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Supernatural - Episode 8.11 - LARP and the Real Girl - Producer’s Preview

17 Jan 2013

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  1. Cant wait to see this episode it looks awesome Charlie did a great job last year this seems to be more of her element LARPING lol this episode is going to be funny you can tell.

  2. this is either going to be good or it is going to end up very messy.

  3. Well, that didn't get me excited at all.

  4. Is that what's happened? Carver has "lost his mind'? Please someone take him aside and tell him that shouldn't be a career goal.

    PS. I do love Charlie. Please don't kill her.

  5. Bwah! I'm telling you - kickstarter campaign to get the writers and showrunners an on-site therapist. They can talk out their own issues instead of putting them on my screen.

  6. I like Felicia Day. I like Charlie. I like to watch Supernatural and not be thoroughly depressed during it. The mytharc has been non-existent for all but a couple episodes so far anyway so why not? Bring on the fun.

  7. I can't wait to see charlie I think she is ok but I think the show has losted it and I hope it can be saved so I am keeping my hope up with this ep.

  8. I know the writers are crazy. Ben Edlund has always been, but then look at some of the great writing he had done. I don't mind that they are crazy. I've seen incredible almost every season. I am enjoying this season and I figure I will be able to so for much, much longer. This ought to be funny. Jensen hasn't had as much time to do comedy other then Hunteri Heroici. I look forward to this.

  9. I'll say it once more.DEN IN MEDIEVAL COSTUME. <3<3<3


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