Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon 24: Live Another Day - 2 New Promos

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24: Live Another Day - 2 New Promos

30 Apr 2014

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  1. Monday people, MONDAY

  2. Bittersweet monday. Closer to 24, but also closer to 24 never existing ever again :'(

  3. When I heard "Premieres this monday" I LITERALLY GASPED! That's so soon! :D

  4. What? The new series has been confirmed renewable if the ratings are decent.

  5. There will be a Day 10. Bet the farm on it.

  6. I don't see why they would so clearly advertise this as an one and only event if they had intentions of having other seasons. But I do hope you guys are right.

  7. Wow, thanks! That's a whole bunch of information I had absolutely no idea about. Gave me hope :)


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