Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Borgia - Season 3 will be the final season

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Borgia - Season 3 will be the final season

24 Jan 2013

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In Biarritz, at the FIPA (Festival International des Programmes Audiovisuels), it was announced that season 3 of Borgia, currently in pre-production (they are scouting locations), will be the last of the Tom Fontana series :

Which means : "The 3rd season will be the last of Borgia - the adventure continues. Tonight, you are the first ones to discover it" (referring to episode 2.01, screened at the event).

Until then, season 2 (12 episodes) will début on Monday, March 11 at 8:55pm on Canal+.

ICYMI, here's the first teaser :

The Pope is saying : Rome est submergée par les eaux du déluge et la vermine. Serait-ce la colère céleste qui, de toute sa force, s'abat sur notre clan, ou le présage de la chute prochaine des Borgia ?

Which means : Rome is submerged by the waters of the downpour and vermin. Would it be the heavenly force, of all its strength, striking our clan, or the omen of the upcoming downfall of the Borgias?

Furthermore, the cast is in Paris this week to shoot promotional photos.


  1. So are they going to start filming season 3 before season 2 episodes air? I'm a fan of this show! I love this version of The Borgias.

  2. Jennifer Bryant12 May 2013 at 15:53

    This version is better than the Showtime version. This is a must buy!

  3. Jennifer Bryant12 May 2013 at 15:54

    This show is better than the Showtime version

  4. disqus_OvAKK8FciH13 May 2013 at 04:47

    I love this show. I hope there will be more than 12 episodes in season 3 if it the last season.

  5. Trust me that this is way better than the one in Showtime! I couldn't stop watching this, you can find it in Netflix...

  6. Mark Ryder is the best actor I have seen in decades. The acting in the Borgia is Oscar worthhey on the Big screen. He nails Cesare and I believe he is Cesare Borgia when he is acting he channels the way and the method is just great. I hope he makes a lot more period movies like the Borgia. Move over Brad Pitt and Collin Farrel this guy is great. Love the Borgia all the actors are great but he is really making his mark on this show.


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