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The Blacklist - Episode 1.21 - Berlin - Promotional Photos

3 May 2014

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  1. Anthoo Naranjo3 May 2014 at 15:02

    Yes!, Finally!. can't wait for monday!

  2. Red looks hilarious with that old school gun.

  3. Hmmmm...

    The promo showed a mysterious hooded man with hairy arms and hands.....
    Now we see John Glover in promo pics. Glover is certainly hirsute! XD
    Glover could easily be the hooded figure!

    Now, does the hooded hairy guy necessarily need to be Berlin? Could be misdirection, so no.
    He looks so friendly in the pics, but I would not be surprised if turned out to be the hooded figure...


  4. Is that a slice of brain tissue in that bag?

  5. everyoneissleeping3 May 2014 at 19:29

    There’s one thing I just don’t get... Why won’t they run Red’s DNA against Keen’s? It’s not like she would have much of a problem
    getting a sample from him: she stabbed the guy with a pen at one point and he
    didn’t hurt her in retaliation. I mean, I get it from the “good for drama”
    point of view (Did he lie to her? Is he related to her father? Did he mean that
    he isn’t her father in the sense in which Sam was, but didn’t necessarily mean
    that he wasn't her biological father? etc.), but for the characters to just
    refuse to do the obvious seems a bit silly. Other than that, I hope that Keen
    will, at some point, get to show off her skills because up till now it has been a whole lot of “Hey, I already figured it out and you still
    need Red to spell it out for you? You’re the profiler! Shouldn’t you be better
    at that?”... Not to mention the rather unimpressive decision to break Tom’s *thumb* after she handcuffed him...

  6. everyoneissleeping3 May 2014 at 19:37

    lol... try to contain your excitement ;-)

  7. SHIELDNCISfan3 May 2014 at 19:42

    I wonder why Red is under arrest again

  8. Don't expect the producers to answer the 'DNA test' question any time soon. Fans have been wondering that all season and the powers that be still don't say a peep about it.

  9. I've wondered that too....

    I go back and forth on what they want us to believe versus what could be true despite that... I never come to any firm conclusive honestly! XD
    Showrunners can be tricksy!

  10. everyoneissleeping3 May 2014 at 21:32

    He did admit to killing Keen’s father in that hospital, so it
    could be that. I guess.

  11. The thumb thing was preeeety stupid. even by Liz' standards (*ahem* National Archives *ahem*).
    I really think (and hope) that they are not blood related and I believe that TPTB are keeping silent about this to throw us off.


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