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Gossip Girl - Who is your favorite love interest of Chuck's?

4 Nov 2011

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Today's Gossip Girl poll: Which character is your favorite love interest of Chuck's?

Yesterday I said that this would be my last Gossip Girl poll, but I've decided to post another poll tomorrow about which friendship between the characters is your favorite after getting some requests for it.

I also received a request for a favorite take down poll. I'll post it if I get enough interest from you all. In the comments, submit the moments that you feel were your favorite take downs along with the episode it was from.

Example: Juliet, Jenny, and Vanessa take down Serena - Episode 4.09, "The Witches of Bushwick"

I'll need as many different ones as you all can think of.


  1. who is Elle again? but defintly blair

  2. Elle is the mysterious woman Chuck met at his father's secret gentleman's club in season 2.

  3. None, Chuck is at his best when he's single.

  4. Could Elle, Eva, and Raina even be considered love interests? They were as significant to Chuck's life as season one's Amelia was, if you ask me (and by that i mean they were entirely insignificant). He'd forgotten their existence the episode after they were out of his life.

    Might I add that Chuck has only turned to these three other women at times when his life is in shambles and Blair is lost to him; besides he ALWAYS came away from those short and pointless relationships CONVINCED that Blair is the love of his life and that he has to win her back. To me, that makes every girl but Blair an escape from harsh realities for Chuck, not love interests.

  5. 1000% Blair. Considering she's the only woman he's ever loved, it only seems fair, right?

  6. I love how this isn't even a question, haha. Of course it's Chuck and Blair! I've been waiting over 4 years for their happy ending, and I better get it :P

  7. it's got to be Blair!  though I think it's ironic that for being such a ladies' man, Chuck has the fewest choices..  I guess we don't usually get the names of all the one night stands  :)

  8. I don't know why this would even be a poll- Blair waldorf, obviously.

  9. Who in the world would ever vote for anyone that's not Blair? This is stupid! CHAIR is forever

  10. There could be none other than Blair. They're inevitable!

  11. seriously?Are you kidding us?of course Queen B...who is Elle btw?

  12. i's funny...LOL we all know this that chuck and Blair belong together Forever

  13. Blair Waldorf, his one and only!

  14. A King needs his Queen. Blair, no doubt.

  15. Chuck and Blair belong together.

  16. Chuck and Blair are the best thing on the show!

  17. so does the lack of choices for chuck say anything? yes that blair is it for him, and if the writers do not let him have her and be happy, before gossip girl is said and done, i'll be pissed! otherwise they will have wasted four years of the show leading to nowhere for the poor guy and they have put him through plenty.

  18. Actually, Chuck is the character that is most in need for a family. He's at his best when he have people around him.

  19. The ONS are not love interests, it's only physical and not emotional, so...

  20. enterthedragonmaster5 November 2011 at 13:30

    Jenny Humphrey.

  21. enterthedragonmaster5 November 2011 at 13:30

    Jenny Humphrey

  22. right, I'm just saying that we haven't seen Chuck established in many relationships, though I think we've seen him with the most women.. it's just strange to realize that there were so few that could be included on this poll as "love interests"

  23. I don't understand why someone would vote for anyone but Blair.

  24. The others were good for warming the bed, but Blair was the one that warmed both his bed and his heart..Blair FTW.

  25. I voted Blair. It's clear to me that they are meant to be together.

  26. I loved Eva. I really did. But Blair's the love of his life no matter what.

  27. That's a really flattering description :-) Elle was a hooker. Nothing mysterious about that :-)

  28. Sorry, but if you can add Rachel Carr and Charlie R/Ivy to Dan's list, you should add Jenny and Vanessa to Chuck's. lol

    as for who the boy is meant for..Blair.

  29. Dan actually dated Rachel and Charlie/Ivy, Chuck never dated Jenny and Vanessa.

  30. Well I guess we know who won this poll 

  31. Eva and Raina did matter to Chuck. I'd go as far as saying that Eva and Raina even made Chuck forget about Blair for a while.

  32. Then again, did he really "date" Elle?

  33. No, but I included her because Chuck seemed to develop feelings for her. It wasn't just sex with her either, even if it was for two episodes lol.

  34. The whole "saving Jenny from the drug dealer friends" could count as develop feelings too. As for Vanessa - I wonder what Chuck really ever saw in her just because of that old downtown bar.

  35. Chuck saved Jenny from the drug sealing situation because he put her in that situation by having her hang out with Damien, and Chuck didn't really see anything in Vanessa, he pretended to have feelings for her to make Blair jealous. Chuck was ready to essentially runaway with Elle to be with her, but she was just using him.

  36. I don't disagree about having people around him, like friends and family, but romantically I think he needs to stay single....

  37. Elle and Raina are what I would classify as flings. He did care for both.

    Eva was a relationship, but it was short term. They broke up because Chuck chose to believe Blair over her. He did care for her, but he wasn't really himself with her, He was Henry Prince.

    He has only said I love you to Blair. He has only really put himself out there for Blair.

  38. Tiffany Anderson7 November 2011 at 07:53

    I guess I was the only one hoping for a Jenny and Chuck relationship, it would have made the show way more interesting. I thought Raina could have been good for him but no black people are allowed on the UES, I guess. But I think he should be single. He has way too many demons. You can't love someone else until you love yourself. That's why none of relationships ever last. Chuck and Blair I have never gotten and I really have never seen their chemistry on screen (maybe because both actors can't act). I think he and Dan will end up together. 

  39. i may be the only one, but i kinda wish chuck/serena woulda had a go round, but before blair/chuck because if it were after that would just make serena a bad friend. but i would like to see more chuck/serena friendship

  40. Tiffany Anderson7 November 2011 at 21:40

    I know, right? I also wish Rufus would take Chuck under his wing. 

  41. NOT Blair. Dair is endgame obviously, and I think Chuck and Ivy should be together :)

  42. I disagree. I don't think they made Chuck forget about Blair, I think Chuck made Chuck forget about Blair and he used the two girls as crutches to do it. I felt the relationship with Eva was all about Blair (because he wanted to be someone other than the person who had ruined what he treasured most), and the anger he felt at her leaving had more to do with the fact that Blair had not only left him but now she was FORCING him to deal with the loss and grief he had tried to escape from through Eva as well.

    Raina was about Chuck's daddy issues. That's about it.

  43. I agree with you about the term 'fling' for Elle and Raina and, as for Eva, I saw her as a projection of what Chuck believed he should want/be rather than what he actually did and who he was. So again, I agree.

    I also think both Elle and Raina were vehicles for reminding Chuck that his heart truly rested with Blair. Elle even told him as much right before she left and he realized it himself as soon as the s**t hit the fan with Russell Thorpe.

  44. But I think the keyword with Elle IS "runaway." That was precisely what Chuck's goal was, because, once again he'd lost everything. Blair, Bass Industries...and we know well that when Chuck destroys his life, he runs. What he saw in Elle was just the excuse to do it. Elle told him to give his heart to someone who deserved/wanted it and he went straight to Blair's house that night ready to try to win her back again.

    Just the way I saw it then and now.

  45. Whhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaatttttttttttttt? Ed and Leighton can't act?! Well, shoot. I guess I'm just easily impressed then because I feel every word that comes out of their mouths.


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