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Le Tunnel / The Tunnel - Canal+ & Sky Atlantic press releases

14 Jan 2013

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The 25-week filming of all 10 episodes begins early February. It'll take place primarily between Folkestone & Calais.

The Tunnel is set against the backdrop of Europe in crisis. When a prominent French politician is found dead on the border between the UK and France, detectives Karl Roebuck and Elise Wassermann are sent to investigate on behalf of their respective countries. However, the case takes a surreal turn when a shocking discovery is made at the crime scene, forcing the French and British police into an uneasy partnership. As the serial killer uses ever more elaborate and ingenious methods to highlight the moral bankruptcy of modern society, Karl and Elise are drawn deeper into his increasingly personal agenda.

Jane Featherstone, chief executive at Kudos Film and TV, says : "We owe a huge debt to our Shine colleagues at Filmlance for letting us take their wonderful original series and make our very own Anglo-French version, allowing us to really examine and enjoy the ever-evolving relationship between our two countries and the rest of Europe through the prism of a compelling thriller story".

In the bilingual spirit of the show, je vais mettre la petite déclaration du patron des séries Canal :

Fabrice de la Patellière, directeur de la fiction française de Canal+, déclare : "Canal+ est heureux de participer à cette prestigieuse co-production d'un genre inédit aux côtés de Sky Atlantic et de Kudos. En effet, ce partenariat réunit des talents français et britanniques tant dans le domaine de l’écriture que dans celui de la production de fictions. Le Tunnel, thriller captivant orchestré dans une Europe occidentale en crise, s’annonce comme une série majeure, originale et unique ; nous sommes très fiers de la proposer à nos abonnés. Conçue en 10 épisodes, elle ouvre une nouvelle étape dans la production internationale pour la Création Originale de la chaîne".

A channel like Canal making a show about a tunnel... there's probably a good joke in here, I can't find it though. Oh, well, I'm gonna let that one slide.

Other original series coming on Canal+ in the fall of 2013 include Platane season 2 and Braquo season 3.

Source 1, source 2.


  1. Sounds interesting. Has anyone seen the original? Is it Swedish? I'd like to give it a look :-)

  2. The Swedish/ Danish original is very good!
    It has a fairly original premise (or was original until 2 new versions of it come out this year) and some really good performances by the lead actors. It has that dreary and moody feel of some of the other Scandinavian Crime Dramas like Wallander and Forbrydelsen (The Killing), but I think it is a bit faster paced and has a good deal of humor in it making it not feel as dreary IMO.

  3. There really should be a joke in there somewhere shouldn't there! XD
    Something about it not holding water perhaps....

    Looking forward to this version slightly more than the FX US remake I think....Although I do like Annabeth Gish and Ted Levine who are the actors tapped to star in the US remake.

  4. Oh good. I have just finished watching Season 1 of Forbrydelsen after watching the American version first. Any idea where I can find the original Tunnel to watch... is it by any chance this one called The Bridge instead of Tunnel?

  5. The original is called Bron / Broen (Bridge in Danish and Swedish) and it was indeed called The Bridge when it aired on BBC. Some streaming sites have a Canadian series called The Bridge, but it is NOT THE SAME.

    It looks like most of the DVD releases are imports and spendy...but do have English subtitles.

    I'm sure it can be found at many of the usual download sites online... but they cannot be promoted here.

  6. Ahh lovely. Thanks for the info, Darque. I'll definitely check this out.


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