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POLL: What did you think of Doctor Who - The God Complex?

17 Sept 2011

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  1. Wow, a future classic for sure, that was brilliant :D

  2. I'm a man of few fears, but I hate ventriloquist dummies (though fear is a strong word).
    That added to the feel of the episode, thought it was fantastic. Not sure about the ending, hopefully it's temporary.

  3. bit weird but I thought it was good :)

  4. Amy and Rory will be back in two weeks. The Doctor will cheat death through some sort of stupid plot convenience. Nobody will die at all. The fans will be cheated. The producers will make more money. The writers will write even more bollocks explanations. The budget will get cut. We wont find out who River Song is. Questions wont be answered and the wait until Christmas will begin... I still love it though!!!!!

  5. It didn't scare me as much as I expected it to but still a very good episode. The ending left me in tears, yes I know we will see Amy and Rory again but this felt like the ending I expected them to have. 

  6. Awesome so very Awesome. 

  7. Loved it, would love to know what was in the doctor's room :D

  8. This the overall story was bit thin and drag in place, but it was good, enjoy it, like the ending totally unexpected

  9. It's kind of ridiculous that there are so many more questions this close to the end when S5 is still unresolved.

    RTD may not be as good at writing as Moffat but I prefer the self-contained seasons opposed to what Moffat is doing now.

  10. Very good episode. I'm not sure if I like the ending of the episode. It felt a little unsatisfying but we'll see.

  11. Well, I was sailing along having a wonderful time and then I stumbled in the scene where he was telling Amy to not have faith in him.  Had to watch that bit twice.  I understand the logic of it but...

    I loved the ep though.   The guest characters were awesome.  'You've managed to come up with a theory that's more insane than what's actually happening.'  Adored that Rory doesn't have any fears any closet anymore after hanging out with the Doctor

    I am completely NOT ready to see the end of Amy and Rory (I really really hope this isn't the last we see of them)  but I thought the episode serviced that quite nicely.  It felt like whatever the Doctor had to sever his faith in had something to do with Amy  and I really wanted him to say it out loud so I'd know if my theory was correct or not. :-)

    Very sweet goodbye scene between Amy and Rory.

  12. Since we heard the cloister bell I'm assuming it's Doc 12 ;)

  13. I think
    the biggest problem in the episode was that it was too easy for the
    Doctor to take Amy's faith away from her.

    But so many of the problems in the narrative of this episode stem
    directly from the writers having no idea of Amy as a character, as I
    discuss in more detail here:


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