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Supernatural - Episode 7.22 - There Will Be Blood - Press Release

19 Apr 2012

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SAM AND DEAN SEEK OUT AN ALPHA — In order to defeat Dick Roman (guest star James Patrick Stuart) and the Leviathans, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) must locate three key items. Castiel (Misha Collins) helps with one but for the last objects, the Winchesters must face two of their strongest opponents – an Alpha (guest star Rick Worthy) and Crowley (guest star Mark Sheppard). Meanwhile, Bobby (guest star Jim Beaver) tries out a new ghost trick that ends up being very dangerous. Guy Bee directed the episode written by Andrew Dabb & Daniel Loflin (#721).



  1. :D Crowley!!!!!

    Sound interesting^^

  2. Thanks for this, that does sound great. It's like the best parts of seasons 6 and 7 mixed together. The Alpha Vamp is so badass !

  3. SmallvilleSupernaturalCastle19 April 2012 at 03:32

    yay the Alph vamp is back and crowley! Cas helps and bobby so im glad after both of them dieing and being gone for a while they ended up coming back!

  4. Huh... this actually sounds pretty great! It's awesome to hear that Castiel is coherent enough to be helpful somehow, and that Crowley's back! I'm really intrigued by the three items... my brain's going to be going crazy with theories until the episode airs!

  5. Wonder how the Alpha Vamp figures in all of this? Does he "turn" one of the boys to make them more powerful for the fight? Alpha Vamp hates Crowley and Crowley has a hands off policy with the Winchesters as long as Dick is around.

    Maybe Dean volunteers to "vamp out" since he's already done it once and Sam knows the remedy.

  6. Guessing 3 somethings/someones from heaven, hell and purgatory, or connected to them.

  7. Hail, hail the gang's all here!  I was wondering when we'd see AlphaVamp again and quite frankly, Crowley is always welcome.  Here's hoping they can't defeat the Leviathans so quickly and they come back as worthy foes next season.  They need a revamp to become the cool, scary, intense foes I know they can be.

  8. I don't think being a regular vampire would give Dean much an advantage. I think they just need something from the Alpha or the Alpha's strength. 

  9. Oh yeah! Why didn't I think of that? Three objects from each, maybe? Could be putting the 3 together traps the Leviathans back in Purgatory or something?

  10. This one sounds fantastic!

  11. This is going to be amazing! I know it! Sam, Dean, Bobby, Cas, Crowley, and The Alpha Vamp! Ah...that is so AWESOME! :D End of season just may make up for the episodes that lacked this season man!

  12. I hope it's a situation where Castiel goes to Heaven, Dean goes to Purgatory, and Sam goes to Hell to each find one of the items and the episode is structured to bounce back and forth between the three of them. 

  13. So there IS an end in sight to the countless MOTW episodes. Nice to know that eventually they will be addressing the main plot at some point. Sorry but we've had like 5 episodes about the main SL all season. That's ridiculous.

  14. I can't argue with that

  15. As disappointing as it is to say, my initial reaction to reading this synopsis was "meh."  I always appreciate a Crowley appearance but, as a finale synopsis, this isn't doing anything for me.

  16. Sounds awesome. Since the title involves "blood"  my guess is that it's far simpler -the boys/Kevin discover  a ritual is needed that requires high ranking/"King of Hell demon blood (Crowley) Angel blood (Castiel) and Alpha blood (Alpha Vamp) to either kill all the Levis (somehow) or re-open Purgatory to suck all the Levis back.

    I wonder what trick Bobby is going to try; somehow - I am probably wrong though - I don't think the boys will see him in 7.19, and only Annie will because she may have been killed by the MOTW in 7.19.  

  17.  Wow, nice job putting 2 and 2 together.  I didn't even think of that, but it fits very well.  :)  Though it says 'an alpha' and everyone's assuming its the vamp alpha..  I don't even remember seeing the alpha vamp last season that everyone's raving about, just those illusions he gave Dean when he was vamped out. 

  18. I thought they killed the alpha vamp?
    Am I missing something?

  19.  I really really like this idea.  All three of them facing their demons so to speak.  Though I'd rather have Dean going to hell and Sam to purgatory.  Far as I understand it, Sam was never in 'hell' per say, but the Pit, which was lucifer's cage and separate from hell.  Dean, however, has been to the real Hell.

