Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Orphan Black - Renewed for Season 3

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Orphan Black - Renewed for Season 3

9 Jul 2014

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  1. Was there ever any doubt?

  2. Justyna Kubica9 July 2014 at 22:54

    Finally! Great news!

  3. N.I.D but good to know!

  4. Jonathan_Andre9 July 2014 at 22:55

    i wonder if it's for another 10 episode season or is it a bit longer? i'm fine with either. it's just interesting they didn't specify how many episodes...

  5. A surprise to absolutely no one.

  6. Finally, I'm so happy, it's gonna be a long wait to see the Clone Club again.

  7. Well I felt like we had to sweat it out, BTBH I'm also not familiar with how BBC America Rolls...

  8. Orphan Black is perfect. I hope it can be good for four or five seasons.

  9. I just watched both seasons for the first time in a matter of 3 days and it was awesome. This is great news.

  10. YES, more Alison, Cosima, and more episodes per season! 4 THE SISTRAHOOD OF TRAVELING CLONES, I can still be Nobody!!!

  11. Welcome to Clone Club!! :D

  12. It would be nice to get a few more episodes in!

  13. Right, so who do we threa.............write to so this can happen? Nobody, 4 NOW!!!

  14. Hallelujah! Seemed like a no-brainer to me, but it's always worrisome to not have confirmation on the renewal of a favorite show...even when it's brilliant.

  15. Phew. The fact that it hadn't already been renewed was honestly beginning to worry me a bit.

  16. Hahahaha! Obviously we need to "get to" the Execs at BBC America! :p

  17. Thanks this show was non stop action off the hook at the end of ever episode i was like omg whats net lol

  18. Lolol

    My first thought was .....

    Well duh, it's about time TPTB (the powers that be) finally decided to announce what we all KNEW was going to happen !

  19. And There Was Much Rejoicing!
    (In other news, the Emmys decided they were for actresses other than Tatiana...)

  20. Lo, and the Writer-Gods did decree that Orphan Black would extend unto season three, yea, sending their chosen messenger unto Clone Club, who had rent nigh all their raiment in expectant anxiety, to spread the most wonderful and fearful word, and there was much rejoicing among the faithful, and dancing and consuming of edibles in the manner of which the messenger was exemplar ;)

  21. No surprise. THough Happy!

  22. That's great! I was curious about Orphan Black, so I've been marathon-watching the show over the weekend. It is sooo good! Season 1 had be so hooked that once I started, I couldn't go to bed until I was done. I am really loving
    it so far, and looking forward to marathon-watching season 2 later today.


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