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FOX - Fall Premiere Dates 2012/2013

18 Jun 2012

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Wednesday, Sept. 12
8:00-10:00 PM THE X FACTOR (Season Premiere, Part One)

Thursday, Sept. 13
8:00-9:00 PM THE X FACTOR (Season Premiere, Part Two)
9:00-10:00 PM GLEE (Season Premiere)

Monday, Sept. 17
8:00-9:00 PM BONES (Season Premiere)
9:00-10:00 PM THE MOB DOCTOR (Series Premiere)

Tuesday, Sept. 25
8:00-8:30 PM NEW GIRL (Special All-New Episode)
8:30-9:00 PM BEN AND KATE (Series Premiere)
9:00-9:30 PM NEW GIRL (Season Premiere)
9:30-10:00 PM THE MINDY PROJECT (Series Premiere)

Friday, Sept. 28
8:00-9:00 PM KITCHEN NIGHTMARES (All-New Episode)
9:00-10:00 PM FRINGE (Season Premiere)

Sunday, Sept. 30
8:00-8:30 PM THE SIMPSONS (Season Premiere)
8:30-9:00 PM BOB’S BURGERS (Season Premiere)
9:00-9:30 PM FAMILY GUY (Season Premiere)
9:30-10:00 PM AMERICAN DAD (Season Premiere)

Tuesday, Oct. 2
8:00-8:30 PM RAISING HOPE (Season Premiere)
8:30-9:00 PM BEN AND KATE
9:00-9:30 PM NEW GIRL

Sunday, Oct. 7
7:30-8:00 PM THE CLEVELAND SHOW (Season Premiere)
8:30-9:00 PM BOB’S BURGERS
9:00-9:30 PM FAMILY GUY
9:30-10:00 PM AMERICAN DAD

Friday, Oct. 26
8:00-9:00 PM TOUCH (Season Premiere)
9:00-10:00 PM FRINGE


  1. I love that we're getting premiere dates already! So happy about this. (Hate the spoiler dry spell, though. Since productions are going to be starting up in the next month or so, that should end soon.)

  2. Hmm so unless they Fringe has double eps at some point it will most likely be airing eps in early 2013. Of course they could just burn eps off over Christmas but that seems unlikely.

  3. Sept. 17 for bones? that's pretty soon,i'm happy.

  4. It's going to be super weird to see Glee on Thursdays... and I'm glad Bones is coming back relatively soon! Then again ANYTHING is going to seem soon after last season haha

  5. Yay for Bones!!! So happy to have it back early this season. 3 months left!

  6. Oh, so The Cleveland Show is back this fall after all, that's nice - because in May I think that show was not announced as returning with the others, and while that remains true, it starts only a week after the rest (maybe they didn't bother talking about it because it airs at 7:30pm).

    A "special, all-new episode" of New Girl at 8 before the "season premiere" at 9 (apparently, there are no stakes at all on this show, nothing left hanging at the end of season 1 if that kind of scheduling is possible, or they don't care about the viewers) ? Not really a vote of confidence in Raising Hope, but they want to help Ben & Kate as much as they can. I don't really care as long as Raising Hope goes on. I'm stunned to see how little critics talk about this show - they talk about Community, Parks and Rec and all these great low-rated shows, but nothing about Raising Hope. No Writers Guild Award noms, no Television Critics Award noms, nothing. That sucks.

    Fringe's date makes sense. With one episode a week, if it's non-stop with no reruns, the series finale would air on Friday, December 21. Even if the show is off the air the Friday after Thanksgiving, the schedule still works if the series finale happens to be a two-parter.

    Starting Touch on October 26 will allow FOX to air all 22 episodes without interruptions (other than Friday, Nov 22 and the 3-week Christmas hiatus), almost like NBC did with the first season of Grimm. I doubt Touch will make it past season 2. I watched the show because Kiefer Sutherland was in it and seeing him running behind his kid saying "Jake ! Jake !" became boring. It's a very "safe' show, nothing surprising happens, it's not boring but it's not enthralling either, it's the anti-24. Also, no strong supporting characters. I'm not sure if I'll continue.

    EDIT : Damn, this new Disqus version makes it hard to edit (and even type in the first place).

  7. *going to mark in my diary september 28th with hearts like a sissy*

  8. FRINGE!!!!!!
    can't wait. 102 days and counting....

  9. I know!!!
    But I'm happy 'cause Sepr 28th is the last day of my exams so I won't get distracted!!

  10. 130 long, l o n g d a y s before Fringe starts....

  11. not liking that glee will clash with Grey's Anatomy and Person Of Interest :(

  12. Isn't that the truth! So glad they are back to their normal schedule,but i wonder when the 4 bonus episodes are going to be worked in?

  13. why Fox moved glee is beyond me but I think I'll be watching Grey's Anatomy.

  14. Why there is Fringe twice? 28 sept and 26 oct ?

  15. Why there's Fringe listed twice ? Sept 28 and Oct 26 ?

  16. Why there's Fringe listed twice ? Sept 28 and Oct 26

  17. Bye bye FOX...see you in midseason when THE FOLLOWING begins.

  18. Ah, darn, had hoped fringe would start on the 21st as a birthday present to me. :P

  19. I actually think Fringe will air day after Thanksgiving. Only Friday it wouldn't air would be the World Series day, with a 2 hour finale.

    I think Fringe is listed twice only because of the Touch premiere and showing that it's still at 9pm even with a new lead in.

  20. Glad bones is back early this year really can't wait to see how that pans out. Bit gutted touch isn't coming back for so long finally watched the finale this weekend and loved the addition of Maria Bello to the cast.


  22. I for one love Family Guy and American Dad. I'll be looking forward to new episodes.

  23. Didn't know I was going to get Touch back so early, hooray! I can't wait to see my Maria B.

  24. Would really like to know when Fringe and Touch start in the UK, its usually a week but you never know!!!

  25. As soon as we get the UK dates we'll be sure to post.

  26. Brilliant Thanks :)

    Sent from the Yobbit


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