    Regardless, this would be far too epic for just one episode.  I'm not sure they could fit all three of those parts into one episode and it not feel rushed and cluttered.

  20. pinkphoenix198519 April 2012 at 06:33

    sounds interesting but I think that it isn't going to be so interesting and exciting as it sounds

  21. "Family Matters".  And the Alpha vamp was Rick Worthy.

  22. As I commented a few days ago in another thread, that the news on the end of season was leaving me a bit cold, this new info doesn't really pep me up all that much, but then who am I to know, maybe it will be the greatest  episode of the saga!

    Anyway, I get three-pronged attack ( it reminds me a little of the three Sams idea at the end of s6);
    it's an advantage for all three, Heaven, Hell and Purgatory to get rid of the Leviathans, but I don't understand why it's sort of coming out of the blue like this, as if it's been thought up at the last moment and the writers have liked it so much that they have tagged it on to the end.

    They probably need three spells or three talismans, one from each location but I doubt it will be Sam and Dean going there, as they already have Castiel, Crowley and the Alpha to do that.

    However I absolutely loved the Alpha Vamp. The actor's performance was brilliant. He was just so dangerous in his calmness. Now I would love for HIM to pop up now and then on the show next season.

  23. I'm inclined to agree with you here but I would so like to be proved wrong.

    Then the fact of not knowing officially if the show was going to be picked up for another season must have had some effect on the episode too.

  24. So it looks like Cas is doing ok, since he's helping. Good.
    And Bobby and his ghost tricks! ;)
    And the boys have a lot to go up against so good luck Dean&Sam!

  25. Unless there's another tidbit. like witchcraft. that the boys don't know the Leviathan have a weakness to. Could be something as simple as the Viceroy butterfly. Looks like the Monarch but tastes awful and the predators stay away.

  26. geordiegirl196719 April 2012 at 08:50

    Sounds excellent.

  27. I'm also hoping it's not that easy and that there'll be some twist in there, otherwise I feel like we've been wasting a lot of time this season. Instead of having so many fillers, it would have been cool if they would have known about these 3 items before and the quest for them would have been harder than just a coupe of eps, I dunno. We'll have to wait and see how it plays out, but I really would hate to see a quick solution to the Leviathans when they have done pretty much nothing in all the season, lol. Gah, that would be so much potential lost AGAIN. 

  28. So happy to see all the gang working together again :D That's what makes me happy, though I'm kinda worried about Bobby, but Crowleeeeeey!!!  Not sure how I feel about the plot right now though... I hope there's much more to it, cuz it all seems to easy and too out of the blue. But then again, they always try to give as less info as possible in the descriptions and they're sometimes very misleading, so we'll have to wait and see. At least, it's not a filler hahaha

  29. nellymendezcolon19 April 2012 at 11:09

    this episode sound they will kick a lot of ass & had some fun

  30. the title would suggest it has something to do with blood but that seems too easy?

  31. Shimmerinstars7719 April 2012 at 11:17

    Its good to see the focus is on the boys and that Castiel helps with just the one and first item. That its Sam and Dean who have  to locate  the "last objects"  and facing their two strongest opponents. Something I doubt they would do separarely. This also should be Castiles third and final episode in Season 7  hopefully Singers word means more than kripkes ever did. And Castiel return from the dead yet a third time this one according to Singer for better closure and conclusion to his storyline is actually concluded for good.

  32. Shimmerinstars7719 April 2012 at 11:26

    Sam was in  Hell. The ninth level of Hell. The worst part of Hell.  And he was there 180 humans years (being tortured by Lucifer and Micheal.) To dismiss that as not actually being in Hell is just wrong. Dean was in Hell too for 40 human years. Both boys suffered greatly

  33. My hopes

    -Sam and Dean pretty much have to do it alone (but together), I think its important they face this on their own and get used to not reaying on others to bail them out and to get used to having to say goodbye to Bobby permenantly. Also it would prepare them for season 8 which has been hinted at by Robert Singer that the boys will be back to basics for real, hunting things and saving people. A real 'Butch and Sundance' kind of season. For me personally this needs to be Sam and Dean getting the win and doing the heavy lifting, being the brains and the braun on their own, they need to be a winning team again and get back some self belief and a 'dont mess with us' attitude.

