Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Luck - A Handy Guide to Understanding HBO’s Luck

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Luck - A Handy Guide to Understanding HBO’s Luck

13 Dec 2011

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Why can’t Ace (Dustin Hoffman) own a horse?
Ace’s driver, Gus, picks him up outside of California Institution for Men in Chino. Under California law (the series is set at the Santa Anita racetrack, near Los Angeles), the state Horse Racing Board may "may refuse to issue a license or deny a license to any person … who has been convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment in a California state prison or a federal prison."

Why does everyone care so much about the horse’s bowels?
Horses are big, but their intestines are not. When food gets stuck along the many twists and turns of the digestive tract, the horse’s bowel gets impacted. Could you run a race that way? There are several remedies, like Milk of Magnesia, to help the horse along. If that doesn’t work, the lady from Crossing Jordan has to pretend stick her hand up the horse’s ass and clear the poor guy out.

Why is the trainer Escalante (John Ortiz) such a dick to jockey Leon Micheaux (Tom Payne)?
In addition to making horses run faster, trainers also determine a horse’s strategy. Does the horse start slow and then explode along the final stretch? Is it lousy at weaving around other horses? The trainer tells the jockey how to run the horse, but the jockey should keep that information to himself. Plus, Leon is a “bug boy,” or an apprentice jockey. He should just be quiet.

Source: Full article @ Vulture


  1. I found this to be quite helpful, there were some things I didn't really get or didn't pay a lot of attention to.
    This actually reminds me a bit of Treme, I also had to look up some things to understand the show in its entirety (and I'm sure I still missed a lot of things).

  2. i think I saw 2 comments at the same time..

  3. I have-yet to watch the pilot. I was going to wait until more shows are on the holiday hiatus and I had more fee TV time... Think it will be helpful to read before I watch the pilot or should I watch the pilot first and then read this?

  4. Hmmm, of course this guide refers to things that happened in the pilot. So on the one hand you will get a bit spoilered and on the other hand without the context of having seen the episode a few things in the guide will be a bit vague. I guess it's better to watch the episode first, then read the guide.

  5. This was hugely helpful! Plus I didn't know it was by the same guy as Deadwood - I can see the similarities now, and if its half as amazing I'm going to stick with it, tho there are definitely issues to sort.

  6. This is pretty helpful,i'm sure it will come in handy for when i start watching this.

  7. I'm going to have to disagree with Stickoxydal.  The spoilers are minor but the info is crucial.  It is better to be a little spoiled and fully-informed than it is to go in blind and then have to refer to a cheat-sheet afterword to figure out what the hell just happened.

  8. I thought I may read it now and wait to watch the pilot until January when it airs... That way I will have the background, but it won't be fresh enough in my mind to really spoiler anything....

    I still have not decided but thanks for another opinion!

  9. was it the same guy as deadwood?


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