Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Les revenants (Rebound) - Trailer with English subtitles + ratings news (= season 2 will happen)

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Les revenants (Rebound) - Trailer with English subtitles + ratings news (= season 2 will happen)

26 Dec 2012

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This is not a live-action version of Brave.

And you don't have to be worried you won't be able to watch the show without (English) subtitles.

I've finished watching all 8 episodes… this show is officially one of the best I've seen in 2012. You remember how frustrating the Lost season 1 finale was, with the hatch and all the questions buzzing in your head ? Well, it's the same thing here, we're left with a lot to speculate on. I need season 2 now !

(Joker voice) You wanna know how I got these scars?

And even if there will probably be no official press release to announce the renewal until filming of season 2 starts, Fabrice Gobert started writing another season in November, and it's a sure thing Canal+ will order more of the show : given the amount of stories and questions they wanted to tackle, Gobert wanted to have the creative freedom to develop his story over several seasons and Canal+ was all for having several phases back then : season 1 was Phase One and ended with a turning point for the show, a pivotal game-changer. And given that Les revenants is a breakout hit, Phase Two will definitely happen.

See by yourself :

Episodes 1.01/1.02 (November 26) : ~ 1,4 million viewers.
Episodes 1.03/1.04 (December 3) : ~ 1,4 million viewers.
Episodes 1.05/1.06 (December 10) : ~ 1,3 million viewers.
Episodes 1.07/1.08 (December 17) : ~ 1,5 million viewers.

Average of season 1 (on the first airing) : 1,445 million viewers (23.3% of the subscribers).

It's the most watched Canal+ original series ever. Some series have started stronger than Les revenants but their ratings had dropped until the finale whereas Les revenants held steady throughout its run.

Let's see if Le Vol des Cigognes (= Flight of the Storks, a 2-part original film airing this Jan.) or the second seasons of Maison Close (starting on February 4) & Borgia (starting in March) will be able to top that.



  1. It's a French serie, for one time we (i'm french) have doing a very good serie, the season 2 is in 2014 :/

  2. I am so interested in this series.


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