    -Castiel does his part in getting one of the last objects and then goes away permenantly. I would be disspointed if he was kept around to keep bailing the boys out.

    -Bobby either gets sent to heaven in this episode or in the finale, I think he deserves a happy ending and I thing Sam and Dean would want that for him. I am looking forward to vengeful ghost Bobby though.

    -I also hope Sam gets to interact with the other characters (crowley and the alpha) I dont want him to just stand in the background quietly.

    -Lastly I hope this episode leads in to an excellent finale where Sam and Dean have to kick Leviathan ass on their own and I do hoep they dont try to keep the boys apart too much. I prefer scenes where they are together.

    -Very happy the alpha vamp is back

  34. I agree with all of your points; they are all well made and pertinent.

    I'm glad you too like the alpha vamp.
    He was really good in Family Matters and maybe even that resonance remaining of Dean having had a momentary  interaction with him could be used in some way, though not in a "supernatural being helping the Winchester beat the odds" way, but maybe giving them some info now and then or even as their number one enemy, I don't know.

    The boys being together in scenes is so important.
    I remember having read somewhere that Jared and Jensen say that they give their best as actors when they are playing off one another, more than they ever do against the best of guest stars and that definitely comes out in their interaction on the screen.

    Great post. :)

  35. pinkphoenix198519 April 2012 at 12:19

    Oh yeah-- I would like to be proven wrong too but I just don't see how they can do everything that is described in about 40+ minutes. I think that some part of it they are just going to have a character sort of walk into the scene and hand the boys what they need. Maybe not exactly like that but for sure the boys aren't going to be running up and down getting everything together. Or since this is Supernatural and not based in reality it could be possible :P

    Hmm...maybe although in the past the show has done cliffhangers when the pick-up for next season wasn't known (Season 1 for example)

  36. pinkphoenix198519 April 2012 at 12:21

    You're not alone. My first thought was "really?! they are going to do all that in 40 minutes?"

  37. pinkphoenix198519 April 2012 at 12:22

    Agreed. It is sad that MOTW episodes used to have some connection to the main plot :( that was back in the old days...

  38. Crowley, Cas and the brothers, I am going to love it.

  39. Sounds like a lot jammed into one episode.  The alpha vamp should really get his own episode seeing as how dangerous and unpredictable he once seemed.  Hope this episode doesn't neuter him and turn him into a harmless pet.  And if they're getting something from Crowley against his will, that seems like its own episode as well. In theory, Crowley should be dangerous.  But who knows how it will turn out?  I just want the Leviathans over and gone anyway.

  40. The vamp was captured by Crowley's demons and presumably ended up in Crowley's monster torture prison.

  41.  The only place I fault your comment is I want Misha to stay as something next season.  No not as Cas, but he has played many characters, I think 7 now and I love him with Sam and Dean.

    I want Bobby where the boys know he is good so they can feel happy about him.

  42. OH YES, Leviathans over and gone...PLEASE.

  43. I question whether we will get a Bobby-Winchester conversation Friday too.  I think it has been clever editing to make us think we will.

  44. Gamble said that Castiel's arc is left open-ended enough for him to return in season 8. So chances are you're going to be disappointed. :)

  45. I thought they beheaded Alpha vamp in Caged Heat??
    O_O I feel like I'm losing my mind.

  46.  I think you're thinking of the alpha shape shifter.  The Crowley look-alike?

  47. I dont think the show needs another incarnation of Castiel or Jimmy or Emmanuel. While TPTB havent said Misha wont be back next season they have said that there will be closure for Cas in a way that episode 2 this season didnt deliver.

    I peronally dont want him back and I dont think the show needs him back.

    I do however think the show could add some new and fresh blood next season. While I like a lot of the characters their constant popping out of the woodwork when convienient is becoming a bit repetative. New characters mean there is a possibility for new storylines. I feel like this synopsis is just leading to a rehashing of the last few episodes of seasons 5 and 6.

    If Misha is such a good actor should he be allowed to move onto another project, maybe where he is more of a lead instead of the guy they might call back when the writers feel like it?

