Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon FOX Orders Pilot from Fringe Team J.J. Abrams and J.H. Wyman

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FOX Orders Pilot from Fringe Team J.J. Abrams and J.H. Wyman

25 Jan 2013

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Fox and the team behind Fringe are going back to the future.

The network has made a pilot order for an untitled drama from J.J. Abrams and J.H. Wyman that’s being billed as an action-packed buddy cop show set in the near future when all LAPD officers are partnered with highly evolved human-like androids.

Source: TV Line


  1. Sounds like Total Recall 2070! Which is not a bad thing, that show was awesome!

  2. Can't wait for this!!!!

  3. Sounds fun! Just imagined Data partnering with Columbo. haha

  4. Sweet. Can't wait to ind out more!

  5. I could be down for this!

  6. I think I read about this before and it reminded me of Alien Nation... still does. A.I. Nation? XD

  7. Can't wait for this! I need more sci-fi, I hope it will be good.

  8. I read JJ Abrams and that was enough to get me interested.

  9. With the Futurama icon, I'd expect even more interest since this is essentially what we see of the cops on that show.

  10. Haha very valid point, one that I hadn't considered. Thanks for the comparison.

  11. Joel Wyman has been talking about this since November! Can't wait till it has a title and a cast (Fingers crossed for Josh Holloway to come back to TV)

  12. I'm starting to think that J.J. Abrams is a robot. :p That many projects and many of them are simply brilliant.....I'm getting a bit suspicious. The plot is definitely cool. Can't wait.

  13. Oh I remember having read about this being in development for quite some time.....

  14. I think is SHOULD be a good mix of both... more in the vein of the X-Files/SPN model....


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