Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Following - Episode 1.03 - The Poet's Fire - Sneak Peek 2

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The Following - Episode 1.03 - The Poet's Fire - Sneak Peek 2

1 Feb 2013

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  1. She's laying it on a bit thick, isn't she? Although it doesn't seem that Ryan knew about it book. I still think she's not a Follower, she's just trying to "get on his good side" or make him think she could become one, so he'd open up more.

  2. I agree with you. I think she's trying to 'work' him some how. But, I think she has underestimated him by a bunch.

  3. Sorry, maybe a little off topic but I have a question.
    I haven´t seen the Following by now but a friend of mine told me, the act breaks would feature a pumping heartbeat to create tense. Similiar to the ticking clock on 24. Is that true?

  4. No. They were smart enough not to do something so silly.

  5. She will get sucked in...only Ryan will be able to shake her out of it. Joe is charismatic and smart...she is underestimating him and overestimating her "cult" expert status. She has met her match ....and Joe is not to be toyed with like an experiment.


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