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POLL : What did you think of 666 Park Avenue - Downward Spiral?

12 Nov 2012

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  1. This show just gets better and better! Olivia seems almost as evil as Gavin.

    And I wonder why the Drake is so interested in babies. Maybe because they're pure or something?

    Holy crap at the end! And why is Jane so stupid to go down the mysteriously appearing random hole in the basement? I mean, honestly?

  2. Holy crap this show is so great. People can criticize this show all they want but there's something so cool about this show. It's so weird and the mysteries are getting so damn compelling. I hope the next episode actually airs.

  3. so there's only a few of us who actually Love this show, just keeps getting better and better....glad we finally found out bout the grandmother and Nona been missing for 3 weeks and she was a big part in this epi....☺....

    @klutzy......yeah, that baby thing has to be a part of Bad Robot cause in Lost, women couldnt have babies on the island......and dumb Jane getting locked in somewhere again, lol....when will she ever learn, lol...☺....

  4. The Drake is calling to Jane and drawing her in deeper.....literally into the heart of the evil. Henry and Jane look like Darren and Samantha Stevens of Bewitched!! That was a killer lipgloss! This is a well done show......ABC don' you dare cut it! We will be needing some answers however...don't drag us around every Sunday. BTW ABC if you decide to cut this show YOU BETTER HAVE A FINALE WITH ANSWERS TO GIVE THE FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Otherwise you obviously have little regard for the fans...


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