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USD POLL : Which Gossip Girl couple is your favorite?

16 Dec 2012

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Today's User Submitted Daily (USD) Poll was submitted by chairluva4eva who was picked randomly from our Poll Submissions (see below).

Let us know in the comments what you voted for and why?

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You can see all the previous User Submitted Polls here.

You can vote for 1 Couple.


  1. They're all batshit crazy! Asking which one is our favorite is like asking which one did the writers screw up the least.

  2. Somehow I don't think there's going to be difficulty finding a clear winner, though.

  3. Serena and Dan, the rest are just a melodramatic and forced pile of mess.

  4. Jenny and Nate, and I love that they were tainted like other couples from the show. She's the only girl who ever squeezed out an interesting relationship out of Nate for me. Now that we know Jenny is coming back for the finale, I would love a hint or a little scene with them getting closer again.

  5. Even if the writers ruined them, I voted chair

  6. Serena and Nate, Blair and Dan, hands down.

  7. Chair and Derena. I like Rufus & Lily too and I'm very sad that at least one of them won't be an endgame :(

  8. Might as well throw my vote in. Dan and Blair was definitely my favorite. I'm sorry to the Chair fans, but everything about the Chuck and Blair relationship has been unhealthy and self-destructive right from the start. Despite the fact that Dair are so different, they had one of the healthiest relationships in the history of this show.

    It didn't last for very long, but it was great while it did.

  9. Does anyone even care anymore?

  10. The 490 people who have so far voted do I guess.

  11. Obviously a huge amount of people watch the show then.

  12. Chair of course..started watching the show and feeling guilty about how dirty it is but hey, that's why the term guilty pleasure was invented.

  13. Chuck and Blair of course! And half the credit goes to the actors, Ed and Leighton. They sell the crap out of their shared SLs and their chemistry has saved some scenes from a really sappy dialogue. The other couples just aren't believable anymore or never have been to begin with. The writing is bad all around but Chair's saving grace has always been EL and for that I will always be grateful. This and the fact that you could always tell Chuck and Blair love each other very very much.

  14. Chuck and Blair, Nate and Serena, Nate and Vanessa, and now Jack and Georgina!

    Chuck and Blair will always have my heart!

  15. Chuck and Blair. I also love Nate and Serena too :)

  16. It should always be Chuck & Blair and Serena & Dan, I hope it ends this way

  17. Chuck & Blair but I also like Nate & Serena!

  18. Chuck and Blair hands down. I wish Serena and Carter were an option too because I would have voted for them as well. To be honest I liked most of the couples on Gossip Girl to some degree but I only shipped Chuck and Blair.

  19. Chuck and Blair followed by Serena and Nate.

  20. Dan and Serena.Than either Chuck and Blair or Nate and Blair.

  21. dan and blair before they ruined it at the end of last season. also, dan and serena. And I also liked nate and serena somehow

  22. Chuck and Blair of course!! They are the biggest reason i kept watching gossip girl! Last episode tomorow and I wish to everyone to enjoy it or if you don't then let the others enjoy it :)

  23. Have to vote for Chair here because even through all their ups and downs they have still loved each other (even if they didn't always show it). Lily was right about Serena, she has life rafts going from one guy to the next based on how she feels in that moment and who she wants herself to be instead of facing reality. I do think that Serena and Nate could have worked but Serena has always gone back to Dan.

  24. Chuck and Blair, but I also really liked Serena and Nate.

  25. I really liked Blair and Nate, but Blair and Chuck are so AMAZING together. So I think endgame should be Serenate and Chair... just my opinion though

  26. Aren't you over the ship war yet? Rolls eyes.

  27. Chair!! it was always going to be Chuck and Blair. <3

  28. Chair!! Because it's always going to be Chuck and Blair, Blair and Chuck <3

  29. Jenny & Nate
    Dan & Blair
    Ivy & Rufus (even, when she was playing with him...) they were a cute couple... ;)

  30. Katie MacAllister16 December 2012 at 22:12

    Chuck and Blair, of course. Although I like Dan and Serena too.

  31. of course not, this show is a joke... they ruined everything.

  32. oh god why. Of course, Dan and Blair was the only couple that actually made sense.

  33. Chuck and Blair!!!!!!! I like them very much!!!!!

  34. chair will be the one with the blue bar going off to the right of everyones screen of course :)

  35. I just threw in my opinion, that's all. Don't make any assumptions about me, that's really irritating.

  36. I mean... I really hated Dan/Blair, but I think it's pretty childish that people are thumbs-downing you for having a different opinion. You aren't being insulting, Chuck and Blair were and in some ways always will be destructive.

    One thing I'd say about that, though, is that this show began CELEBRATING bad people for being bad. It was the counter-culture to everything the old WB was, sexy and dark compared to sweet and righteous. I had no desire to see a "healthy, stable" relationship, I wanted passion and excitement. Why on earth would I want the same things I saw in Dawson's Creek, Everwood, Felicity, Roswell, etc.

    I think, above and beyond all the absurd choices, retcons, plot holes and annoying side characters, the thing I hate most about the way this show went is the move from edgy, "OMG" television to WB fodder, and that started with Dan and Blair.

  37. Dan and Blair! Maybe because Dan isn't a murder or a rapist.

  38. Chuck and Blair, Serena and Carter I wish the writers didn't ruin them like they did with all the other couples

  39. Have to disagree on Ivy and Rufus they were gross not cute =(

  40. Georgina& hmm i don't remember his name.. her husband :D


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