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USD POLL : Favourite Show from The WB era?

18 Jan 2013

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by Jemma who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?

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You can vote for 1 Show.


  1. One Tree Hill (binged on that show! all 187 episodes within a month!)

  2. Roswell and Charmed where my shows 1 and 2 then 3 and 4 Buffy and Angel

  3. Buffy, with Angel and Roswell 2nd & 3rd.

  4. It's not easy but I say Gilmore Girls.

  5. Supernatural was on the WB right? Can we count that?

  6. Seriously? Wow. That's dedication haha.

  7. Tought question! Dawson Creek, Buffy & Gilmore Girls. Voted for Dawsons Creek because Pacey & Joey where my first huge TV Shipper Love!

  8. Technically yes it was, but I think just the first season was.

  9. I watched pretty much all of them at some time or another. I think I loved Sabrina and Buffy the most.

  10. I voted for Dawson's Creek because it was the show that got me addicted to television, but I loved Buffy, Gilmore, SV and Charmed as well as watched all the others. I miss all of them really.

  11. PaceyxJoey was my first tv ship too! :)

  12. Man, looking at the WB shows compared to today's CW just makes it all the more noticeable what a giant flop the entire CW network is. Look at the longevity of WB shows: Gilmore Girls - 7 years, Buffy - 7 (although the last 2 went to UPN), Dawson's Creek - 6, Supernatural - 8 and counting, Smallville - 10, Charmed - 8, One Tree Hill - 9...
    Meanwhile, The CW has yet to launch a successful long-running series except The Vampire Diaries - Arrow is doing well right now, but there's no telling if there's 4,5,6 years in that show. I wouldn't be surprised if they pull the plug on the network in 2016.

  13. Roswell!!! Oh how I loved that show! Max and Liz were the first couple I shipped.
    Didn't know what it was to ship a couple before them, lol.

  14. It is:



    The rest

  15. i voted gimore girls cause thats my favorite show of all time.. but if i could of picked a few it would of been OTH dawsons creek and gilmore girls.

  16. Very tough questions, I loved all of them except One Tree Hill. I voted for Gilmore Girls because I was obessed with the Luke/Lorelai

  17. Buffy and Angel, i can't choose one of them. Then Gilmore Girls and Smallville..

  18. I feel so old. But I really miss the WB. I watched all of these except 7th heaven and Sabrina. I voted for Buffy, but Gilmore Girls, Angel, and Charmed were right behind.

  19. Gilmore Girls without a question. Charmed, One Tree Hill and Roswell after that and then Sabrina, 7th Heaven and Buffy

  20. Watching Smallville right now. Such a fantastic show!

  21. This one is easy. Charmed of course!!! :)

  22. Way to open an old wound! Just listing those shows together makes me cry.

  23. In my teenage years was Charmed my super favorite show!

  24. Felicity, Smallville, and Gilmore Girls...

  25. SmallvilleSupernaturalCastle18 January 2013 at 15:59


  26. SmallvilleSupernaturalCastle18 January 2013 at 15:59

    it is! what season and episode r u on?

  27. I picked Angel since It needs some love.About 9 years later It's cancalation still pisses me off.SUpernatural Is almost certinly going to th season yet Angel killed before It's time.It should have gotten 7 years like Buffy.The ending of Angel Is going to be last production of Buffy/Angel verse Inless the reboot happens which noone wants.

  28. Roswell, because it is only one of three series that hooked me with the first ep..other 2 are Supernatural and Veronica Mars.

  29. So, there is actually a competition here ? I don't think there is. BUFFY.

  30. Smallville with Roswell coming a close second.

  31. It was hard to choose between Buffy my fav and Angel my second fav!

  32. I remember occasionally watching The WB before some of these shows were on (or I watched a channel that had commercials for the network. All I remember is the frog and the WB logo). But I didn't start really watching it until ABC Family started to air Gilmore Girls and Smallville reruns. And I think also 7th Heaven. All I remember is that up until my senior year of high school, my TV viewing was in a Nickelodeon/Disney Channel/ABC Family bubble. (despite no way for them to know this, it was one of the reasons why I felt my classmates wouldn't socialize with me since MTV was not a network I watched.)

  33. Dawsons creek with Charmed at a very close 2nd!

  34. I have to say for that network they had the majority of Hits with the younger crowd at the time. Only Fox with the X-Files could be considered in their range!

  35. Looking at the list reminds me how much I loved the old WB.

  36. Charmed. I spent the better part of my youth on the The Prophecy boards :-)

  37. Roswell is my all time favorite show. Liz & Max forever. I like a lot of these shows, Buffy, Angel, Charmed, Felicity, One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek & Smallville. I have watched all of these shows a couple of times. But Roswell i have watched the most of all.

  38. Max & Liz still are my favorite couple of all time.

  39. I'm boycotting this one. Supernatural was on the WB before the CW. It was left off. Not voting.

  40. you forgot Everwood... When Dawn Ostroff (whose name shall be cursed forever and ever) decided to cancel Everwood in order to renew 7th Heaven which had already had its Series Finale, I knew things weren't going to be pretty. But I wouldn't have imagined the Wb would become... what the CW has become. It looks like they're working on getting better shows (TVD, Arrow -even the Carrie Diaries aren't as bad as they could have made it) but they're also the network that thinks Beauty and the Beast "has potential." When you look at this list, yes you want to cry because of how much quality there used to be and how quickly it's evaporated.

  41. yes technically it started out on the wb but that was only ONE season. it spent most of its life (seven seasons) on the cw. in my opinion its more of a cw show than most original cw shows because it has lasted longer than all of then

  42. veronica mars started out on upn not the wb then moved to the cw

  43. We didn't get UPN in my area but we did get Veronica Mars. Perhaps when it was on UPN in UPN markets, it got transferred to the WB in my area?

  44. Angel.

    Gilmore Girls and Buffy were really close seconds, but the thing about Angel for me was that I found it more consistent as a show in it's whole, whereas, the other two I think had more ups and downs (and specifically with GG, as much love and affection I have for the show, it did end on a really bad note...)

  45. buffy, angel, smallville, charmed, roswell

  46. Buffy, then Angel, then Smallville


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