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Scene Of The Week - January 20, 2013

20 Jan 2013

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Week 7! Thanks so much for all your contribution!
This week I’m writing about quite a few scenes from FRINGE. The tribute for one of my favorite shows of all-time. It will be dearly missed and never forgotten by all the Fringies like me.

Episode: An Enemy Of Fate
Date: January 18, 2013
Actors: Entire Cast
Category: Emotional
The Scenes:
Walter saying goodbye to Peter – That’s probably my very favorite scene of the episode, cause it focused on what’s the very core of the show, relationship between Walter and Peter. The hardest thing for Walter, has always been letting go of his beloved son and saying goodbye to him, but this time, he knows in his heart, it is what he has to do, his very own destiny, the way to atone for all the damage he has caused in the past. Listening to Walter talking about stolen time with Peter and just how much he loves him is such a wonderful thing to watch. I’m not even gonna start about the incredible acting by John Noble and Josh Jackson in the scene, it just feels like an understatement. Also, as if Walter’s entire speech wasn’t enough, he has one of the most beautiful lines of the show: “You are my favorite thing, Peter. My very favorite thing.” And the embrace, that just says it all.

NOTE: This scene was also picked by Lisa Macklem and Sharon Seymour as Scene of the Week!

Windmark’s death - I absolutely loved the entire sequence of Windmark’s fight with our heroes, from the moment Peter attacks him till the part where Olivia uses her ability to kill him. For Etta! The second when Peter and Olivia are losing and suddenly she notices her daughter’s necklace and the power inside her just explodes is phenomenal. There really are no words that could fully appreciate this scene. It’s just so powerful and emotional. And brings a lot of satisfaction for our characters and the audience.

September getting shot and Walter and Michael going through the wormhole
– The last scene of Walter in the show. I can’t imagine not including it.

But the explanation why, I’m going to leave to Darth Locke, who has also chosen this part as The Scene of the Week.

"Most people will probably feel that Peter receiving the White Tulip is the most significant scene, but to me the actual ending of Fringe, IMO is left to the viewer to decide the fates of the characters, which I find not very resolving and too open-faced for my preference. I chose this scene instead, because of the great parallels of Walter still in some way repeating himself, as taking Michael was like taking young Peter, yet also stepping in the role of Peter by going to another time to try and save the future ("The Day We Died"/"Peter and the Machine"). John Noble's performance was again one of the best, as Walter looks looks at Michael kneeling an playing "Greenseeves" to September as he lays dying, takes Michael's hand and walks with him into the bright light, but not before looking back at our gang....If I am to believe or hope that there is a better future for all of them, and that September lives, and Walter will meet his family again one day, and that Peter and Olivia remember something, and the meaning of the Walter's sacrifice of the white tulip is not lost, then it is this scene, the action of this sacrifice that makes it mean those things."

Last scene of the show with Peter, Olivia and Etta, and White Tulip part
– It’s just such a lovely, happy moment when we see how this time Observers don’t invade and Peter finally catches his daughter with Olivia smiling in the back. Truly a happy ending for our characters. And then of course, Peter receiving the letter with White Tulip is a wonderful nod to the fans and also leaves hope and an open ending for everyone who wishes to add their own, favorite continuation to this amazing story.

Honorable mentions:

Fringe, “Liberty”, January 18 2013: Reappearance of AltLiv and Lincoln.

NCIS, “Shiva”, January 15 2013: Tony and Ziva – “You’re not alone” moment

Revenge, ”Sabotage”, January 13 2013: 007 reference with Aiden, Nolan and Emily

And here’s more of SpoilerTV Team members’ favorite scenes:


American Horror Story, “Continuum”, January 16, 2013
The Scene:

The whole beginning sequence where we think Kit killed Grace but it turns out that it was Alma.

Last Resort, “The Pointy End of The Spear”, January 17, 2013
Actors: Ernie Hudson and Autumn Reeser
The Scene:
Speaker Buell commits suicide in public

NOTE: This scene was also picked by AbhiroopS as Scene Of the Week!


