Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Fringe Friday - Episode 5.07 - Five-Twenty-Ten

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Fringe Friday - Episode 5.07 - Five-Twenty-Ten

16 Nov 2012

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Welcome to SpoilerTV's weekly edition of Fringe Friday!

Last week we took a trek into a magical pocket-verse filled with all sorts of fun and games.
Ok, so it was more like a combination of great shoutouts to longtime fans (observer child! Awesome Fringe symbols on the doors!) and a look into what will likely be a darkening and heartbreaking outcome of recent events: We're apparently losing both Peter and Walter to some outside force. 

Peter is succumbing to the Observer technology that imbedded itself into his brain stem... Did anyone else catch the Observer-like angling he was showing before it was finally revealed that he was seeing things like an Observer at the end? And Walter's regression to his old hubris-infused self...Just when you think that even though the entire world has gone to hell, we'll still have our characters to stand behind...But we should be used to these prospectively tragic twists being thrown at us, right? (I mean we did just GAIN, LOSE, GAIN, AND LOSE ELLA in like 4 episodes didn't we?)

Outside of those story lines developing, not much else happened last week, unless you happen to be mourning the loss of Cecil (I gotta admit, I was like "oh God poor Cecil" when he was immediately murdered by an Observer)... The effects and production values really took center stage in 5.06...such an incredible atmosphere...It was a fun trip down the rabbit hole and while our time with the Fringe Division is coming to an end, I'm glad they still have the chance to have these detours into oblivion and the far-side of things... It's one of the very things that always made me adore Fringe so much...

Today's topic: what do you want to have happen by the end of season 5? Want a certain character to make an appearance? Maybe have a peek at the redverse to see how things worked out over there? Or do you want more than ever to know the ultimate fate of our world in the hands of Fringe Division?

Let us know your thoughts below in the comments! HAPPY FRINGE FRIDAY, FOLKS!

"By Crooked Steps" - Soundgarden
"Cornflake Girl" - Tori Amos

*"By Crooked Steps" is an atmospheric rocker by Soundgarden that juxtaposes cold understanding and pursuit with emotions and faith... a great contrast between humans and their future counterparts, the Observers.
**"Cornflake Girl" is for the reference of the Tori Amos song when Walter asks (or presumes) that Olivia was a "cornflake girl" in a previous season.

Who's ready to get this Fringe Friday underway! Time to break out the licorice and slush-os! 

I've crafted a spotify playlist for all you FRINGE fans out there who will be pining away for the new episode all day! From selected tracks related to promoting FRINGE to the score of FRINGE itself, some hand-picked tracks that keep with the mood, these tracks have been loaded into this playlist for your entertainment! So, while you're at work, keep your excitement level at a peak with these tracks!

(Updated November 15, 2012)

(FEATURING: Pink Floyd, Violet Sedan Chair, Rolling Stones, The xx, Moby, and many more!)


  1. "what do you want to have happen by the end of season 5?"

    I just want the story to end as best as possible we no loose ends. And I don't want Walter to die but I think he will

  2. The lose, gain, lose aspect you brought up is really interesting! It makes me think about blinking lights and I wonder if it is a motif? (red, green, red...)

    What do I want to happen?

    Well I still think Peter is connected to the machine and the amber plane is Bardo that is testing and preparing Peter by showing him many accumulative time line truths. He has to prove himeself in some way IMO (Be Better than your father). If this would be trut, I expect Peter to return home to a pregnant blue Olivia (about to have Etta) and for the Red and Blue to be facing something that Peter will be able to solve due to knowedge gained from his experiences. With that I expect a generally happy ending, where both Olivias and both of Peter's children can live in a relatively normal world. For the Observers it's hard to say if they will be the final threat, but I suspect child Observer(s) and/or September will play a loving role to help them with whom ever the final villains are.

    If that doesn't pan out, then I suppose traditional time travel-reset will be involved...Either there is a way to modify the 'mood'/ behavior of the Observers through the neck/spinal device, which could be manual or kinetically through Peter that makes them 'love'(have compassion) and they reset the time line to right before their invasion.

    Whenever it is, I don't think it will end 'here'. Usually Bad Robot leaves a kind of silver lining for a future (or futures) in their works, so I doubt a complete existential ending with out some happiness.

    Happy Fringe Friday! Looking forward to see William Bell give a helping hand. Hopefully we'll see Nina too...and although I doubt we'll see him, I still hope for Sam Weiss.

  3. I would like to see the Redverse again. I'm curious to know what's happened to them since the Observer's invaded on this side. I'd also love to see Walternate, Lincoln and Bolivia again.


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