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Supernatural - Favorite Song - 1D - Polls

16 Dec 2012

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While no polls were close, the last set were closer than the first two which should make things interesting in the next rounds. Episodes moving on to round 2 are Renegade (66%), You Shook Me All Night Long (60%), Heat of the Moment (57%), and Don't Fear the Reaper (80%). Today we have no bands going against themselves but we do have the battle of the power ballad. Funny how the rankings ended up. Today will be the last set of polls in round 1 so expect things to get a little harder as we progress to round 2. I would at least expect that most of the polls will be closer. Don't forget to put your suggestions for future polls in our nomination form and of course happy voting!

Supernatural Best Song Contest Nominees:

1. Carry On Wayward Son
2. Renegade
3. Back in Black
4. Eye of the Tiger
5. Wanted Dead or Alive
6. O Death
7. Don't Fear the Reaper
8. Rock of Ages
9. Knockin' On Heaven's Door
10. Heat of the Moment
11. Simple Man
12. Silent Lucidity
13. Bad Moon Rising
14. Can't Fight This Feeling
15. Thunderstruck
16. Highway to Hell
17. In-a-Gadda-Da-Vida
18. You Shook Me All Night Long
19. All Out of Love
20. Beautiful Loser
21. Hells Bells
22. Bad Company
23. Smoke on the Water
24. Rooster
25. One Way or Another
26. Burning for You
27. Hot Blooded
28. A Well-Respected Man
29. Long, Long Way from Home
30. Ready for Love
31. House of the Rising Sun
32. Cherry Pie

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  1. 1. Back in Black - No question. Yeah, Ready for Love has the highly repetitive chorus but beside the chorus and opener that's usually all I remember of the song. By comparison, Back in Black is a classic. It is one of my favorite AC/DC songs and not just because it is Metallicar's anthem.

    2. Can't Fight This Feeling - Hold on to your hats. This is the time I get schmaltzy. I actually like both songs, cheap Hallmark sentiment and all, because they both bring back good memories. We used to torture all the guys at our parties by making them dance to Air Supply. Making Love Out of Nothing at All was the one you'd make the guy you really liked dance to because it was the longest, but All Out of Love was the superior song. All in all, I have fond memories of Air Supply even if they aren't my type of music anymore. Now REO Speedwagon is a totally different story. I still go to their concerts. Love them and Can't Fight This Feeling is still my favorite. After all, it's the song I first fell in love to so it's hard to top that. My guess is that many teens of the 80's have similar experiences and that's why it remains so popular.

    3.Bad Company - because it's Bad Company and I didn't vote for Ready for Love. I really like Lynyrd Skynyrd but Simple Man it's one of their best. Bad Company pulls me in right from the opening.

    4.Hot Blooded - If this were song-to-scene O Death would get my vote for sure, but it isn't and in this contest I promised myself not to be swayed by the song's tie to Supernatural. Hot Blooded is one of my favorite Foreigner songs and although I associate it more with Bones than SPN, it is the superior song to me. O Death is far too short and less my type of thing.

  2. 1. Back In Black

    2. All Out Of Love - though I can't keep a straight face listening to it anymore since the episode it was in (and the gag reel) lol

    3. Simple Man- I actually have this downloaded on CD, I don't have a lot of classic rock on CD, haven't found time/money to download all the ones I want.

    4. Hot Blooded

  3. Voted Back in Black, Can't Fight this Feeling, Bad Company and O Death. Except for Bad Company I have the other three songs because I heard them on the show. Not generally a classic rock fan but they have had songs that I enjoy. I also have Hot Blooded cause I heard it on Bones, I like it but I've heard O Death way more times.

  4. Back in Black was an easy choice. I have always loved Can't Fight this Feeling, but Jensen's outtake of All Out of Love has made it a new favorite. I can see him doing that every time I hear it. I love Simple Man more than I do Bad Company and I love it. I love Hot Blooded. It really makes my blood pulse, but O Death and Death driving and walking down the street is so eerie, you can't get it out of your mind.

  5. Easy one for me, Bad Co..Ready for Love, bet I am going to lose big time on this one. ;)

    This one hurts, I love both REO & Air Supply, going with All Out of Love, but really will be happy no matter what wins here.

    Again Bad Co with Bad Company, but also like Simple Man, I hate that I know next round will be even harder. lol

    I cheated on this one, looked to see what was winning and was happy to see Oh Death, so voted for Foreigner Hot Blooded..I have danced around the house many times to this song.

  6. I feel the same way, will love the intro and then it gets into the screaming and I tune out. ;)

  7. Yep, with you on Oh Death and the scene..perfect.

  8. ..The second poll is NOT.FARE.both are my favorite romantic songs.Must be the closer tight ever i vote I Cant Fight..,but JENSEN singing All Out of Love..melt me of laugher

  9. Ready for Love - I'm a HUGE fan of Bad Company, and I know there's no chance of this song beating Back in Black, so I guess this is a pity vote. Back in Black is a great song

    Can't Fight This Feeling - the battle of the cheesy 80's power ballad. Anything REO is tops on my list.

    Bad Company - see comment for the first poll. I am big fan of Bad Company, and I am still holding out hope we'll hear a few more of their songs.

    Hot Blooded - I like the use of O Death in the show, but I think Hot Blooded is a better song, so it gets my vote as this is a song poll, not song to scene poll.

  10. agreed with all you say, except I threw a pity vote to Ready for Love, as I'm kind of obsessed with Bad Company...

  11. I apparently went against the grain for the most part today... and I didn't even confuse "favorite song" with "favorite song-to-scene" this time!

    Back in Black (without a doubt), Can't Fight This Feeling, Simple Man (times a million), and Hot Blooded.

  12. No, I love Simple Man. :(

  13. Ha! I've already written a paragraph on the difference between favorite song and song-to-scene for the next poll.

  14. That's my reasoning for Hot Blooded too. O Death will get plenty of votes for me when we are in the song-to-scene category. It's probably my second favorite in that contest.

  15. I saw 38 Special, REO, and Kansas together. It was epic. This show really needs to use some 38 Special music.


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