  48. He was captured by Samuel and co in "Family Matters" episode. 

  49. No, not the Vampire one. He's the only one who survived, captured, but lived. 

  50. Thanks.

    They are better together, they play of each other amazingly so why mess with it? I think that one of the biggest mistakes of this season has been separating Sam and Dean virtually every episode.

  51. I remember her or Robert Singer saying that there would be some sort of closure, that they would leave it open for a return but that doesnt neccessarily mean there will be one. They pretty much say that about every character since even the dead dont stay dead for long on this show.

  52. Oh wait, not in caged heat, my bad....the 7th episode (sorry they both take place in an old decrepit place) but I remember alpha vamp talking about how Sam would be "the PERFECT ANIMAL" and then Dean lops his head off?

  53. No, no head lopping in this one, unless it's earlier in the episode.  He's about to take a bite of Sam when Christian injects him with dead man's blood and the demons whisk him away.  I just double-checked. 

  54.  Some of my favorite eps have been the ones Misha has been in, not just because of him, but he just added to the mix.  Notice I said MY favorite eps, not saying everyone has the same likes and dislikes.  Heck some fans even liked the Ghostfacers, ugh.

  55. THAT's what happened. Ok thanks :)

  56. We have the names Sam,Dean,Cas,Bobby,Crowley,Dick Roman and Guy Bee in five sentences...How can this possibly go wrong?!?!

  57. The Blood of a Purgatory native is probably one of the "items".

  58. Well I think the three items are the blood of someone from Heaven (Castiel), Purgatory (Alpha Vamp), and Hell (Crowley). I just hope this doesn't permanently kill Castiel. (Already bummed about Bobby, though it's making for a cool story.) I'd love him to show up from time to time. I adore the brothers and the show is all about them in the end, but I do love many of the recurring characters, too.

  59. Plus, they also said AT LEAST 2 more episodes a part from 7x17, so there could be one more, and Sera said in an interview that his story arch this season was going to play out until 7x23. It's posible that Cas is not actually much in this episode since whatever they need from him seems to be already in their possession, maybe they even got it in 7x21.

  60. I really don't like what they did with the Leviathans. They had sooooooo much potential when they seemed like this chaotic and destructive creatures, now they're either like businessmen or simply dumb... still can't get over the fact that demons tracked Sam and Dean in one episode and the Levis haven't in all season long U.U But i still would be probably even more disapointed if they come up with a quick fix instead of finding a way to make them interesting or, at least, bring another major treat with more potential. Plus, we don't even know what they're up to yet lol.

  61. Crowley, yes! We certainly haven't had enough of him this season.

  62. So an angel, a demon and a monster walk into a bar....

  63. Agreed. I also disliked when it was pulled in Season 5 (i.e., the brothers need the four Horsemen rings to reimprison Lucifer, but they didn't learn about that until the fourth-to-last episode of the season, and that's when they finally started going after the Horsemen, leading to Death and Pestilence being squeezed into a single episode while beforehand they were just kind of hanging around taking random cases and saying no to Michael and Zachariah, not purposefully doing anything to try and stop Lucifer once the Colt failed).

  64. Jim Beaver is in the pictures for the finale that have been released so far... he's starring in an appliance store with TVs in the windows and Dick Roman is on the TV. 

    But otherwise I hope for the exact same things,with the possible exception that if JB is intending to be in S8 at all I'd rather he be resurrected at the end of the S7 finale or in the S8 premiere. 

    We ARE getting an S8 (glares at The CW) ;) 

  65. I agree. We don't need Cas fixing the boys' boo -boos in S8 and killing demons by touching their foreheads. I haven't liked *any version* of de-powered Castiel/Jimmy, either. 

    I also agree with you that it's time for MC to move onto another show; unfortunately :(( the finale is supposed to leave "Cas's fate" open ended, while resolving his current story line - so I wouldn't be shocked if the show not only brought Cas back but reinstated MC as a regular. *I would hate that*. 

