Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon Mastodon The Walking Dead - Episode 4.02 - Infected - Sneak Peek 2

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The Walking Dead - Episode 4.02 - Infected - Sneak Peek 2

14 Oct 2013

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Thanks to for the heads up.


  1. Why is someone feeding the zombies?

  2. Could this be the Governor giving mice/rats to the zombies? It's about time for Phil to show up again.

  3. cool clip, looks like the Governor's possibly back? wonder why they don't have anyone on sentry duty in the towers at least

  4. I'm sure that this is NOT the Governor. I don't expect him to return before the mid-season-finale. He will not appear before the moment when nobody expects that he is back to fu** everybody. But I would not wonder if the Governor has already a spy into the prison.

  5. for some reason i really think it was one/some of those girls trying to name them. to name them they are treating them almost like pets, so i could see them being dumb enough to try to feed them too. is it completely terrible i hope those girls are the first to go?

  6. This makes absolutely sense. This Woodbury-kids seem to still not realize what happens outside. Carl probably would like to go for a walk with them. *lol*

  7. I am convinced that this is one of the children who feeds the zombies. When I watched the first episode I couldn't help myself thinking of the stories that Carole tells to the children among other things. It's made me remember of one bedtime stories, that monsters are not dangerous that they are just misunderstood, they can be our friends. Maybe one of the childrens now sees the zombies as friendly pets because of Carole.

  8. The episode is so very Interesting and amazing for watch .


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