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Supergirl - Not expected to go to the CW

5 Sept 2014

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According to insiders, there is no deal yet in place, however the series is not expected to go to the CW, who was first pitched the project, and who, of course, houses both Arrow and The Flash.


  1. I guess Fox maybe?

  2. Arrow and Flash are great but I don't think the CW would be able to afford to do a series like this justice.

  3. damn it then where NBC? FOX? it would've awesome if the CW housed all three DC shows

  4. There's going to be like, 5, different DC universes on TV at the same time.

  5. That's what I'm thinking.

  6. Gotham would like a word with you.

  7. i meant present day heroes shows


    I don't mind superhero shows, but this is not something I would watch to begin with, and The CW only has 10 hours of primetime real estate, they do NOT need more than two superheroes right now. When Arrow starts winding down years from now, maybe. But if The CW is going to continue on their awesome path of programming great sci-fi/fantasy television series I'd be much happier to see original concepts or lesser-known source material. And I definitely never want them to do anything that relates to the Superman mythos. Smallville was bad enough. :)

  9. And Constantine. Also, iZombie will be airing on CW by midseason

  10. Well, i don't see why not. Aside from SPN, TVD, Originals and Arrow, all their shows are pretty much disposable.

    Aside from those shows, the rest does terrible numbers. If Flash retains Arrow's numbers it would seem to sugest that there's a steady audience from superheroe shows on The CW.

    They would be stupid if they don't do at least 2 more shows(I would be OK with a Supergirl and a Wonder Woman show... I wouldn't say no to a Red Lantern, but they could never pull something like that xD)

  11. Well that sucks. I guess i could see why. Too many DC shows on one Network. Where the hell is it gonna go? Fox? Ehhh

  12. Maybe they didn't want another super-hero show and are hoping to get something else that's different (The 100 seems to be doing well - and that's different than any other show they currently have). They already have Arrow and they added the Flash this season, so 3 would kind of be a lot.

  13. Yeah, it sounds like a lot to me too. Gotham looks like it might be good, but I think most people aren't going to want to watch 5 different superhero shows every week - I know I wouldn't.

  14. The 100 did pretty well last season and may do better this season - so that could work out well for them.

    I think it probably comes down to the fact that they already have Arrow & The Flash and will be getting iZombie at mid-season. That's three shows based on DC comics, they may not want to add a fourth.

  15. I'm kind of sad that it won't be on CW only because of Smallville. But 3 DC shows would be a lot.

  16. Well Hourman might eventually see the light.

  17. Don't think ABC or CBS will do it!
    So NBC, FOX and CW are the in the "running"! Most likely CW or NBC. Of course it will depend how dark they'll go with her story and character.

  18. Here is hoping HBO, FX, or AMC pick this up since the CW seems to have passed on it.

  19. True but it would've definitely had more chance at survival if it's on the CW though...

  20. Great news! Although CW is my favorite net, a character like this would benefit from a bigger network.
    The production value would be better.

  21. The Messengers isn't DC based, while Arrow, Flash, Gotham, Constantine and iZombie are.

  22. I am sad it won't be on CW. The shared tv universe would have been fun. I hope its not on FOX with its pattern of cancelling good shows.

    Could two shows existing in different channels share the same universe? Marvel is going to do it with AoS and their Netflix shows.

  23. Ironic it all started with Smallville as it's first Live Show and you think DC would shoot out one show at time but clearly Marvel gotten to them lol

    DC rules the TV universe while they stink at Movie universe lol

  24. Too bad. The CW needs more kick butt females.

  25. Pérola Cardozo Alves6 September 2014 at 00:36

    The thing is, even if Supergirl can have her own show, it needs to tie in with Superman in some way, otherwise will become too weird. I think Fox have their eyes set on a X-men-ish show, so they will probably pass it up, ABC won't look that way, NBC and CBS... Don't believe so. Maybe ABC Family wants to try it, but it has a really nice flow with their dramas right now, so...
    Yeah... Netflix may be the only home for it.

  26. Even if it does not air on CW, will the show be in the same universe as the other DC shows?

  27. I don't see this working on a cable network.


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