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The Newsroom - New Promo - Changed Man

2 Apr 2012

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  1. Oh, that looks super good. Can't wait.

  2. This is tv! Aaron Sorkin back in the game baby! Hell yeah. Jeff Daniels look awsome in the role. He`s seems like a really good fit. 

  3. Looks great, defimitely looking forward to it.

  4. Wow, this looks amazing. Perfect writing and perfect cast, that's all you need. It's going to be good.

    Seeing Jeff Daniels in action makes me confident he'll be great for this part. If I had any doubts about him, they're long gone now. Amazing repartee when he faces the sorority girl.

    Will McAvoy speaking from the heart to this girl reminds me of the pilot of Studio 60 when the executive producer says what really is on his mind. But at least here HBO won't make the stupid mistake of cancelling the show after its first season (unless horses die on the set purely because of bad luck, obviously). Because what may have been a flop on NBC will be a hit on HBO, with the same amount of viewers.

    However, as much as I enjoy True Blood, I don't think it's exactly the same audience. It might not be as odd of a pairing as True Blood / Curb your Enthusiasm last year, but I'm not hoping for a 90% retention over TB.

  5. From your lips to HBO's ears. :)

    And I think you're absolutely right. This is a much better network even with the odd pairing.

  6. Jeff Daniels is a brilliant underated actor, and  I strongly believe that this show will finally prove to the world what he's really worth! 

  7. Aaron Sorkin and HBO are a marvelous fit!
    And this show looks fantastic and brilliant!!

  8.  Buckle up everyone where in for a ride! Wow,looks like Aaron did it again!

     Between GoT and now this it restores my faith in what can actually be great TV!  And of course Fringe,that goes without saying!

  9. wow. this is amazing. to be honest I was NOT planning on watching this at all... but wow. really awesome

  10. Now I'm not like a Sorkin fangirl like others are but this looks damn great!

  11. I <3 Sorkin. We've been waiting for this for a while, hope it is worth it.

  12. Looks fantastic. This wasn't on my radar before but I'll be watching.


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