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House - Season 8 - Time Leap Secret Revealed

7 Aug 2011

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In my House preview story earlier this week, series creator David Shore told me that Season 8 “will start months after Season 7.” What he neglected to reveal was how many months the show would be jumping forward: Twelve!

Read the full article here: click this link

Source: TVLine


  1. Makes sense. Plus, it should be pretty refreshing for the show overall to be able to sort of dust themselves off and begin anew. At least I hope it will be.

  2. What I'm most interested to see is how the dynamic of the team may have changed after a year without House. Was the team even working together? If not, what were they doing in the meantime? If they were who was in charge? Are they now used to listening to that person?

    Should be good.

  3. Yeah. I would actually want the team to actually continue to work together in House's absence and show that they would have been functioning well without him unlike the last time when House was in the asylum. This would create conflict between House and the team over the old ways of doing things and the new way of doing things which could last for several episodes or an entire season.

  4. Interesting. I hope this new start will actually mean the show being better, like it was in the first seasons. 

  5. pinkphoenix19857 August 2011 at 12:10


  6. The time leap is needed, but a time leap is sometimes just the warmup for jumping the shark.

  7. One year leap seems plausible...House would have done a considerable amount of time, the dusk would have settled from Cuddy leaving i like it

  8. One year in jail, and one or a few episodes. He deserved it. Then, who's the new dean, how does the new team works, (if the departement still exists), will Greg be needed ? That's a lot of questions and I hope David Shore won't give all the answers now.

  9. can we kill off cuddy and like charlie harper and house can keep cuddys kid and wilson can move in...hmmmmm the shit that happens in a year ... 

  10. now that was silly ... but we can kill her off and have house on sum hard core vikadin and other shit...... 

  11. can we have kutners twin brother apply for a job with house and we find out that this one was not adopted ... and lived in the uk and went to oxford and shit ... and is like the next house .....yup crazy shit that should happen

  12. Lol DUH after that finale they had to haha


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