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7 Word Review - 27 April to 3 May - Review your shows in 7 words or less

3 May 2014

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Review this weeks TV in 7 Words or less
Sunday 27 April - Saturday 3 May

Always wanted to share your thoughts on the weeks TV? Well here is a fun (and challenging) way to do it. In only 7 words or less in the comments below review some of the episodes you have watched this week. You can be creative or straight to the point, but you only have up to 7 words.

To help get you started here are some examples of how it would look:

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D
Awesome cameo for a much improved episode

Person of Interest
Stronger than the first, interesting developments

Share your reviews in the comment box below. Good luck!

See previous 7 Word reviews here

CJ - Senior Staff
CJ aka “CJ Sonic” is a senior staff member at Spoiler TV, co-hosts and edits the Spoiler TV Podcast, co-hosts Spoiler TV's web show "Spoiled" and loads of other things for the site. He has recently started going to cons and dressing in cosplay. Total geek at heart.


  1. The Following - Disappointing Finale to an improved season overall

    Bates Motel - Poor Norman stuck in a nasty box

    Person of Interest - Kill Them All by Finch was chilling

  2. gisela natalia3 May 2014 at 10:04

    Grey's Anatomy - Briliant episode ! The ending was heartbreaking </3

  3. Once Upon a Time - Can we get some SwanQueen good scenes

  4. Supernatural: Bloodline - What the fuck is this shit now?

  5. gisela natalia3 May 2014 at 12:12

    Agreed ! Very emotional episode and definitely one of the greatest eps ever.. Burke and Cristina nailed it..

  6. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. — Trully MARVELous. Best episode to date.

  7. Elementary--Mycroft amazes (and tases) instead of lazes!

  8. Devon Maxwell-Pierce3 May 2014 at 14:04

    Elementary-- Sherlock loves Watson a little too much. </3

  9. Person of Interest: Awesome, they just keep getting better weekly.
    Continuum: Oh shit, things are messed up.
    Arrow: Thanks to this, I'm a wreck. (Positively)
    Game of Thrones: Nice, but kinda distant from the books.
    Orphan Black: Clone Club rocks (as always)!
    Supernatural: Worst one in living memory.

  10. Devon Maxwell-Pierce3 May 2014 at 14:06

    Elementary - All is fair in love and torture.

  11. Person of Interest- Prepare, the world is going to hell.
    Game of Thrones- Lions, wolves, flowers and dragons, oh my!
    Arrow- Taking all bets! Deathstroke vs. the Arrow.

  12. Person of Interest: And Carrie Preston gets all the Emmys.

  13. Linlighthouse3 May 2014 at 17:21

    How nice and organized! Don't remember the Junior Down Under Sopranos ep, but I'm not surprised :)

  14. Greys Anatomy - Burke is still a horrible awful areshole.

    Black Box - 99.9% of manic depressives aren't like that.

    BBT - Sheldon really does have a heart in there.

  15. Arrow: Seems like we’ll get more Laurel. Agh.

    Believe: Love this show! Much better that Touch.

    Black Box: Better. Still overacted. Still needs much improvement.

    Chicago Fire: Van Peeeelt! BOOM Wow! Another spin-off?

    Chicago PD: Sad for little girls. Loved Lindsay/Severide.

    Fargo: Wasn’t sure but now I’m keeping it.

    Game of Thrones: Amazing episode! So, baby white-crawlers huh?

    Grey’s Anatomy: I’ll miss the twisted sisters. Loved Japril.

    Hannibal: I hope he did slice the ginger.

    Hawaii 5-0 last week: A day all about nationalist propaganda. Annoying.

    Nashville: Hope Scarlett sticks with music, she’s awesome.

    Penny Dreadful: Very good. I’m intrigued. Love Eva Green.

    Reign: Wow! Go Mary! Hope the mercenary stays.

    Revenge: Hope Charlotte survives this war. Poor Victoria.