How I Met Your Mother, “Band or DJ?”, January 14, 2013
Actors: Josh Radnor, Cobie Smulders, Alyson Hannigan
The Scenes:

Wedding Flash Forward - I am so optimistic about meeting the mother that if a episode has a flash-forward for the mother.. that will be my favorite scene no matter how great and awesome the other scene was.
Ted and Lilly on the rooftop.

Last Resort, “The Pointy End of The Spear”, January 17, 2013
Actors: Andre Braugher and Scott Speedman
The Scene:

USS Colorado shots 2 Flair to mark that they are with Captain Marcus Chaplin.

Suits, "Blind-Sided", January 17 2013
Actors: Gabriel Macht and Jacinda Barrett
The Scenes:

When Harvey goes to meet Zoey "Both Times"
First Time - I loved the fun play with Zoey's niece.. and Harvey acting like a parent.
Second Time - It was hard to see that Zoey had to leave Harvey just to take care of niece, they had such a great chemistry, (they are married in real life though) would love to see Jacinda Barrett back on Suits.


How I Met Your Mother, “Band or DJ?”, January 14, 2013
The Scenes:

Barney calling Robin "Baby" twice, Lily and Ted's rooftop scene, and the flashforward to the wedding.

Haven, “Thanks For The Memories”, January 17, 2013
The Scenes:

Finding out that Nathan really is the father of the Colorado Kid, and all the Nathan/Audrey moments.

NCIS, “Shiva”, January 15 2013
The Scenes:

Tony and Ziva's moment at the end, and Vance telling Gibbs he knows how he feels now.

Modern Family, “Party Crasher”, January 16, 2013
The Scenes:

The birth of Gloria and Jay's baby, and Haley overhearing how much Phil doesn't like her new boyfriend.


Scandal, "A Criminal, a Whore, an Idiot and a Liar", January 17, 2013
The Scenes:

The multiple flashbacks featuring Fitz's father prior to the election were exceptional.
In addition, the scene with Pope and Fitz in the town hall debate setting where Pope questions Fitz's motivations for running for president was a fantastic scene to watch. Scandal is without question now one of the best shows on TV.


NCIS, “Shiva”, January 15 2013
The Scene:

The joint funeral at the end. Such a sad moment.

Criminal Minds, “Zugzwang”, January 16 2013
The Scene:

The final scene with Reid attempting to save Maeve.

NCIS:LA, “Paper Soldiers”, January 15 2013
The Scene:

Where Callen, Sam, Hetty and Nate are undercover and Sam just starts to insult Hetty like there's no tomorrow! Hilarious scene


Supernatural, “Torn and Frayed”, January 16 2013
The Scene:

Cas wakes Dean up by staring at him, which Dean thinks "is creepy." And then Dean hides the Busty Asian Beauties porn site from Cas when it pops up when he opens the computer.
Classic - and a nice comic moment in a pretty dramatic episode.

Fringe, “Liberty”, January 18 2013
The Scene:

When alternate version of Olivia tells Lincoln to stop checking out her younger-alt verse's ass! Great to see them one more time and see their happy ending.


Revenge, ”Sabotage”, January 13 2013
The Scene:

Emily and Daniel realising the wine has gone bad
It was just such a genuine moment, I love it.

The Vampire Diaries, ”After School Special”, January 17 2013
The Scene:

Elena tells Damon that she loves him
I can't really talk about it, my emotions are still all over the place.

NOTE: This scene was also picked by AbhiroopS as Scene Of the Week!

Grey’s Anatomy, ”The End is the Beginning is the End", January 17 2013
The Scene:

Meredith telling everyone that she's pregnant
It was just such a happy moment, something we don't see very often on this show.

Nikita, ”Intersection”, January 18 2013
The Scene:

Nikita refuses to leave Michael to die
I love these two so much, I can't talk about what happened after that, it hurts too much.

