Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Luck - Season 2 - Filming Suspended

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Luck - Season 2 - Filming Suspended

14 Mar 2012

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HBO has suspended filming on the second season of Luck, a horse racing drama starring Nick Nolte and Dustin Hoffman. Earlier this year HBO took heat after two horses died in the filming of the first season. Officials were on scene to monitor the treatment of the horses and the incident was classified as a tragic accident.

But now, one more horse has died of a traumatic head injury during the filming of Luck’s second season. According to a report from, the horse died on it’s way to the stall and had previously been cleared for use American Humane Association. The horse was euthanized at the track in suburban Arcadia.

We’re saddened by the tragic deaths of these beautiful animals but are also concerned about the future of HBO’s new series, Luck. Season 2 should continue filming soon after these incidents are fully investigated. We hope officials can find a way to film these horses without endangering them. HBO has said in the past that they are doing all they believe possible to ensure that this happens. More when we get it.

Source: HBO


  1. I don't watch the show, but this is very sad.

  2.  I wonder where they got the horses? Were they retired horses,from a rescue organization? The show should have suspended filming something is going on,3 horses don't die for no reason.and how did the third horse sustain a traumatic head injury?The animal rights groups are going to go crazy and really i can't blame them this time.....

  3. I agree, something is very wrong on this set.

  4. I've worked around and with horses. Accidents do happen, even when you try your hardest for safety with the animals and the people around them. They're flight animals, they spook, injuries and accidents can easily result in death. That said, 3 horses? That would have to be astronomically bad luck. I haven't seen the show, but I'm glad they're suspending for now. They need to figure out what's going on, if there's improper procedure or insufficient education resulting in these fatalities, or what have you. This is not worth it for a show.

  5. The story is that the horse reared up and fell onto its back, sustaining a head injury before having to be put down. I love the show, but I'm glad filming with the horses is suspended whilst they figure things out.

  6. They should suspend Horse Racing then.  Horses die at a higher rate on the track than they do on camera!  The problem is that states make too much money on Horse Racing and almost nothing on this TV show.

  7.  sad news ... this is one of the shows I'm most liked this season.


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