Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Merlin - Episode 5.10 - The Kindness of Strangers - Spoiler Hangman Three [COMPLETED]

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Merlin - Episode 5.10 - The Kindness of Strangers - Spoiler Hangman Three [COMPLETED]

8 Dec 2012

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Well done guys, you got there between you. Sorry it's late, I was only expecting to be at work for an hour and therefore be home before the episode started, but I had to stay on until now. Here's the completed hangman, the next one will be up tomorrow :)

The young sorcerer notices something unusual on a tree during the royal picnic. Typically, the King (wrongly) insists that his servant is mistaken in his conclusion.


  1. It really is just random guessing slightly informed by the trailers and teasers but might as well get started. I'd be surprised if the capital K is anything other than King and (wrongly) ironically seems very right but otherwise...

    *** / *****/ ******** / ******* / ********* / ******* / ** / a / **** / ****** / *** /
    ***** / p*****. / Separated, / the / King / (wrongly) / ******* / **** / *** /
    ******* / is / attacked / by / the / **********.

  2. Perhaps after "wrongly" it could be "assumes that"? Or "guesses that"? Or maybe I'm the one guessing wrongly.

  3. I think "assumes that" sounds the most likely at this point.

  4. The / young/ sorcerer / ******* / challenge / ******* / ** / a / **** / *****g / *** / maybe/ primed. / Typically, / the / King / (wrongly) / assumes/ that / all / *******/ is / attacked / ** / the / **********.

    Mostly confident that it is "The young" and "Typically, the King
    (wrongly) assumes" but everything else could be many different words! Maybe can't be too many different ones though, could be royal or loyal or even slyly. I'm thinking a P would be good next.

  5. Typically our king (wrongly)

  6. Okay, that C was really helpful! :) Really surprised that the p word was picnic but it can't really be any other word.

    The / young / sorcerer / notices / ********g*/ ******* / ** / a / **** / during / the / royal/ picnic. / Typically, / the / King / (wrongly) / assumes/ that / all / *******/ is / mistaken / to / the / conclusion.

    BTW Sandi, P is in the poll but I think we've already had that.

  7. "The Young Sorcerer ----c-- --------g- ------- -- - ---- -----g the royal picnic. Typically, the king (wrongly) assumes that the ------- is -----k-- in the conclusion." How did I do?

  8. darn, i messed up the poll, lol. I think U will win thou, so I'll leave it as it is for now.,

  9. Maybe: "Typically, the king (wrongly) assumes that his servant is mistaken to the conclusion"

  10. just a moment... did I miss something?? is there a picnic in this episode?

  11. Yep, I mentioned it in the first dialogue teasers post.

  12. oh am deeply sorry for asking again then. I haven't been around much cos my personal life has been hell and I am quite behind in spoilers. somehow I was under the impression that the only Arwen scene in this episode was the bedroom scene...

  13. Oh good. Nice to know I'm not totally going down the wrong path, thanks. :)

    I figured it wouldn't make much difference even if P won as you'd just use the 2nd letter but I thought I'd mention it so it didn't make it into the next poll.

  14. Aww, sorry to hear you're not doing well atm hun. Hope things get better soon.

    The picnic isn't really an Arwen scene I'm afraid, it's the backdrop to what the hangman is about.

  15. awwww really now that's a shame... thanks for your concern... as they say, time heals all wounds, or at least helps you learn to deal with the scars :)

    thanks for your great work as always xxx

  16. I think (hope!) I'm not far off with this:

    The / young/ sorcerer / notices / somethings / unusual / in / a / serf / during / the / royal
    / picnic. / Typically, / the / King / (wrongly) / *******/ that / his / servant/ is / mistaken / in / his / conclusion.

    Its bugging me that I can't think of a word that'll fit for after (wrongly). Help! Apart from that and 'serf' I think I might be right on the rest.

  17. I think the word after wrongly is insists. By the way, what is a serf? I'm not a native speaker, and I don't know this word :)

  18. here's what i see

    The / young / sorcerer / notices / somethings / unusual / in / a / town / during / the / royal / picnic. / Typically, / the / King / (wrongly) / insists / that / his / servant / is / mistaken / in / his / conclusion.

    i feel very confident, let's see if i got it.

  19. Ok, let's see...The/young/sorcerer/notices/somethings/unusual/in/a/tomb or tarp or trap or trek/during/the/royal/picnic./Typically,/the/King/(wrongly)/insists/that/his/servant/is/mistaken/in/his/conclusion.

  20. a serf is a term for a person in the lowest class who had to work the land of his master for certain rights. He or she was basically a servant to this master.

  21. The / young / sorcerer / notices / somethings / unusual / in / a / tree / during / the / royal
    / picnic. / Typically, / the / King / (wrongly) / insists / that / his / servant / is / mistaken / in / his / conclusion.

  22. Thanks, that's a really good explanation.

  23. I think you're right with insists. Serf isn't a very common word, Andromache explained it well. I was doubtful that would be the word but I was thinking Merlin might notice something unusual about a person and its an alternative for servant.


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