Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon How I Met Your Mother - Episode 7.23 - Trilogy Time

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How I Met Your Mother - Episode 7.23 - Trilogy Time

14 Mar 2012

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Episode 7.23 of How I Met Your Mother will be called "Trilogy Time".

Source: HIMYM @ STVPlus+


  1. Huh.. I don't have any theories for this one yet!

  2. I don't know what to think about this title. At least we got the title for 23.

  3. Here's my theory: barney choosing between "the ties"

  4. Good one. No idea what this means, but makes me curious.

  5. Trilogy = Lily + Marshall + Baby ?

  6. is episode 23 the finale?

  7. if this episode is the finale then i agree if not then no thats not what the title refers to cause they said that will happen in the season finale

  8.  The bride will be revealed in the season finale, via another flash forward to Barney's wedding.

  9. This is going to be episode 23 because 22,24 is already mentioned with titles or it could be for episode 21 but that's only two episodes away. This title/name for the episode is too weird for it to be one of the last episodes

  10. I'm hoping its a Star Wars reference.

  11. Come on guys! it's clearly about the mother related story. Do you remember the bride movie part 3?  when she supposed to say I love you to ted for first time. ? I think its a related story with that even if the mother its no show it here ... but its the only trilogy i can think about

  12. This is episode 20.

  13. it is about ted marshall and barney watch star wars and day dream about their future meanwhile quinn moves in with barney


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