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Nikita - A Michael Bay Movie Only With Good Acting!

6 Nov 2010

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Someone grab a mop and a bucket. I’m going to spill my guts. I simply love this show! Honestly, I want to be Nikita. I want the cool spy toys, the “off the grid” life, the couture fashion, and the hot guys in suits. Stop and ask yourself this question. Other than Mad Men, what other show has sexy guys in suits and ties? Nikita has it all – sexual tension, adrenaline rushes, and awesome eye candy. Why can’t my life be more like Nikita’s?

Now, I know what you’re thinking. We’ve seen this before. Girl assassin seeks to destroy the organization that’s made her a monster. But with this Nikita, it’s not what we’ve seen but what’s fresh that make it unique.

First and foremost – it’s the acting. Maggie Q excels at pulling off the rogue assassin Nikita. She helps us feel Nikita’s personal challenges to protect the recruits facing a similar fate as her, as well as, her sometimes irrational need for revenge against the man that owns this world; a world known as Division that even after her escape still controls her life.

Maggie faces considerable challenges portraying this character. She must keep the audience interested in her mission which could seem routine if it’s her only motivation. Thankfully, she’s able to focus on a broader range of issues showing her vulnerability and humanity. Plus, she has to help us love her. If we don’t care about Nikita, we don’t watch the show. And, she must provide the moral lesson each week. I sometimes worry when she’s given life’s lessons to share but, Maggie pulls it off without coming across as cheesy or artificial. She’s able to hit the gamut of emotions and let us feel what she’s feeling. One minute she’s a cold blooded killer taking out Division agents like she’s playing Call of Duty Black Ops and the next minute, she’s cooing over an orphaned Jack Russell Terrier.

Maggie takes us by the hand and guides us into Nikita’s world. We see her as a recruit; high spirited and magnetic and as a woman that just wants to love and be loved. We’re able to peek into her personality before she’s transformed into a killer. Maggie shares the heartbreak of this transformation and it’s palatable.

But, as many of you know, the backbone of the show is the relationship between Nikita and Michael. Shane West does a superb job of playing Michael to Maggie’s Nikita. Like Maggie, Shane has huge hurdles to leap. He must show the audience his feelings usually without the benefit of a word of dialogue. Shane is a master at conveying the turmoil brewing inside Michael over his loyalties for Division and his love for Nikita. Yes, I said love even though that’s a word that would stick in Michael’s throat. I can tell you that Shane’s Michael knows Nikita is his soul mate and hence the struggle within. Shane casts Michael as more of a tortured soul than even Nikita. Given Shane’s breadth of work, it’s not difficult to see how he’s able to push the audience to love Michael as much as Nikita loves him.

And of course honorable mentions go out to the supporting cast as well including Xander Berkeley as Percy – the greedy, narcissistic leader of Division; Lyndsy Fonesca as Alex – Nikita’s partner in her mission to destroy Division; Aaron Stanford as Birkhoff – the computer genius that never takes anything too seriously; Melinda Clarke as Amanda – the psychologist without a conscience; Ashton Holmes as Thom – the recently turned agent with a heart of gold; and Tiffany Hines as Jaden –Alex’s nemesis at Division.

And the other key element to the success of this show is the writing. The stable of writers are able to move the characters’ relationships forward within the backdrop of the world of espionage. The weekly threat of life or death situations intensifies the feelings these characters show for one another.

In the pilot, Michael chases Nikita into an alley. When faced with the reality that she would force him to kill her or let her go, Michael shares our first glimpse into his inner struggle. It isn’t just that once he was her teacher. Now, it’s more powerful than that. Now, he realizes there’s a deeper connection between them.

Later in the series, the tables are turned. Nikita takes Michael prisoner holding a gun to his head in order to escape a no win situation. Michael tells his partner, “She won’t hurt me” and the audience knows it runs both ways. She won’t hurt him. In fact, given the opportunity, she will save his life.

And that brings us to the title of this article. Division suspects Nikita is dead. Birkhoff confronts Michael about how he’s dealing with her death. Michael is visibly shaken by the discussion. He refuses to accept that Nikita’s gone. That’s because she is, as Birkhoff puts it, “a force of nature. Like a Michael Bay movie only with good acting.” And that’s truly a description for this series as a whole.


  1. This was a very interesting article to read. You've pointed out all the things about Nikita which I like. Thank you. :)

  2. Good article, agree with most of what you said but i hate Michael and Thom awful casting for those two

  3. Nice article. I enjoyed it. I can't say that I watch the show for guys in suits, though. :) Honestly, I think the relationship between Nikita and Alex is the best part of the show for me. As for the Michael Bay reference ("Like a Michael Bay movie only with good acting") I think they're giving Micheal Bay WAY too much credit. There's no depth of character in a Michael Bay movie.

  4. I've been anxious for the writers to expand on the relationship between Alex and Nikita. I think as the story continues to flashback on their developing relationship and we fast forward to a point when Alex is free of Division we will see more of what looks like a sister bond between the two.

  5. Thanks for checking out the article. I understand. Not everyone's going to be as Lady GaGa over the casting as I am.

  6. I've been meaning to check this show out, but the recent rush of spy related television (Undercovers, Nikita) made me retreat to my comfort zone (Chuck). I'm still undecided, but thanks for the article! It was well written. I will add what you've said to my list of reasons to watch a show about which I am still kind of undecided.

  7. Great review! Well constructed and it gives the show a little more boost (is this site at least ;p). I agree is an excellent show, is well written, very good acting, it has a little bit of everything... I hope that it continues to develop in a way that gets the rating that it needs for renewal.

    On another note though ;p, if by the dog reference you meant this weeks episode, than I think you have the breed wrong because that was definitely not a Jack Russel Terrier.

  8. Thanks, Jessica. I didn't think it was a Jack Russell Terrier but I was unsure of the breed so I went with my favorite. Perhaps they should've used a JR Terrier instead. They are so cute!

  9. Cadence - you won't be disappointed if you're looking for a show with all the elements I described. I'd love for you to check it out and let the Spoiler TV fans know what you think.

  10. You have echoed my sentiments about the show pretty well! I love that it is a really gritty action series with strong characters. Am hoping that next year Nikita will be paired with Supernatural once Smallville is gone.

  11. I agree with you,this is an interesting show,much more than the horrible one from the 90's.In fact,I'm surprised of finding such a mature show in the CW.Clearly,this is not Smallville,not even Supernatural,although I like both shows.This is real people with real feelings in a real world.Their relationships are no the typical teennage infatuation we find in TV,the CW is an example.Being an action show an not become unreal (like Alias) or lose
    the ability to make all characters believable to audience (Dollhouse) is a hard task to do.I hope producers keep trusting the show and give it a second session.

  12. Ok. LOVE this review. You described everything I love about this show. Specially Maggie and Shane's AMAZING acting (imo), and they're portrayal and the best, more badass, couple Mikita (Michael&Nikita). I'm glad you are a fan of them too! :D

  13. i agree, i am a huge chuck fan as well but i love nikita too. unlike undercovers nikita has depth and is more serious and has great fight sequences.


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