Kristofer Hivju (Tormund Giantsbane), Philip McGinley (Anguy), Tara Fitzgerald (Selyse Baratheon), Tobias Menzies (Edmure Tully), Anton Lesser (Qyburn), Ian McElhinney (Barristan Selmy), Michael McElhatton (Roose Bolton) and Noah Taylor (Locke).

Episode #21: “Valar Dohaeris”
Debut: SUNDAY, MARCH 31 (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET/PT)
Other HBO playdates: March 31 (10:00 p.m., 11:00 p.m.) and April 1 (11:15 p.m.), 2 (11:00 p.m.), 3 (10:00 p.m.), 4 (10:00 p.m.) and 6 (10:15 p.m.)
HBO2 playdates: April 1 (9:00 p.m.), 4 (11:00 p.m.), 5 (midnight), 7 (1:40 p.m.) and 19 (10:00 p.m.)
Jon is brought before Mance Rayder, the King Beyond the Wall, while the Night’s Watch survivors retreat south. In King’s Landing, Tyrion asks for his reward. Littlefinger offers Sansa a way out. Cersei hosts a dinner for the royal family. Daenerys sails into Slaver’s Bay.

Written for television by David Benioff & D.B. Weiss; directed by Daniel Minahan.

Source: HBO


  1. Genevieve Taylor12 March 2013 at 17:31

    Why are they not revealing Iwan Rheon's character? It's not like it's surprising if he is Ramsay. It's just irritating me now

  2. It's surprising to Tv only viewers.

  3. Interesting that a certain someone is using their real identity instead of Arstan. No sign of Patrick Malahide either, maybe his pivotal scene is off screen or pushed back to S4?

  4. I'm so glad Ian McElhinney is listed there has been no pictures and only a brief word that he would probably be back this season. In my opinion dany's story just wouldn't be the same without him and his role couldn't be merged with Monmont's

  5. I think the fact that he's not listed here means he won't be in epsiode 1. In the books we don't find out what's going on at winterfell until a long way in, I think its at least a couple of hundred pages in so maybe episode 3

  6. I must be asleep, totally forgot it was only episode 1. Im an idiot :)

  7. Spoiled or not (seriously, I'm not even sure anymore), I'm still pretty surprised to see Liam Cunningham on that list. Davos was right in the middle of that huge explosion!
    Oh, man. I can't wait for season 3. I really want to see Mance Rayder now.

  8. if they're doing what I think they're doing with little finger in the first episode they're completely wrecking (to me) one of the greatest reveals in storm of swords.

  9. Perhaps the later.

  10. Maybe its just me but I thought it was made clear in the finale that little finger is going to be the one involved with sansa.

  11. I dont recall the tv show as much as the books, maybe you're right. either way I think theyve ruined a great reveal, when I first read it, all the build up to that moment, was one of those rare times when something genuinly left your jaw hanging.

  12. I loke how "Cersei hosts a family dinner." sounds all benign and innocent, but anybody who knows Cersei knows it won't be.

  13. Seems so good! Happy to see that Theon will appear :)

  14. Somewhat surprised that they're not exploiting the S2 cliffhanger more. I mean, the big battle at the Fist is not mentioned. They made a big deal about it in last year's finale.

    Other than that: lkmqdjqflmkdqfà!!!!aàrfmqj12"!!!!! Two more weeks!!! "Pick up the bones and leave the soul....."

  15. The biggest problem with that is that Littlefinger would disappear for this entire season if they did that.

  16. OMG I hadn't even realized they'd cast The Blackfish until I read this! So nice to see that the character didn't get scraped or merged with Edmure!

  17. My sentiments exactly! Just finished my rewatch and spent to much time at Song of Ice and Fire wiki! VERY excited for season 3!

  18. I think, Robb Stark and Daenerys would make the perfect team. Together they could wipe out the Lannisters. He would take the north and she the rest. They would also make a good royal couple. They are both smart and strong, but also good persons. She can be ruthless and cold sometimes, but I like that.

  19. I just wonder who will die this time.


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