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iCarly - Series Finale - Promo

11 Nov 2012

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  1. Haven't actually watched any iCarly but might watch this lol. Did the same for Hannah Montana and Wizards of Waverley Place, just to see what all the hype was about. Granted I'm not a preteen the Wizards one was actually good but Miley Cyrus mostly annoys me...

  2. iCarly is actually hilarious. I randomly watched an episode on Netflix and then watched all the episodes available there and I DVR it to see the other episodes. There's a lot of subtle adultish humor in it. It's sad this show is ending so soon after I started to like it.

    BTW I'm 25. My boyfriend is 21 and loves it and our 20 year old single mom roommate who is a gangster type likes to watch it. And from what I can tell this show has a fairly large adult fan base. I'm sure it will be missed.

  3. Yup, I'm 23 and I absolutely love the show. Definitely going to miss it!

  4. Really going to miss it. Can't believe the series finale's only two weeks away!


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