NOTE: This scene was also picked by AbhiroopS as Scene Of the Week!

And what’s your favorite scene of the week?


  1. Hart Of Dixie should be there.

  2. @twitter-266694013:disqus What scene?

  3. i don't know if it was my favorite scene of the week but seeing altivia back was just soooo amazing

  4. I'm not sure which scene to choose... But I loved The Carrie Diaries' pilot!

  5. I agree with every Fringe scene. I'm not ashamed to say that I cried A LOT during the final episode, especially Walter's scenes with Peter, Donald and Astrid! The part with Walter, Astrid and Gene the ambered cow had me in tears as well.

    Seeing the Alt-universe was great, even if it was a small part, I always liked Alt-livia and Lincoln, and it was great to see them again, and so happy.

    I think the final scenes were fitting, not surprising, but it was the right way to end it.

    HAVEN - The finale, what a cliffhanger! I think it was one of Heaven's best episodes, a lot of answers, but a lot of new questions!

  6. I loved that scene with Dean and Cas! I was disappointed when I saw you didn't put it in the poll for favourite scene of 8x11, but it's here, so that's okay :)

  7. So many great moments to chose from this week. I haven't watched Fringe yet so I skipped over those but I do agree with Haven, NCIS, NCIS LA and Criminal minds.

  8. All the Fringe scenes, getting emotional just reading about them. Also would have a couple of Justified scenes, Boyd vs Billy the Preacher and Art, Tim and Raylan in the car.

  9. Favorite is definately Ziva and Tony at the airport. Fringe= 1) I think I am the only one who thinks this but I think Michael killed Windmark, after Olivia distracted him but blowing out the lights. 2) As Walter looks at Peter one last time, Peter mouths, "Dad"

  10. Fringe simply stole the show this week.

  11. You're right not to be ashamed ! I cried SO MUCH too. How could we not cry honestly ? Ahah !

  12. Zoe&Wade scenes? ;) They were so lovely in last episode!

  13. LOL. You're right. Is just that I wasn't expecting to cry every 5 minutes, I don't remember the last time a tv show or movie made me cry like that! Oh, the things Fringe does to us, but it was worth it, and there were happy tears in the end, sort of :D

  14. Fringe: The Whole Finale should be the scene of the week!

  15. Well......

    I rarely cry during tv shows, and I did not cry during the Fringe finale either, but I came close at least four times.

    The number 1 scene of the week goes to Walter and Peter. Obviously. The scene is an instant classic. John Noble could just send Walter's tape to the Emmy voters and be nominated. It felt real. Walter talking about the decision he made to sacrifice himself was great, and watching Peter break down and hug his father was very touching as well. The line "You're my favourite thing"... Well, that's just classic Walter. I will remember this scene for a long time!

    2. I never really realized it before, but the chemistry between Jasika Nicole and John Noble is something special. Walter saying his goodbye to Astrid was very touching and surprisingly emotional. IMO the scene was a lot better than the Peter/Olivia moments from the finale.

    3. "It's not about fate, Walter; yours or mine. It's about changing fate. It's about hope and protecting our children." That's all. The idea that September would go to the future with his son instead of Walter was so perfect... I wouldn't have thought of that, and of course, sadly, it didn't happen in the end. Props to Michael Cerveris for inventing the character of September, and turning it into Donald the way he did. It's also pretty amazing what the producers did with his character. There he was, in the background in the first three episodes without having any lines. Then he was properly introduced in episode 4 as an emotionless "alien" type of character that none of us understood. Here we are, five seasons later, and the character has turned into so much more. He was sent to observe our heroes, and the fact that he learned how to be a father by watching Walter and Peter... Wow.

    Honorable mention goes to the Fringe Science attack on the Loyalists and Observers. What a treat! It was so gross, in a way that we haven't seen on the show in a while. There were references to more than 5 cases that entire EPISODES were focused on. I couldn't think of anything more rewarding than that.

