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Question of the Day - If TV was a Shared Universe....

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Welcome to another new week of Questions of the Day, I hope you all had great weekends!

Today's fun Question of the Day comes from Isaac who asks

If TV was a Shared Universe....

Grey's Anatomy/Private Practice, CSI/Without A Trace

Just two of the shows that have had cross-overs in the past few years. I'm interested to know what shows you would love to see cross-over.

Doesn't have to be the same network (e.g. What if one of the Desperate Housewives need House? Who would Dr. Mark Sloan sleep with on The Good Wife? What if Haddie from Parenthood went to McKinley High (Glee)?)

And it can even be from an old TV show. Sheldon (The Big Bang Theory) and the Bluth family (Arrested Development) anyone?

Any fun/interesting ideas?

Wow, great question and so many great possibilities.

I'd love to see a Lost crossover with The Walking Dead lol. Other ideas.

X-Files and Fringe! Now that would be a trip
True Blood and Vampire Diaries

So what about you. What fun/serious crossover can you think of?

You can see previous Questions of the Day here.

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