  66. Yay...Crowley's back. This episode sounds so good!

  67. A poster on sntv brought up the possibility that "Bobby" may grow so desperate to be "seen" (or interact) that he tried "ghost possession" and that's his "dangerous trick". I think that's a great theory. Who would he attempt to possess and would it work and if not would it just make him "more anxious"? (I still think Bobby has critical information about the Levis/Dick Roman to get to the boys besides just the coordinates to the Wisconsin field).

    There are finale pictures with "Bobby" outside an appliance store looking at Dick Roman on the TVs in the window. The curious thing is that Dean is no where in sight.  Does "Bobby " get stronger because he's fueled both by not getting though to boys and at Dick Roman. I speculate that the boys might not "see" "Bobby" until sometime in the finale.  (Which, of course, could all go kerblooyee if either or both brothers "sees" Bobby on Friday's new episode.   

  68. This just proved the old saying, One mans trash is anothers treasure.  I would LOVE Misha back for s8. ;)

  69. Interesting theories.  Perhaps he possesses the female hunter.  I kind of like the idea of Bobby tethered to the flask though.  If he can go anywhere, he runs the risk of becoming too powerful for the story too.  My guess is that Bobby is seen in the penultimate episode but I've been a fan for long enough to know that I am almost always wrong when it comes to the details.

  70. Could not agree more.  It should be interesting to see where season 8 takes us because I can't see this show without Crowley tying in somewhere.  If the Leviathans continue into next season, I can see a lot more future Crowley time.

  71. These OTS Pictures & Set Report weren't posted on SpoilerTV and are supposedly from the finale episode, 7.23: set report says that "Bobby" is looking in to a store with TVs all displaying Dick Roman. The set report makes no mention of "Dean" being around, but possibly JA is "around" but wasn't filming at the time. If "Dean" isn't nearby, the flask may be not be nearby either, and that led me to think "Bobby" may be strong enough to leave the vicinity of the flask for longer periods. BUT JA as Dean may have had his "nearby" scenes inserted already or later as the show frequently films scenes out of chronological order. 

  72. I bet they are going to shove Dick Roman back into Purgatory. The 3 items likely are, blood, virgin and purgatory native. Plus Crowley actually has the spell.

  73. I agree with you and tvmonkey - I <3 the Alpha Vamp. One of my top criticisms of S7 is that there were meaty story lines that were intimately connected to the "over-arching" "Purgatory" story line that could have been continued in S7, particularly involving Dean.

    Even though I lean more to Sam than Dean, I came to appreciate that Dean "seemed more connected" to "monsters acting off" (and the "Purgatory sl") than Sam was - Sam had the majority of the "Demon" sl and thought it was very fair that Dean "carry" more of the "S6 theme". I'm delighted to have the Alpha Vamp back and I wish there was time in this season for a little more follow-up on the "Dean-marked-by-fairies" as well. 

  74. Yes, and I always *assumed* that the Alpha Vamp either escaped from Crowley's prison or "escaped during transport" because in 6.08 "All Dogs go to Heaven" Sam questioned Crowley "What, one Alpha Vamp not good enough for you?" and Crowley just glared at him. 

  75. I had kind of forgotten about the fairy realm but it could be interesting to hear more about that and about what really did happen to Dean there. I'm curious to know if he has really forgotten or just pushed the experience down, as he does with most things. :)

    It could be treated as a sort of non-religious heaven if you will.
    I mean we saw that there are all kinds of bad-guy fairies, including the punch-happy red caps.

    You're right; there were many themes left unexplored from season six that could have been addressed, but maybe they will go back to them and that would give us a chance to keep the marvellous Alpha vamp!
    As far as the eventual Season 8 story-lines are concerned, I don't really mind which brother gets to carry it as long as they both work together and are on screen as much as possible, also together.

    In season 6, possibly Dean was more attuned than Sam, for he being soulless for many episodes, just didn't have the intuition to realise that the monsters were behaving oddly.

  76. I did see these and I agree, it looks like Bobby will be untethered.  The only reason why I hope he isnt is because if he has the power to move anywhere unseen as a ghost, then he could spy on Dick Roman.  While that would definitely move the story along, I would prefer the Winchesters take a more active role in defeating the Leviathans.  Don't get me wrong.  I have no issues with them having help.  It just seems like they were sidelined for a good part of season 6's mythology.  I think this time they should be the main event


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