  16. Much as I love Fringe, I have to go with the SPN scene in which Cas wakes Dean up by increasing the volume of the wind and birdsong outside, funny and romantic at the same time!

  17. So much of Fringe's last episode was a favorite for me. I did a lot of crying, both sad and happy tears in the last 5 or so minutes. Their was a lot of touching scenes before the ending too. The scenes where Walter was with Peter, Astrid, and Donald come to mind.

  18. Fringe wins TV this week. The scene between Walter and Peter may end up being the best scene of the 2012-2013 TV season not just the scene of the week. Very touching and well done. I don't cry about TV but even I was sniffling a bit with that one. I'm so glad they included the heartfelt Walter and Peter scenes because they are the reason I started watching the show.

  19. I know! Totally what I wanted to do! Who invented the stupid rules? Wait... yep, that was me. Gotta keep them. No episodes, just scenes. ;)

    But this finale truly deserves all the awards, recognition and love it can get!

  20. I loved the attack on the Loyalists and Observers, so many past cases and references there. Not to mention how cool (but also kinda gross) it looked! Still... Walter was SO right about those floating Observers;)

  21. Yeah, I actually watched Nikita AFTER writing the article. There were some really great scenes there, funny, romantic, emotional. But THE ENDING... crushed me.

    I'm sure some amazing scenes for SPN and Nikita are still ahead of us, this week I really felt like Fringe deserves the recognition. It had absolutely incredible scenes, and overall, it's one of my favorite shows AND one of my favortie finales of all-time. ;)

  22. The ending of Nikita crushed me too. That was extremely hard to watch. I saw Nikita thinking and realized what she was going to do and it took me everything not to freak out. I'm squeamish with stuff like that.

  23. TVD After School Special.......Elena tells Damon she loves him........TWICE!!! hands down my favorite scene of the week......I'm still thinking about it, I can't stop thinking about, and every time I do I smile SO big!!! was beautiful.

  24. Ah, well rules are rules. Then I'll pick: Peter/Walter's goodbye talk in the finale, Walter/Astrid talk, and Walter looking back just before he goes into the wormhole and Peter mouths "I love you, dad."

  25. Thanks for including my scene. :D There were so many great moments, it was hard to choose...In some ways the first part of the scene when September/Donald is holding onto the machine reminded me so much of "Back to the Future" too, and being an Abrams/Bad Robot fan, the whole standing in street scene to say goodbye, was also very "Super 8"!

    For me it's hard to let go of it and to really know what to make of it all outside of love, of course, but I think all I can do is keep looking up!

  26. Many of the scenes mentioned were amazing. The Tiva, Reid...
    But this week was all about Fringe for me, so my scenes of the week had to be these (can't choose between them): Walter telling Peter about what he's going to have to do. Also Walter saying Astrid, that almost killed me. And the White Tulip at the end, that felt like a flower of hope being delivered to me as a fan in the final moments of the show.

  27. Shocked by the intensity of that final Nikita scene. These writers have the guts to go where other shows' writers wouldn't and change the game in drastic ways, which is part of what makes this show so incredible and compelling. What happened to Michael isn't your ordinary getting stabbed, shot, etc. where you can recover (quickly even). It's a repercussion for the rest of his life. That's dark and serious in a way most shows wouldn't commit to.

  28. Hehe, yes it was! The only thing that bothered me a bit was that not all of it really made sense. The butterfly thing was just something that made you hallucinate so badly that your mind injured your body. The Observer having the same hallucination must be one hell of a coincidence! I'm also not entirely sure if the Osmium should have worked, because that was just a result of the decay of the universe.

    But whatever. It WAS cool. That's all that counts for me. ;)

  29. Everything about Audrey and Nathan from Haven is great. The writers are doing such a great job with their love story . :)

  30. I loved the Being Human season premiere. All scenes with Aidan imaging Josh and Sally, especially the last scene of the episode.


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