    Salem: Better. No likeable characters at all!

    Supernatural: Too piloty. Loved David, hated everything else.

    The 100: Wow, this keeps getting better.

    The Following: Ryan/Joe friendship sounds awesome. ♥ Max/Mike.

    The Tomorrow People: Wow. Hate bloody blonde bitch! Love Jastrid!

    The Vampire Diaries: Nice song always means Delena kiss. Steroline ♥

    Those Who Kill: Katherine rocked, bummed that Paul’s out.

    Overall: Double episodes are amazing. A thrilling ride.

  16. I agree on Black Box, it seems like they didn't even do a propper research. Also the actress portrays it awfuly.

  17. Kelly Reilly is a producer of the show, too ... so I guess she cannot fire herself.
    My co-worker said to me " you are so damn normal" which was nice as I was afraid that she would be afraid of me after watching that show

  18. Totally agree on The Following, I was kind of amazed it kept its greatness until like episode 13 but then the last two were dissapointing. Since last season they started downspiraling arround episode 5 I think it's an improvement, and who knows, maybe next season will be good thoughout.

  19. Thank you, i'm a little anal. :) Yeah it was a really funny episode. Tony and Junior were playing golf, and Tony kept making fish jokes. I thought Junior was going to have a stroke. lmao

  20. Linlighthouse3 May 2014 at 19:57

    Okay, now I remember it. I have to rewatch The Sopranos one day.

  21. Kathleen Kervin3 May 2014 at 20:23

    Arrow - It's up to us three ... and Laurel

    Black Box - How much misinformation can we fit in?

  22. Mentalist: Jane's boss looking good as security. ;)
    Those Who Kill: "Is this Heaven?" Super good series.
    Resurrection: Keeps getting weirder & weirder.
    Crisis: This is edge of your seat series.
    Blacklist: Would not want Red as a enemy.
    Following: Joe should be dead- Who's driving car?
    Person of Interest: Love the direction this series is going.
    Fargo: Billy Bob is PERFECT in this.
    Grimm: Wu needs to be told about Wesen.

  23. For me Bitten was so much worse, but not a fan of the SPN spin off.

  24. Supernatural Bloodlines: Don't call it Supernatural, not even close.

  25. Supernatura: What the hell was that?

  26. Another could be: Take Supernatural out this title RIGHT NOW!!!

  27. Now that you mention it.. I almost forgot about Bitten. Hm, now I'm not sure which one is worse. I'd have to actually rewatch Bitten, which is not likely to happen. :D

  28. FWBL: Best episode so far. Nick Zano <3
    Awkward: Not cool Matty, but Jenna deserves.
    Chicago Fire/PD: Heartbreaking. Really great episode. Lindseride rocks.
    The Originals: It was once good, but not anymore.
    Arrow: It prepared everything for the finals episodes.
    Reign: Francis and Leith was amazing.
    Vampire Diaries: Can this season be over like now?
    Hart of Dixie: Wade and Lemon scenes were the best.

  29. Supernatural: I miss Eric Kripke... very very much.

  30. I know right. It doesn't even follow the basic mythology of the monsters from Supernatural.

  31. At least the story line of Bitten was okay. Everything after that went downhill fast, but it at least has that up on Bloodlines. With bloodlines supernatural ruined yet another of my favorite monsters in the show by taking all the rule books for that monster, and burning it in holy fire before throwing it off the empire state building... I really miss the old supernatural...

  32. Yeah, I see your point. :/

  33. jensenfan19784 May 2014 at 20:07

    Supernatural - What the Hell did I just watch?

  34. Supernatural: I actually like it.
    Revenge: finally going somewhere.
    Nashville: Juliette + Jeff. DISGUSTING.
    Revolution: 3 weeks later and worst episode ever
    Once Upon A Time: It'd be better without Henry
    Agents of S.H.I.E.L;D: Robin is back!


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